Hi Vivian, do you wanna watch movies, such as Kongfu Panda, Hancock, The dark night( released 17thJuly) or wanted (released 31July)? Thuesday is cheaper....call me if you are interested in any above movies.....
Hi Vivian, do you wanna watch movies, such as Kongfu Panda, Hancock, The dark night( released 17thJuly) or wanted (released 31July)? Thuesday is cheaper....call me if you are interested in any above m ...
如果坐火车在Centre Station下来后,就在Elizabeth Street和Edward Street十字路口附近有一家,步行5Min就可到,具体地址 Brisbane City - Elizabeth Street Office [CSC] (LRM)
229 Elizabeth Street
Brisbane 4000
(The Elizabeth Street office does not conduct drivers licence practical testing or inspect vehicles for motor vehicle registration)
进去先拿号排队,根据申请分类拿号,Oversea licence Transfer 服务。然后自己到一边桌上拿申请表格,都有详细说明,哪类申请人该拿哪种表格,我是Transfer Oversea licence to Queensland licence,就拿黄颜色的表格,网站上也可查到,其实和第一次申请驾照的是同一种表格,填写。上面会问你打算交验哪些A类和B类文件作为身份证明和地址证明,详细见本贴第7页187~190楼,如果你用信用卡什么的作为身份证明,不用写出卡号,表格上也有提示。