I will reply the post in English temporarily for computer problems.
As I said before, Brisbane processing centre will be in charge of onshore skilled e-visa while Adelaide processing centre will continue to deal with offshoer e-visa and paper visa applications.
Due to floods of applications at the moment, most of applicants will experience delay on visa processing. It's hard to predict when it will be your turn to be allocated a case officer. However, if the advised time schedule has been exceeded enormously, you can lodge the complaints through your migration agent.
Last thing I need to remind you is you didn't mention your sponsorship in your 475 application. Have you already obtained the sponsorship through State arrangement or your relative?
TRA new MAP policy currently is in a slight delay. It is of my opinion that this policy will not take effect in the near future as a result of strong opposition from trade occupations.
请教几个问题,我在Tasmania,我2010年master of accounting毕业后,移民打分会是115,无学士学位的5分,我想申请州政府担保移民,想问一下,如果我走边远地区移民,是申请487还是887?487签证有哪些权利? 如果申请487后在Tasmania待的两年中,如果我上tafe学习,按照国际留学生收费还是能享受到pr的上学福利? 如果487以后转887,那时我就31岁,是不是还要重新打分?因为我的年龄分就按30岁的25分算了,又少了5分,谢谢。