I am willing to commence a lower level for my first job in Australia as part of my career plan in the Australian market and when i have gained more experience in a couple of years i will reconsider my situation.
1. modify you resume, use ambiguous titles like Assistant Manager, etc, then explain in interviews
2. say this in your cover letter: "i am new to Australia and realized that i have to rebuild my career, and i am prepared and willing to start from junior positions to regain working experience in Australia. Furthermore i am confident that my experience will bring valuable contribution to your organization"
... etc ... try to be logical and coherent ...
... dat's what i did - hide management experience and apply for skill-based jobs, then prove what you can do ...
I am willing to commence a lower level for my first job in Australia as part of my career plan in the Australian market and when i have gained more experience in a couple of years ...