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[澳洲英语] ABC 90'' 新闻 听力和文字本 整理分享

 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2010 00:14:58 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 27-9-2010 12:56:43 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.23 Thur


Leading the news this morning:

Canada considers whether to send its athletes to the Delhi Commonwealth Games, amid increasing safety concerns. Australian discus thrower Dani Samuels and two English athletes have already pulled out. In the latest incident, a ceiling at the weightlifting venue partially collapsed. The head of the Games Federation is now seeking an emergency meeting with India's prime minister to discuss the growing concerns.

Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has indicated the government is prepared to consider a carbon tax. It follows growing support in the business community. Mr Combet says putting a price on carbon is an important economic reform. He is determined to push ahead with it.

A pregnant woman is among a group of Chinese detainees conducting another rooftop protest at Sydney's Villawood Detention Centre. On Tuesday, eleven asylum seekers ended their protest after meeting with officials from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. This latest group is demanding to speak to a high-ranking department official.

A group of aborigines who fled their remote Northern Territory community will be given welfare assessments in Adelaide today. The 30 children and 60 adults left Yuendumu when violence erupted after a local man died. The Federal Government has now promised to assist the families.

And violence has erupted in parts of East Jerusalem after an Israeli security guard fatally shot a Palestinian man. Israeli police fired tear gas at protesters throwing stones.

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 楼主| 发表于 27-9-2010 13:14:11 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.24 Fri

Leading the news this morning.

The head of the Commonwealth Games organising committee says he's confident enough can be done to stop any teams pulling the pin on the games. Eight countries are threatening to withdraw if their concerns unaddressed. The Indian government has held crisis talks and the president of the Games Federation is holding more meetings with Indian officials today about problems with the facilities.

Nine Chinese detainees are continuing their roof-top protest at Sydney's Villawood Detention Centre. They want a quick resolution to their applications to stay in Australia. The nephew of a Fijian detainee who jumped to his death from the roof on the centre on Monday has been released from detention.

Barack Obama has called on world leaders to back the Middle East peace talks. The US president has told the United Nations General Assembly to put aside pessimism and cynicism and get behind the relaunched talks. He says the bloodshed will continue unless the Palestinians and Israelis can find a way to co-exist.

A second round of strikes against pension reform have thrown France into chaos. Half the rail services have been cancelled causing major disruptions on the Paris metro. Thousands of demonstrators also marched through city streets, they're protesting against the plan to raise the retirement age to 62.

And a speeding goods trains has killed seven elephants in India.

pessimism  n.  悲观主义
cynicism   n.  犬儒主义,玩世不恭,冷嘲热讽
bloodshed  n.  流血, 虐杀

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 楼主| 发表于 28-9-2010 11:53:20 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.25 Sat

In Business News:

The price of gold has hit a new high after going to 1,300 dollars an ounce. The move was the results of concern over the global economic outlook as gold is seen by investors as a safe refuge. There’s particular uncertainty(口误) in developed economies about the prospects for inflation.

A United States congressional panel has turned up the pressure on China over the yuan, approving a bill that would let the US slap duties on goods from countries with undervalued currencies. It's a move likely to increase trade tensions with China. The House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee backed the legislation on a voice later today and cleared the way for the full House to take it up next week.

And to the market numbers now, gold is slightly lower than its overnight record high of 1,300 dollars an ounce. Oil is trading higher. In the US, the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 have both closed higher.

Back home now, and the Australian shares ended the week in the red. The All Ords was down 28 points. The ASX 200 was 32 points off. And checking currencies, the Australian dollar is buying about 96 US cents and 60 pence.

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 楼主| 发表于 28-9-2010 12:08:21 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.27 Mon

The Middle East peace process teeters on a knife-edge with a ten-month ban on building in Jewish settlements in the West Bank about to end. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging settlers to show restraint. Palestinian leaders have threatened to walk out of the talks if construction resumes. Attempts to reach a compromise have so far failed, but the United States remains hopeful the peace talks will continue.

Virgin Blue passengers are facing more delays as the airline struggles to clear a backlog after yesterday's computer glitch. Thousands of passengers across the country were stranded yesterday when Virgin's check-in computer system went down. It's now up and running again, but some flights have still been cancelled.

Australian athletes will begin arriving in Delhi today as work continues to fix problems at the athletes' village, but cyclist Travis Meyer and table tennis player Stephanie Sang won't be among them. They are the latest to pull out of the Games, saying they are concerned about their health and safety.

Scott Rush returns to a Bali court today in his bid to avoid the death sentence. Prosecutors will be responding to a testimony by former Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty supporting Rush's appeal.

And Jewish activists have set sail from Cyprus in the latest bid to break Israel's blockade of Gaza. It follows a similar attempt by a Turkish ship four months ago. Eight activists died when the Israelis' military raided the flotilla.

teeter vi.   摇晃地站立或移动
restraint  n. 抑制, 遏制, 管制, 约束
backlog  n.积压未办之事, 积压的工作
glitch  n.
小故障, 失灵, 小事故

testimony  n.(法庭上证人的)证词

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 楼主| 发表于 29-9-2010 12:21:05 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.28 Tue

Leading the news this morning:

The bulldozers are back in the West Bank. The Palestinian leaders have yet to decide if they'll stick with the peace talks. They threaten to walk if Israel resume(s) building in its West Bank settlements. They say they'll decide what to do after meeting Arab leaders next week.

The ABC has reported the Indian Commonwealth Games have been plagued by corruption and nepotism. It understands as much as a quarter of the costs have gone to corrupt bureaucrats and business leaders. The Games' original budget of 500 million dollars has ballooned to close to five billion dollars.

Three Australian soldiers facing charges over a firefight in Afghanistan that killed five children are vowing to clear their names. One soldier has been charged with manslaughter; the two others are facing lesser charges of failing to follow orders and dangerous conduct.   

Virgin Blue says customers are still facing long waiting times at some airports as it struggles to get flight schedules back to normal. So far, no flights have been cancelled. Some passengers spent a second night stranded after the airline's check-in computer crashed on Sunday.

Industry groups in New South Wales are warning a scheme to promote solar power is encouraging dodgy installation companies to set up. The scheme pays households for the excess electricity. The Department of Fair Trading has confirmed complaints about installation companies have skyrocketed since the scheme began.

bulldozer   n.  推土机
nepotism    n.  优待亲戚, 重用亲戚, 裙带关系
bureaucrat  n.  官僚, 官僚主义者, 官僚作风的人
balloon     vi. 乘气球上升; 膨胀如气球;迅速增加
dodgy       adj.冒险的, 危险的;躲躲闪闪的,支支吾吾的,会掩饰的;[俚]机警的, 巧妙的
skyrocket   vi. 突升, 猛涨

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 楼主| 发表于 29-9-2010 12:21:35 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 30-9-2010 13:50:47 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 30-9-2010 13:53:20 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.29 Wed

Leading the news this morning:

The Coalition’s denying that Labor has scored an early tactical win in the battle for deputy speaker. Coalition MP Peter Slipper got the job after Labor nominated him. He beat the Opposition's nominee Brute Score in a secret ballot.

And when Federal Parliament resumes this morning, it’ll debate changes to the way the House of Reprehensive(s) operates. They are part of a rough to parliamentary reforms negotiated with the independent MPs. The government’s also planning to introduce 19 pieces of legislation which lapsed when the election was called in July.

In an embarrassing security breach, police in Victoria have found secret files belonging to anti-corruption bodies including ASIO during a drug raid. Police discovered the documents during a search on a Melbourne house two weeks ago. Police are investigating whether a former employee at Victoria's Office of Police Integrity stole those files.

Mexico's worst rainy season on record is being blamed for a mudslide that’s buried a remote mountain town in the state of Oaxaca. Seven people are dead and at least 100 are now missing. There’re fears the toll could rise steeply.

And in Columbia at least 20 people have been buried by a mudslide in the country's northwest. Officials say rescuers were trying to dig through the rubble but they are unlikely to find anyone alive. It's believed the mudslide was triggered by heavy rains in that mountainous region.

steeply adv.  陡的, 急剧升降的

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 楼主| 发表于 3-10-2010 14:47:03 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.30 Thur

Leading the news this morning:

A senior commando officer has told the ABC a decision to charge three Australian soldiers involved in the deaths of Afghan civilians has incensed his colleagues. Four children were among six people killed in an attack in February last year. The officer, who does not want to be identified, has also criticized the process for taking so long.

The Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull says he is not interested in demolishing the National Broadband Network. But Mr Turnbull said the cost of the NBN is too high. He made the comments during a debate with the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy.

In British politics, David Miliband won't be part of his brother's new shadow cabinet. The former foreign secretary says he wants to recharge his batteries. Mr Miliband narrowly lost the Labour leadership ballot to his brother Ed.

Europeans are showing their anger at government budget cuts. About 50,000 protesters from 30 countries are demonstrating in Brussels. They say they shouldn't have to shoulder the financial burden for mistakes made by financial institutions.

US Middle East envoy George Mitchell has met Israel's prime minister on his mission to keep the peace talks on track. Several compromises are on the table, including restricting West Bank construction to the main settlements. Mr Mitchell is due to meet the Palestinian president tomorrow.

incense 使发怒, 激怒,使大怒

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 楼主| 发表于 3-10-2010 14:57:59 | 只看该作者
[quote]原帖由 熊猫阿三 于 3-10-2010 14:47 发表
【日期】10.1 Fri
http://download.putclub.com/newu ... 20101001abcnews.mp3
Leading the news this morning:

Burmese officials say democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will be released from detention next month as scheduled. Her lawyers say she is yet to be told. And they remain skeptical that this will actually happen. The Nobel Peace laureate won the country's last general election in 1990, but spent of course most the last (next口误) two decades in detention after a military coup.

The first week of the new Federal Parliament is over, but not without some teething problems. Speaker Harry Jenkins is frustrated with aspects of the new rules governing Question Time. And many MPs are still finding their feet.

A teenage boy is in a serious condition (after口误) in hospital after an overnight shooting in Adelaide. The 17-year-old was shot in the neck at a tattoo parlour in the city centre. Police are still investigating that matter.

And a state of emergency has been declared in Ecuador. Troops have taken over the main airport and there's been unrest in several towns. Police and the army have been protesting against government plans to cut their pay.

And the US Middle East envoy is no closer to securing further direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. George Mitchell's meeting yesterday with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas ended inconclusively. Mr Abbas has threatened to pull out of the talks if an Israeli freeze on settlement building isn't extended.

Burmese 缅甸人,缅甸的

skeptical adj.
1. 怀疑性的,好怀疑的,〈口〉无神论的
2. 怀疑论的,不可知论的 ;怀疑宗教教条的

parlour n. 1. 客厅; 接待室2. 营业室, 业务室

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 楼主| 发表于 3-10-2010 15:00:15 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
pinxinge + 30 谢谢分享!



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发表于 4-10-2010 12:30:21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 熊猫阿三 于 3-10-2010 15:00 发表

Holiday is always busy.

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 楼主| 发表于 6-10-2010 11:48:48 | 只看该作者
原帖由 pinxinge 于 4-10-2010 12:30 发表

Holiday is always busy.


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 楼主| 发表于 6-10-2010 12:51:03 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.4 Mon

These are today's top stories.

The Prime Minister Julia Gillard has made a surprise visit to Afghanistan. Ms Gillard flew into Kabul to see Australian troops ahead of a trip to Brussels. It's her first visit overseas as Prime Minister. She also met with Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai to discuss Australia's military presence.

St George Illawarra has taken out this year's NRL premiership, beating the Sydney Roosters 32 points to 8. The Roosters' hopes of going from wooden spooners to premiers in one year were dashed as the Dragons stormed home in the second half.

Nearly 100,000 heavily-armed police and soldiers are in place for the opening ceremony of the New Delhi Commonwealth Games. The ceremony kicks off in a few hours, marking the start of the most trouble-plagued sporting event in recent history. Nearly 7,000 athletes and officials from 71 nations will take part in the event.

And the US government is set to issue a travel alert to Americans in Europe. It's believed to be in response to what have been described as credible terrorist threats. Security agencies have suggested there are plans to mount attacks in European cities, similar to those in Mumbai in November of 2008.

Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2010 11:24:20 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2010 17:26:39 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.5 Tue

Leading the news this morning:

Sydney police are investigating a second death linked to a Taser. A man died when police used a Taser while trying to arrest him in Sydney's west. A day earlier, another man died when police tried to subdue him during a brawl. They denied a witness’s accounts that a Taser was used. And in Western Australia, the state's Crime Commission has found police are misusing Tasers. In one incident, a man was tasered 13 times at a Perth watchhouse.

NATO secretary general is calling for stronger ties with Australia. Anders Fogh Rasmussen has praised Australia’s commitment to Afghanistan during a meeting with the prime minister in Brussels. He's told Julia Gillard he'd like to promote closer ties with Australia at a Lisbon summit next month.

Homeowners are bracing for another interest rate rise today. The Reserve Bank has tipped to increase interest rates by a quarter of one per cent despite the monthly inflation gauge hardly moving in September.

Australian swimmers have won three gold and two silver medals at the Commonwealth Games. The 4x100m relay team capped off a good night in the pool by beating England and defending champion South Africa. The men's artistic gymnastics team also won their first ever gold medal.

A pioneer of IVF has won this year's Nobel Prize for medicine. Eighty-five-year-old British Robert Edwards began working on IVF in the 1950s. In 1978, Louise Brown became the first baby born using the fertility treatment. The Vatican has criticized the award, describing IVF as immoral.
subdue [səbˈdju:]  vt.   征服; 克制
brawl  [brɔ:l] n.吵架, 打架
accounts n.  记述, 描述, 报道

厚度, 直径
规格, 尺度

计量, 度量
估计, 判断

cap off:  finish or complete, as with some decisive action;
          eg: "he capped off the meeting with a radical proposal"

fertility treatment 不孕治疗(人工受精?)

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发表于 10-10-2010 20:09:30 | 只看该作者




参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
熊猫阿三 + 30 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2010 11:45:25 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.7 Thur

Australia won six swimming gold medals on the third night of competition at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi. Leisel Jones won gold in the 200m breaststroke ahead of compatriots Tessa Wallace and Sarah Katsoulis who took the silver and bronze medals. Australia's medal tally stands at 21 gold, 15 silver and 10 bronze.

Australian Federal Police and overseas agencies have carried out raids on a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank which makes banknotes. Employees and agents of Securency International are being investigated over allegations of corruption in securing international polymer banknote contracts. The British government’s Serious Fraud Office says properties in Melbourne, the UK and Spain were raided last night. Two men were arrested in the UK.

A new report from the Center of Independent Studies says it's wrong for politicians to pretend that they can stop population growth. The Populate and Perish report says, no matter what measures we take, Australia's population will reach 29 million by 2050.

The Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has met the British Defense Secretary Liam Fox to discuss Australia's role in Afghanistan. Back home, ANU defense expert Professor Paul Dibb has accused the Opposition of political opportunism in calling for extra troops and resources for Afghanistan.

In Yemen, a British embassy official has been injured in an attack on a diplomatic car in the capital  Sana'a. Militants fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a British embassy car, injuring a staff member and three bystanders.
tally   n.  账; 记录; 比分; 得分
subsidiary n.附属事物, 附属机构, 子公司
polymer  n.聚合物(体)
rocket-propelled   a. 用火箭推进的
grenade   n.  〈军〉手榴弹
bystander  n.  看热闹的人,旁观者

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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2010 12:15:40 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.6 Wed


On her first international trip as Prime Minister, Julia Gillard has admitted the foreign relation is not her passion. The Prime Minister is at the Asia-Europe Meeting in Brussels, meeting with foreign dignitaries there.

A state of emergency has been declared in Hungary where a toxic mud spill has swamped three villages. At least four people died and more than 120 people were injured when the red sludge burst from a dam at an aluminum plant. Emergency services are trying to stop the mud from flowing into major waterways.

The man convicted of an attempted car bomb attack in New York’s Times Square has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. Earlier this year, Faisal Shahzad pleaded guilty to weapons and terrorism charges. At his sentencing, he told the judge that war with the Muslims has just begun and the US was facing imminent defeat.

A French financial trader has been sentenced to jail for masterminding one of the biggest trading frauds in history.  Jerome Kerviel was found guilty of betting nearly 70 billion dollars of Societe  Generale's money without the bank's knowledge. The bank says his covert stock trades lost more than seven billion dollars.

And it's been another golden day for Australia’s athletes in Delhi. Australia won another five gold medals at the Commonwealth Games overnight. Anne Meares led Australia’s winning site in the cycling, breaking her own record to take gold in the women's 500m time trial. Medals in cycling, swimming and gymnastics helped take Australia’s gold medal tally to nine.

dignitary   [ˈdiɡnitəri]  n.   显要人物; 权贵
toxic   [ˈtɔksik] adj.  有毒的;因中毒引起的
sludge  [slʌdʒ] n.软泥,淤泥,矿泥,煤泥
aluminum [ˌælju:-ˈminjəm] n. 铝
parole  [pəˈrəul] n. 假释, 有条件释放
imminent  [ˈiminənt] adj. (通常指不愉快的事)即将发生的, 逼近的
  The black clounds show that a storm is imminent.   乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。
mastermind  [ˈmɑ:stəmaind] n. 策划者; 操纵者; 策划; 操纵

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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2010 14:49:28 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.8 Fri
http://download.putclub.com/newu ... 20101008abcnews.mp3
The top stories this hour:

Farmers are warning that proposal to slash water allocations along the Murray-Darling would cause job losses and push up food prices. The proposal is expected to recommend deep cuts to irrigators' water entitlements. The plan will be released tomorrow and will apply equally across the basin states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

The Aussie dollar is edging closer towards parity with the greenback, hitting its highest level in 27 years. It climbed to 99 US cents today. Analysts say the latest surge has added to the case for an interest rate rise.

The Victorian government has lost two senior ministers just seven weeks from the state election. Police Minister Bob Cameron is stepping down for family reasons and the Energy Minister Peter Batchelor is retiring after 20 years in politics. Mr Batchelor said his decision to leave was prompted in part by a recent health scare.

And there're renewed calls for abortion to be decriminalized in Queensland. Healthcare Company  Marie Stopes International is leading the charge, arguing that most people believe abortion is a right, not a crime. The company surveyed 1000 people and found the vast majority want abortion to be removed from the criminal code.

Those are the latest headlines. Later on, business is next.
entitlement   [inˈtaitlmənt] n.  授权, 有资格   有权得到的东西
parity   n.  同等, 相等, 对等

abortion 堕胎
decriminalize   vt.   非刑事化

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 楼主| 发表于 12-10-2010 12:50:54 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.11 Mon

Azaria Chamberlain's father says another inquest into her death could begin early next year. Northern Territory officials are preparing a new investigation. That's 30 years after the baby disappeared at Uluru.  This morning, Doctor Michael Chamberlain told ABC News Breakfast a 1995 inquest that handed down an open verdict was biased. He says the coroner refused to rule that a dingo took Azaria because he was protecting Northern Territory's interests in tourism.

A West Australian man who was tasered 13 times by police says he wasn't given the option of pressing charges against the officers. Security vision of the 2008 incident was released by the Corruption and Crime Commission last week. Police say Kevin Spratt chose not to press charges and two officers involved in the incident were fined. But Mr. Spratt says he wants the officers stood down and charged with assault.

Serbian police have clashed with protesters who were trying to disrupt a Gay Pride parade in the capital, Belgrade. Police used tear gas against those rioters who threw petrol bombs and bricks at officers. At least 44 people were injured in that incident. It was the first Gay Pride parade in Serbia since a march in 2001 was broken up in violent clashes.

Emergency workers in Hungary are battling to contain toxic sludge that swept across the country. Hungary's environment minister says the wall of a reservoir containing the waste is now on the brink of collapse. Now if that dam leaks, it could release another half a million cubic meters of sludge into waterways. The spill has killed seven people and injured more than 100.

inquest  [ˈinkwest]
【律】审讯[问], 查询, 调查; 验尸
陪审团; 验尸团

hand down  vb to leave to a later period or generation; bequeath

verdict  [ˈvə:dikt]
n. (陪审团的)裁决, 裁定

Serbian   [ˈsə:bjən]

parade   [pəˈreid]
vt. & vi. (使)集合接受检阅,  游行; 列队行进

reservoir    [ˈrezəvwɑ:]
n.  水库 ,  储藏, 汇集

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 楼主| 发表于 14-10-2010 12:12:47 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.12 Tue

Hello. The Immigration Minister Chris Bowen will meet the East Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta today. Mr Bowen arrived in East Timor last night. It'll be the first round of direct talks with the East Timorese government about a proposed regional refugee processing centre. Dr Ramos-Horta has said any processing centre in East Timor would be temporary. And he wants guarantees that asylum seekers would leave after three years.

Regional communities are gearing up for a fight as public consultations on the Murray-Darling Basin plan begin today. Shepparton in Central Northern Victoria has been chosen for the first round of talks. Irrigators say plans to slash their water allocations could destroy their livelihoods. The Government hopes the plan will help revive the ailing river system.

Australian sprinter Sally Pearson has bounced back to claim gold in the 100m hurdles final with a resounding win overnight. Steve Hooker, meanwhile, won his second consecutive Commonwealth gold in the pole vault. Australia still leads the medal tally with 64 gold medals, 40 silver and 39 bronze.  

A Greek policeman has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering a schoolboy in 2008. The incident sparked mass unrest in Athens and neighbouring cities. The 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos was shot dead in December, 2008.

Israel has offered to renew a partial freeze on settlement building if the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. But a Palestinian spokesman has rejected the condition.
ailing   [ˈeiliŋ]  adj.   不舒服的, 生病的
sprinter   [ˈsprintə] n.  短距离全速奔跑者, 短跑运动员
hurdle   [ˈhə:dl] n.  跳栏, 栏架
resound(指名声、事件等)广为传颂, 广泛传播
resounding   adj.   鸣响的, 回响的, 回荡的, 响亮的 ;  (指事件等)令人瞩目的
consecutive   [kənˈsekjutiv] adj.  连续的, 连贯的
pole vault    n.  撑杆跳

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发表于 15-10-2010 20:55:46 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 18-10-2010 11:47:14 | 只看该作者
原帖由 飞雪888 于 15-10-2010 20:55 发表


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 楼主| 发表于 18-10-2010 12:25:10 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.13 Wed

US President Barack Obama is preparing to end the ban on deep-water oil and gas drilling. The ban was imposed after the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says there will be new requirements for companies allowed to drill exploratory wells.

Sydney police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man in the city's southwest. The 37-year-old man was found with gunshot wounds at a home in Mount Pritchard. He was treated by paramedics but died at the scene. Two men were arrested and have been questioned by police.

Australia is still well behind other countries when it comes to equal pay and opportunities for women. Australia has dropped three places to 23rd in the World Economic Forum annual gender gap index. The index measures how income resources and opportunities compare between men and women. Australia was ranked behind Mozambique and Lesotho. Iceland, Norway and Finland topped the list.

Regional Australia is still struggling to attract doctors according to a new report. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has released the findings of the 2009 Medical Labour Force Survey. It found there were fewer than 190 doctors in outer regional areas for every 100,000 people. But this figure jumps to more than 370 for people in major cities.

More than 300,000 people have taken to the streets in Paris to protest against pension reforms. The government wants to raise the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62. Flights have been cancelled and transport systems disrupted.

paramedic: A paramedic is a medical professional, usually working as part of the emergency medical services provision in a given area.  急救人员

Lesotho   [liˈsu:]  n.   莱索托(非洲南部一王国,首都Maseru)

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 楼主| 发表于 18-10-2010 12:38:17 | 只看该作者
【日期】10.14 Thu

Leading the news this morning:

Optimism at the Chilean mine continues to grow with more than half of the miners now rescued. Twenty-one miners have now been winched to safety, and authorities say the operation is now running ahead of schedule.

Schapelle Corby has been accused of faking mental illness in jail. A Supreme Court judge has advised Indonesia's president to cut her jail term. But a report by the jail's governor claims she's faking it could actually hinder her bid for clemency.

Monash University is preparing to slash up to 300 jobs because of a slump in international student enrollments. The university is looking to cut 45 million dollars from next year's budget. Monash Vice Chancellor Ed Byrne said softening in demand in international markets would affect the education sector.

The Immigration Minister Chris Bowen says Indonesia has backed Australia's idea for a regional agreement to deal with the asylum seekers. But Indonesia's director general of immigration says he believes the processing center in East Timor would lead to more asylum seekers in Indonesia. Mr Bowen says that concern wasn't raised with him during talks in Jakarta yesterday.

And the Australian dollar is closing in on parity. It’s hit a new high against the US dollar. It's now fetching 99.29 US cents as it edges closer to that parity position. This is the highest point since the currency was floated in 1983. And gold has also rocketed to a record high off the back of the weak US dollar. At its highest point, it reached more than 1370 dollars overnight.
winch  [wintʃ]
n.卷扬机, 绞车, 辘轳
vt 用卷扬机移动…

clemency  [ˈklemənsi] n.宽容; 仁慈 (尤指气候等)温和

接来(某人), 取来(某物)  Have you fetched the doctor?  你把医生接来了吗?
使发出; 吸引  The beauty of the lake fetched her completely.  湖上的美景把她完全吸引住了。
售得(若干价钱)  How much do you suppose these old books would fetch?  你看这些旧书能卖多少钱?
抵达, 到达  He fetched home after his long ride.  骑了很久之后他回到了家。

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发表于 18-10-2010 15:48:53 | 只看该作者

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