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[澳洲英语] ABC 90'' 新闻 听力和文字本 整理分享

 楼主| 发表于 31-8-2010 01:40:41 | 只看该作者
练了两个月,感觉澳音已经熟悉了,可是关键单词的缺失还是影响听写质量。 看来词汇量还是不够,不过慢慢来吧。


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
pinxinge + 50 我很赞同!



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发表于 31-8-2010 01:46:19 | 只看该作者
原帖由 熊猫阿三 于 31-8-2010 00:40 发表
练了两个月,感觉澳音已经熟悉了,可是关键单词的缺失还是影响听写质量。 看来词汇量还是不够,不过慢慢来吧。


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 楼主| 发表于 1-9-2010 01:50:50 | 只看该作者

Leading the news this morning:

Julia Gillard's hopes of forming the next government have been dealt a serious blow. A recalculation of the two-party preferred vote shows the Coalition now more than 1,900 votes ahead of Labor. The Prime Minister had previously said the party with the higher count should be allowed to form governments.

The Prime Minister and the Opposition leader today will continue wooing the four independents who hold the balance of power in the Lower House. Hobart-based independent Andrew Wilkie says he could make a decision on who he'll support in government as early as today.

The former girlfriend of Pakistani fast bowler, Mohammad Asif, says the player told her about match-fixing deals he made in Australia last summer. The actress Veena Malik says Asif admitted Pakistan would not win a match in 2010. Asif is one of four Pakistani players questioned by police in London as part of a match-fixing investigation.

A group of the world's leading scientists has found the UN's climate body in need of fundamental reforms. Their report recommends changes to the way the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is run and the way science is presented. The IPCC has faced increasing pressure since its 2007 climate assessment wrongly predicted that Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035.

And in Slovakia, at least six people were killed and 14 injured when a man went on a morning rampage with an assault rifle. The shooting happened in a housing estate in the capital Bratislava. At least six of the dead were members of the same family.
deal a blow 给予打击
Lower House  众议院,下议院
bowler (板球)投球手
match-fixing 打假球
Himalayan 喜马拉雅的
glacier 冰河,冰川
vi. 1.(因兴奋或愤怒而)乱跑, 乱冲
n. 1.(在街上)橫冲直撞,撒野
assault rifle     (自动或半自动)突击步枪

[ 本帖最后由 熊猫阿三 于 1-9-2010 00:52 编辑 ]

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发表于 1-9-2010 13:37:47 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2-9-2010 12:29:09 | 只看该作者

Three Australians and a New Zealander were killed when their charter plane burst into flames in Papua New Guinea. The Trans Air plane overshot the runway on Misima Island and crashed into trees. One of the men killed was a 61-year-old marine pilot from Sydney. Consular officials in Port Moresby and Canberra are working with authorities to contact the families of those on board.

The chief executive of the Hawthorn Football Club says the sport’s drugs policy has failed. One of the club's players Travis Tuck is the first player to be suspended under the AFL's three strikes policy. Stuart Fox says the club was completely unaware of Tuck's drug taking and couldn't provide him with a support network. Tuck will miss 12 AFL matches and will have to pay a 5,000-dollar fine.

Four Israelis have been killed near a Jewish settlement in the West Bank in what police are describing as a terrorist attack. They were shot just two days before new peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians begin in Washington. Israeli police say a car came under attack near the settlement of Kyriat Arba near Hebron. Islamist Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip issued a statement on Tuesday claiming responsibility, calling it a heroic operation.

Iraq's prime minister says his country is independent as the US formally ends combat operations seven years after they began. Nouri al-Maliki says the country's security forces will now deal with all threats, domestic or external. While many Iraqis have welcomed the withdrawal, some say they believe it's happening too soon.

charter  包租
1 许可证
This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter. 这项新法律简直成了为逃税者开的许可证。
2 纲领, 宪章, 宣言
3 包租
They have yachts available for charter. 他们有供包租的游艇。

1 发给…许可证
The government chartered the new airline. 政府给这家新航空公司颁发了许可证。
2 包租

Papua New Guinea  巴布亚新几内亚

consular officials 领事馆官员

overshoot  【航空】(飞机准备着陆时)飞过(指定地点)
射(子弹等)过头;【军】弹着超越(目标); 越过(界限)
把(事情)做过头; 越过; 不命中
超出规定, 动作[作用]过度
过调节, 过平衡; 过冲击; 过幅射

Jewish settlement 犹太人定居点

Islamist Hamas 伊斯兰教哈马斯

[ 本帖最后由 熊猫阿三 于 2-9-2010 21:18 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
lisa2008 + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 2-9-2010 18:35:47 | 只看该作者
good, go ahead

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 楼主| 发表于 3-9-2010 01:47:52 | 只看该作者

Israel  has hinted at a compromise with the Palestinians as direct talks between Middle East leaders begin in Washington. Israel's defence minister said the Jewish state would be willing to hand over parts of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. The US President Barack Obama is hosting those talks between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Mr Obama says acts of violence in the meantime will not derail these talks.

Police in the United States have shot dead a man who was holding several hostages in the state of Maryland. The man took at least three hostages inside the headquarters of the Discovery Channel. Police say the man entered the building with a handgun, and was believed to have an explosive device strapped to his chest. All the hostages are now safe.

The sole survivor of a plane crash in Papua New Guinea is being treated in a north Queensland hospital. The New Zealand man was flown to Townsville on a plane chartered by Careflight New South Wales. Four men died when that Trans Air jet crashed at the end of a runway on Misima Island yesterday. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is investigating the cause of the crash.

The New South Wales Premier Kristina Keneally is in damage control this morning after the resignation of a fourth minister in less than a year. The Ports and Waterways Minister Paul McLeay resigned yesterday after accessing pornographic and gambling websites on his work computer. He was caught out by a new internet filter in state parliament and a small number of other parliamentary internet users may require further investigation as well.

Jerusalem  n. 耶路撒冷(巴勒斯坦著名古城)
derail   vt. & vi.  出轨
vt. .用皮带捆扎, 用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好.包扎;给…打绷带
n. 1.带子  2.挎带, 肩带; 背带


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
pinxinge + 50 不错,贵在坚持!



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发表于 3-9-2010 02:09:01 | 只看该作者
原帖由 熊猫阿三 于 3-9-2010 00:47 发表
http://download.putclub.com/newu ... 20100902abcnews.mp3
Israel  has hinted at a compromise with the Palestinians as direct talks between  ...

What if the policemen in Philippines have the same power as US police?

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发表于 4-9-2010 21:27:51 | 只看该作者
好棒啊, 谢谢分享!

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 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2010 00:14:30 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.3 Fri

And leading the news this morning:

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has described the Coalition's billion-dollar offer for Hobart hospital as reckless. Mr Wilkie yesterday announced that he'd support Prime Minister Julia Gillard's attempt to form government. And it means Labor is now just two seats away from forming government.

The Prime Minister has come under attack from the clubs industry for not consulting them properly over plans to put betting limits on poker machines. Ms Gillard won Andrew Wilkie's support yesterday on the condition she would implement new gambling prevention measures. Clubs Australia says the loss of revenue and the cost of installing the new system hasn't been researched.

The United States envoy to the Middle East has described direct peace talks between the Israeli and Palestinian leaders as productive. George Mitchell says the meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas reflect good faith and the seriousness of the purpose. The two have agreed to direct talks every two weeks.

The British Foreign Secretary William Hague has received the full support of his Prime Minister, following speculation about his private life. Mr Hague said he should have realized there might have been speculation about he and the male aide occasionally sharing a hotel room during the election campaign. Mr Hague declared rumors over improper relationships as utterly false.

An explosion has ripped through an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The rig is on fire and the two-kilometre-long oil sheen has spread from the site. The explosion threw 13 people into the water, but all have been rescued.

reckless adj. 1.轻率的; 鲁莽的; 不顾危险的;不计后果的;
envoy  n. 1.使节;公使 2.谈判代表
speculation n.

utterly  adv. 全然; 完全地; 彻底地
rip through 猛烈爆炸; 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯

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 楼主| 发表于 7-9-2010 00:51:29 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.4 Sat

Local stocks ended only slightly high today, but they kept their best weekly performance in the year. The All Ordinaries finished up 15 points. The ASX 200 put on just nine points but it put on about four per cent for the week. Fortescue Metal Shares fell today, the miner is being sued by one of its major shareholders over efforts to raise funds. Sigma pharmaceuticals also closed lower after saying it was facing possible class action in relation to capital raising. Shares in Telstra, however, gained ground after its Chinese subsidiary filed for an initial public offering with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Elsewhere in the region, Japan's Nekkei ended the session up just over half a percent. And the Australian Dollar is buying almost 91 US cents.

Well, the Australian service sector was sluggish in August, contracting for the fourth month in a row. A survey of about 200 companies by the Australian Industry Group and the Commonwealth Bank found the fading effects of stimulus measures and Federal election uncertainty impacted on demand.

However, there was a big rise in new vehicle sales during the month. Figures from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industry showed that just over 82,000 vehicles were sold in August. That's up four per cent on same time a year ago.


pharmaceutical   [ˌfɑ:məˈsju:tikəl]  adj.   制药的; 配药的
subsidiary [səbˈsidiəri]
  adj.  附带的, 附属的, 次要的
  n.  附属事物, 附属机构, 子公司

file 备案
sluggish 不景气
Federal Chamber 联邦商会

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 楼主| 发表于 7-9-2010 12:28:33 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.6 Mon

Residents in northeast and western Victoria are bracing for the worst today as floodwaters continue to rise. Sixty residents in the town of Wangaratta in the state’s northeast have been told to evacuate. In Victoria’s west, residents at Skipton near Ballarat have also been asked to leave their homes. More than 250 houses have already been flooded.

Work resumed this morning to clear fallen trees and damaged roofs in parts of New South Wales that were hit by a severe storm. One hundred thousand houses in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions lost power at the peak of the storm as winds of 100km/h brought down power lines.

The three federal independent MPs hope to decide either today or tomorrow just which party they’ll support to form government. Labor’s agreed to the set of parliamentary reform proposals put forward by Rob Oakeshott. But the Coalition says it’s important that any changes do not disadvantage the Opposition.

First it was the quake; now strong winds are threatening to do more damage to the New Zealand city of Christchurch. Strong aftershocks have continued to shake the shattered city after Saturday’s 7.1-magnitude quake. Police said the 130 km/h winds could bring down unstable bricks and masonry.

And American soldiers have been called in to help Iraqi forces battle insurgents just days after the US formally ended combat operations in the country. The insurgents attacked an army base in Baghdad, killing at least 12 people. An Iraqi officer says US forces exchanged gunfire with the attackers before Iraqi security forces stormed the building.

brace   vt.
支住, 撑牢, 使绷紧
使自己站稳, 振作起来

shattered   adj   broken into many small pieces

masonry   n.  
石工技术, 石工行业
(砖)石工, 圬工
砖石建筑, 石造建筑
砌筑, 围砌

insurgent   adj.  起义的, 叛乱的, 造反的

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发表于 7-9-2010 17:41:21 | 只看该作者

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发表于 8-9-2010 23:32:06 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
熊猫阿三 + 20 我很赞同!



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 楼主| 发表于 9-9-2010 15:05:51 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.7 Tue

Leading the news this morning:

After two weeks, Australians should find out today just who'll be getting the keys to the Lodge. The three independents yesterday wrapped up a deal with both major parties on parliamentary reform. And West Australian National's MP Tony Crook has confirmed he'll side with the Coalition. Now, that clears the way for Tony Windsor, Rob Oakeshott and Bob Katter to announce who they'll back to form a minority government.

It's another anxious day for residents in Victoria's flood-affected areas. Up to 200 homes are under threat in Shepparton in the state's northeast. Nearby in Wangaratta, dozens of people have been huddled in an emergency centre. And in western Victoria, floodwaters are expected to peak in Horsham this morning.

Residents of earthquake damaged Christchurch have been warned about the spread of disease. As the clean-up continues, New Zealand's government has approved an initial emergency package. Up to 2/3 of the city's 160,000 homes are now damaged.

In Pakistan, a suicide bomber has killed 19 people, including four children. The attacker rammed a truck laden with explosives into a police station in the country's northwest. The Pakistani Taliban is claiming responsibility for that attack.

And Greenpeace says it will appeal against the conviction of two Japanese anti-whaling protestors charged with stealing a box of whale meat. The pair received a one-year suspended jail sentence. They say they were trying to uncover corruption in the Japanese whaling industry.

wrap up  
穿暖 Make sure you wrap up in the cold wind.冷风中, 你一定要穿暖。
包裹, 包扎 He wrapped up the parcel. 他把包裹包好。
完成; 签订完协议 They wrapped up an agreement on Friday. 他们于周五签完协议。

Ram n. 白羊星座 vt. 撞击, 猛撞

huddle   vt. & vi.  (使)挤作一团, (使)聚成一堆

[ 本帖最后由 熊猫阿三 于 9-9-2010 14:14 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 9-9-2010 23:47:46 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.8 Wed

Leading the news this morning:

While the uncertainty is finally over, now the hard work begins. Julia Gillard's first task will be sorting out her ministry after scraping back into government. She needs to find a spot for her predecessor Kevin Rudd, and she's also offered independent Rob Oakeshott a ministry. The Prime Minister knows she's just one vote away from losing power.

The new term of government will be marked by focus on regional Australia. Ms Gillard has promised Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor a 10-billion-dollar package for rural Australia. She's also pledging to restructure Parliament and the public service, as well as to meet better needs of regions.

The Liberal Party meets tomorrow for the first time since the election. Both Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop say they will be candidates for the leader and deputy leader positions. Mr Abbott says there will be changes to the line-up, and he believes Malcolm Turnbull will again take on a senior role.

It's been another anxious night for many victims of flood-affected areas of Victoria. Victoria State Emergency Service for these floodwaters have peaked in Shepparton in the state's northeast. Around 400 homes there remain isolated, but so far haven't been inundated.

And five days after the earthquake, large aftershocks are still rocking Christchurch. A state of emergency remains in place as teams of workers continue assessing damaged buildings. New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key toured welfare centres in the shattered city overnight.

inundated 洪泛的

[ 本帖最后由 熊猫阿三 于 9-9-2010 22:59 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2010 12:06:33 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.9 Thur

A policeman is in critical condition after being shot during a drug raid in Sydney's southwest overnight. Police were searching a Bankstown flat for drugs when it happened. Dozens of riot police descended on the area and residents were ordered to stay indoors. Police are now questioning eight men.

MPs are gathering in Canberra for the first time since the election. Some in Labor are demanding the party's national secretary Karl Bitar resign, blaming him for the disastrous campaign. The Coalition has labeled the minority government illegitimate.

Queensland state government is facing the same fate as its New South Wales counterpart. The latest Newspoll shows its primary vote has plunged to 29 per cent. Labor's worst performing state New South Wales has a 25 per cent primary vote.

Victoria's flood threat is easing. Floodwaters are slowly receding in Shepparton in Victoria's northeast. But hundreds of homes are still isolated. Emergency workers are keeping an eye on a badly damaged levee holding back the waters at Wangaratta. River levels are likely to remain high with rain forecast for the next couple of days.

BP's own investigation into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill exposes a litany of failures. It found a poor cement job in the well allowed oil and gas to escape. It points the finger not just at BP, but also the rig's owner Transocean and Halliburton which was responsible for the cementing.

descend  vi., vt.   突然去访问, 袭击
下(来, 降, 斜, 倾)
(财产等)传给, 遗传
转而说到, 涉及(细节等)
屈尊, 降低身分去做
突然去访问, 袭击
由远而近, 由大而小

illegitimate   adj.
非婚生的, 私生的
法律不容的, 非法的
(指辩论等的结论)不合逻辑的, 不合理的

recede   vi.
自原处后退或避开别人的注视   The high water receded.  高水位退去了。

levee   n.  堤, 堤岸


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
lisa2008 + 50 你太有才了!



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 楼主| 发表于 13-9-2010 00:02:51 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.10 Fri

Leading the news this morning:

The US President Barack Obama has joined international condemnation of a Florida church's plan to burn copies of the Koran. Mr Obama says the burning would be a “recruitment bonanza for Al Qaeda”. He's appealing to the congregation's pastor to consider the backlash the burning would prompt.

Independent Rob Oakeshott is expected to decide today whether he'll accept a spot in Labor's ministry. The prime minister has offered him a regional development portfolio. His announcement will clear the way for Julia Gillard to finalize her new ministry.

Parts of northern Victoria are on flood watch. A major flood warning has been issued for parts of lower Goulburn River.Residents in Echuca are preparing for waters to peak over the next few days.Further south in Wangaratta, work will start today to strengthen a damaged levee.

Investigations are continuing into the fatal shooting of a policeman in Sydney's southwest. Forensic investigators are at the Bankstown flat trying to piece together exactly what happened. The policeman died in hospital after being shot during a drug raid.

Same-sex couples in New South Wales will soon be able to adopt children. The law has passed at parliament after a marathon two-week debate.The breakthrough came after a compromise which will allow people who give up their children for adoption to get more information about prospective parents.

condemnation  n. 谴责

Koran  n. 《古兰经》

bonanza  n. 极大的数量

Al Qaeda  n. “基地”组织

congregation  n. (教堂里的)会众

pastor  n.  (基督教的)牧师

backlash  n. 强烈反应
1.强烈反应, 对抗性反应
2.后冲, 反撞; 后坐力

portfolio n. 大臣或部长的职位或职责
1.公事包, 文件夹

forensic   adj.  用于法庭的; 法医的

marathon  n.  1.马拉松赛跑(距离约 42 公里,合 26 英里)  2.马拉松式的活动(或工作)

breakthrough  n. 突破点, 突破性进展, 重要的新发现

prospective  adj.
1.预期的; 未来的; 可能的

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 楼主| 发表于 13-9-2010 00:33:40 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.11 Sat

US stocks finished the week with the 7th gain in eight sessions. Improvement in the trade deficit and some better than expected jobs data pushed the Dow up half a per cent. Across the Atalantic, London's FTSE 100 hit a four-month closing high for the second day in a row. Australian stocks finished Friday session down half a per cent, but they were up for the week. And the dollars settled just over 92.5 US cents.

China's trade surplus narrowed to 21.7 billion dollars in August driven by a surprisingly sharp rise in imports. The country's exports were up by more than a third compared to a year ago and that was in line with forecasts. But imports surged 35 per cent which was well above market expectations.

And Virgin Blue has been dealt another blow in its bid to form an alliance with the rival airline. The ACCC's issued a draft ruling, blocking Virgin's plan to offer joint services between Australia and New Zealand with Air New Zealand. The ACCC says the deal would be likely to reduce competition in the market for trans-Tasman flights. That comes a day after US authorities tentatively blocked Virgin Blue's joint venture with Delta Airlines on routes between Ausrtalia and the US.
deficit  n.
2.赤字, 亏空, 亏损,逆差

surplus n.

dealt  deal的过去式和过去分词

n.  竞争对手,敌手
vt. 与…竞争, 与…匹敌,比得上
adj 竞争的

Trans-Tasman 澳新两国的双边互认规则
Trans-Tasman is an adjective used primarily in Australia and New Zealand, which signifies an interrelationship between both countries. Its name originates from the Tasman Sea which lies between the two countries. For example, Trans-Tasman commerce would refer to commerce between these two countries.

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 楼主| 发表于 14-9-2010 01:32:45 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.13 Mon

Leading the news this morning:

Complaints have already started about Julia Gillard's new ministry that hasn't even been sworn in. The prime minister has upset universities by splitting education between at least two ministers. They say putting higher education under Senator Chris Evans' skills portfolio devalues the sector. The Opposition is also questioning Kevin Rudd's ability as foreign minister to negotiate setting up an asylum seekers' processing center in East Timor.

Police say the trans-Tasman crackdown on alcohol-fuelled violence and anti-social behavior has been a success. More than 1,200 people have been arrested during the weekend's blitz. New South Wales led the tally with more than 700 arrests.

Victoria's arson squad has confirmed it's investigating a series of insulation fires at several locations. It's believed they are related to the Federal Government's bungled home insulation program. Police say it's an ongoing investigation and they can't give any more details.

The worst seems to be over in Victoria's flood emergency. While mopping-up continues in most of the flood-affected areas, the focus is now on the Murray River town of Echuca.

And Iran is set to release an American woman jailed more than a year ago. Sarah Shourd was charged with spying after straying across the country's border with two fellow hikers. But she will now be released on half a million dollars bail.

sworn in 宣誓就职
blitz n.
1.闪电战, 大规模空袭

tally  n  得分

insulation  n.
1.隔离, 隔绝;绝缘;隔音

vt.  &  vi.
2.笨手笨脚地做; 失败
1.搞糟了的事情; 失误

mopping up  扫荡 , 清理火场

set to  
3.打起来, 吵起来

to be set up 被陷害,中圈套,陷井

stray  vi.
1.走失, 离群; 迷路
2.走入歧途; 犯罪

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 楼主| 发表于 15-9-2010 00:31:58 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.14 Tue

Leading the news this morning:

Labor's new frontbench will be sworn in today. In a last-minute change, Julia Gillard’s reinstated the Indigenous health portfolio. The government had been under fire from Indigenous groups for dumping that portfolio.

The Federal Opposition says Kevin Rudd's planned US trip shows he sees himself as a prime minister in exile. The incoming foreign minister will be representing Australia at the United Nations General Assembly in New York later this week.

Police in Melbourne are continuing to investigate whether a fatal shooting is connected to a criminal gang war. A man in his 30s was shot dead at an industrial estate of Williamstown in the city's west yesterday. Police are now looking into whether the killing is a payback for last month's murder of crime figure in the Macchour Chaouk.

New South Wales police are expected to hand down the inquiry into last week's fatal police shooting in Sydney's southwest today. Constable William Crews died after being shot during a drug raid on a Bankstown flat. Two men have been charged. There has been speculation that Constable Crews may have been accidentally shot by a fellow officer.

And at least 14 people have died in a plane crash in Venezuela. Officials say most of the 51 people on board have survived the crash. The plane came down on vacant land near a steel factory. It's not known what caused the crash. It's the first major crash in Venezuela since 2008.

frontbench  n.(英国议会席中政府大臣或反对党领袖的)前(排)座(位).

reinstate  vt.使恢复原职; 使恢复原有权利

indigenous 原住民

vt. 1.流放, 放逐, 使流亡
1.流放, 放逐, 流亡
3.被流放者, 流亡国外者, 背井离乡者

speculation  n. 推测

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 楼主| 发表于 16-9-2010 01:38:53 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.15 Wed

Leading the news this morning:

Malcolm Turnbull has been given the brief to demolish the government's National Broadband Network. Tony Abbott has appointed the former opposition leader as communications spokesman. While labeling the government's plan "a white elephant", Mr Turnbull says the Opposition will be reviewing its own policy.

Middle East peace talks resume in Egypt with Israeli settlements still the main sticking point. The US wants Israel to extend a freeze on building in settlements in the West Bank. Palestinians say they'll walk out if building on occupied territory resumes.

Two teenage boys will face court today charged with murdering an elderly woman in Adelaide. She was found bashed to death in her home at the weekend. South Australian police have been under pressure after it was revealed that just hours before she was killed, the woman had called police when a rock was thrown through her door, but no patrol was sent.

New South Wales police are reviewing their procedures after revealing one of their officers had been fatally shot by a colleague. A police inquiry found Constable William Crews was accidentally shot by a fellow officer during a drug raid in Sydney last week.

And singer George Michael has been jailed for eight weeks for driving under the influence of drugs. The pop star admitted he smoked cannabis before crashing his car into a photo shop in London two months ago.

cannabis   n.  大麻

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 楼主| 发表于 17-9-2010 13:07:38 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.16 Thur

The Opposition isn't backing Rob Oakeshott's bid to become Speaker. The government is seeking legal advice, but one constitutional expert says there is no legal reason stopping the move. George Williams warns though, it will make the operations of Parliament much more complicated.

BHP Billiton is urging the government to act on climate change. The company's chief executive Marius Kloppers says there needs to be a price on carbon. He says any money raised by a carbon tax needs to be returned to the community if the government is to get widespread support. He warns Australia's economy will be damaged if it doesn't act.

The former Australian Federal Police chief Mick Keelty will testify today in a bid to save the life of one of the Bali Nine. Scott Rush is making a last-ditch attempt to avoid the death penalty. Mr Keelty is expected to tell the Denpasar Court Rush was a minor player in the smuggling ring. It was the AFP which originally tipped off the Indonesians to the group's activities.

Violence in Gaza has marked the second day of the Middle East peace talks. Israeli planes have bombed targets in Gaza, killing one Palestinian, in response to mortar and rocket attacks by militants. It coincides with the visit by the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to Jerusalem, where peace talks enter their second day.

And police reinforcements are on their way to a remote central Australian community to help quell an outbreak of violence. Police say up to 30 people armed with iron bars and sticks have set fires to cars and a house in Yuendumu.


last ditch    最后手段,最后一着

n.  沟, 渠
vt.  摆脱, 抛弃

tip off  
暗示, 警告

mortar n. 砂浆, 灰浆

quell  vt.(用武力)制止, 结束, 镇压

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发表于 17-9-2010 13:50:37 | 只看该作者
Good on you

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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2010 23:01:10 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2010 23:08:25 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.20 Mon

Leading the news:

The bodies of three election workers have been found in Afghanistan after the weekend's presidential election, taking the death toll to 25. Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission says the three workers were kidnapped during voting. NATO officials say there were nearly 500 violent incidents during the poll after Taliban militants vowed to disrupt the vote. Officials say voter turnout was about 40% and counting is now underway.

Green's leader Bob Brown will use his first meeting with the prime minister this week to push for territories to have the right to legalize euthanasia. Senator Brown says he'll introduce a bill to return the rights of territories to legalize euthanasia.

Qantas passengers and crew have launched Australia's biggest compensation claim over a flight which was forced to make an emergency landing. The 2008 flight from Singapore to Perth plunged twice during the flight, injuring 100 crew and passengers. The claim is against Airbus on the grounds of psychological trauma.

Indian police say a gang of criminals was most likely responsible for a gun attack on a tourist bus in New Delhi. Two Taiwanese tourists were injured when motorcyclists opened fire on tourists outside Delhi's main mosque. A group called the Indian Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the attack.

And US officials say the ruptured BP oil well that caused America's worst environmental disaster has finally been sealed. A pressure test shows a cement plug installed in the Gulf of Mexico rig is holding.

turnout 一项活动的到场人数

euthanasia [ˌjuθəˈneʒiə] 安乐死
plunge 颠簸
mosque 清真寺
rupture 爆裂
3. 疝气
4. (关系的)破裂,决裂;绝交

rig 钻井设备
4. 帆装(船桅和风帆等的安装模式)

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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2010 23:50:14 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.21 Tue

Leading the news:

A group of asylum seekers is refusing to leave the roof of the Villawood Detention Centre following the death of a fellow detainee. Eleven men say they won't come down unless authorities agree to review their asylum applications. The Immigration Department says efforts are being made to convince the men to end their protest.

The Opposition's asking for a legal assessment of the deal struck with the independents on parliamentary reform. The Coalition raised concerns about the legality of the agreement if independent Rob Oakeshott were to become speaker. Mr Oakeshott has now dropped his bid for the role after meeting with Tony Abbott, saying he wants to maintain an independent vote.

The United States has officially recovered from its 18-month recession. The National Bureau of Economic Research says the recession ended in June last year. More than eight million jobs were lost in the slump triggered by the Subprime Lending Crisis.

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has told a meeting of world leaders that global poverty can be halved by 2015. But he's warned the clock was ticking for the Millennium Development Goals. World leaders met to review the goals aimed at reducing poverty and increasing health standards.

And Perth police are investigating the death of a three-year-old boy. The toddler died from serious injuries and police say he was found inside a washing machine. The boy had lived with his mother and her de facto partner. Police say the death is suspicious and are questioning the toddler's mother.


halve vt.


de facto  adj.  〈拉〉实际上存在的


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
lisa2008 + 50 你太有才了!



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发表于 25-9-2010 00:30:14 | 只看该作者
go ahead

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 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2010 00:12:18 | 只看该作者
原帖由 lisa2008 于 24-9-2010 23:30 发表
go ahead


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 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2010 00:14:20 | 只看该作者
【日期】9.22 Wed

Now leading the news:

Preparations for India's Commonwealth Games are in chaos after a bridge of the main stadium collapsed. The incident injured 23 laborers who were working on the walkway, which connects the stadium to a car park. In another blow, Australian discus champion Dani Samuels pulled out of the competition last night because of safety concerns.

There is a more evidence of vote rigging in the Afghan elections with officials receiving more than 3,000 complaints of electoral fraud. The ABC has obtained this exclusive video showing vote rigging in the southern province of Kandahar. Political activists can be seen blatantly falsifying dozens of stolen ballot papers during Saturday's parliamentary election.

A group of asylum seekers at the Villawood Detention Centre ended their roof-top protest last night. The group had been protesting for almost 48 hours over the death of a fellow detainee. Three men on a hunger strike at the center have also been hospitalized.

An Australian national has gone on trial in Cambodia, accused of having sex with underage girls. Fifty-two-year-old Michael John Lines, who also holds New Zealand nationality, appeared before a closed court in Phnom Penh. He was arrested in a Cambodian beach resort in March after an anti-pedophile organization reported him to police.

And Italian prosecutors are investigating the president of the Vatican Bank on suspicion of violating money laundering laws.

discus 铁饼

blatantly 公然地

falsify 篡改;伪造

1.投票表决, 选举

Cambodia  柬埔寨
Phnom Penh 金边市

pedophile 恋童癖

prosecutors n.

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