我觉得可以从三个方面考虑,第一是卖家的心理,看他的预期是多少,是急于脱手还是待价而沽,知己知彼百战百胜;第二是你自己的需求,你的首要目的是自住还是投资,如果是投资,严格按照事先自己计划好的投资回报比来执行,不要感情用事,如果是自住,而且确实很喜欢这个房子,那就价多花个万儿八千拿下也值得,免得错过会后悔;第三,注意出Offer的技巧,一个offer并不仅仅只是由价格决定的,还有subject to finance, subject to inspection, subject to tentent, sbuject to ***,这些也都是你和卖家讨价还价的重要筹码,出价高未必是赢家。 举个例子,我买房的时候会先提前把贷款预批做好,而且我对这个房子的价值已经心里有数,完全可以把subjcet to finace这一条只写7天或者完全不写,变成和cash offer一样,但是我还是先会按照惯例写21天的subject to finance,subject to inspection 14天,如果我的出的offer owner不接受,我不会先加价,而是先把subject to finance的时间减少到7天,subject to inspection 也变成7天,owner 应该不会同意,然后再把subject to finance和subject to inspection完全去掉,实际上你还有冷静期可以做这些事情,当然你不要奢望到这个时候屋主就会同意你出的价格,重要的是在这一系列“让步”以后再开始谈价格,你所付出的代价可能就会小一些。
Area Profile
The size of Kuraby is approximately 4 km². There are 2 schools and 1 childcare centre located in Kuraby. The population of Kuraby in 2001 was 4,606 people. By 2006 the population was 6,396 showing a population growth of 39% in the area during that time. The predominant age group in Kuraby is 0 - 9 years.
Households in Kuraby are primarily couples with children and are likely to be repaying between $1000.00 - $1200.00 per month on mortgage repayments. In general, people in Kuraby work in a non-specific occupation. In 2001, 65% of the homes in Kuraby were owner-occupied compared with 71% in 2006.
Currently the median sale price of houses in the area is $525,000.*数据来源于RPDATA
Area Profile
The size of Kuraby is approximately 4 km². There are 2 schools and 1 childcare centre located in Kuraby. The population of Kuraby in 2001 was 4,606 pe ...
Area Profile
The size of Sinnamon Park is approximately 3 km². It has 10 parks covering nearly 3% of the total area. There are 2 childcare centres located in Sinnamon Park. The population of Sinnamon Park in 2001 was 4,997 people. By 2006 the population was 6,762 showing a population growth of 35% in the area during that time. The predominant age group in Sinnamon Park is 30 - 39 years.
Households in Sinnamon Park are primarily couples with children and are likely to be repaying between $800.00 - $1000.00 per month on mortgage repayments. In general, people in Sinnamon Park work in a non-specific occupation. In 2001, 70% of the homes in Sinnamon Park were owner-occupied compared with 78% in 2006.
Currently the median sale price of houses in the area is $521,000。
subject to inspection是不可以被拿掉的,没法作为还价的筹码。老房子会有很多很多问题,各种各样。而且事实上这个subject to inspection可以在你签了合同的情况下,如果能接受一些问题,可以作为还价的筹码;如果不能接受,还可以放弃。其背后的隐形成本是巨大的,不要这个的话好比你不买保险,你觉得这钱省的值么?当然如果在subject to finance上貌似给个让步,可能在还价上多一点主动权。但是第一看的还是自己,如果是自住,你有多喜欢这个房子。我的感觉是,你真喜欢的话,确实嘴就软,嘴软就会让步。房子这东西在一定的质量、功能基础上,很大程度取决于多fit你的需求,所以在打算出offer的时候,自己留给自己的余地已经有限了。
subject to inspection很重要,毫无疑问,这个每次买房必做的,一方面是对自己想买的房子状况有个基本的了解,另一方面是讨价还价的筹码。 因为在昆士兰买房会有1个星期的冷静期,早作准备的话一个星期内应该可以拿到report,如果觉得房子有问题,无论是讨价还价还是想放弃合约都还是来得及的。其实我想说的是,subject to inspection&subject to finance都很重要,可以说是买房过程中保护买家的两个重要的条款,如果提前做足够的准备的话,起码在形式上,可以做出“让步”,有利于在进一步的讨价还价。这些操作上的小技巧,要看情况灵活运用。
kenmore, kenmore hills, chapel hill 2009年平均房价分别是$575,882; $768,134; $643,770. 这三个区都是upper middle class的区,洋人居多,职业以professional, manager为多数,周围有很好的教育资源,例如Indooroopilly State High, Kenmore State High都是不错的学校。
THE GAP STATE HIGH SCHOOL (government, west)
BRISBANE GRAMMAR (private, city)
MORETON BAY COLLEGE (private, east)
ST JOSEPH'S COLLEGE ("Terrace") (private, city)
ANGLICAN CHURCH GRAMMAR SCHOOL (Churchie) (private, east)
KELVIN GROVE STATE COLLEGE (government, north)
我们小孩已经两岁了,现在去好的私校报名晚了,只好去indooroopilly state school或者ironside state school(在ST.Lucia),
St.Lucia贵,indooroopilly还能考虑下,我们以前住toowong,对indooroopilly有点小熟,每周都去两三次。那里的房子70万只能买房况差的queenslander,房况好一点的买不起。townhouse六十万左右。 unit倒是挺多的,四十多万的可以考虑。交通便利,购物非常便利,人口构成也很均衡。