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[以书会友] 有的书是要时间,这一本是要命

发表于 27-7-2020 13:13:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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读它的时候,时而泪流满面(还好现在公共场合要戴口罩,口罩一戴,婆娑泪眼也能罩住);时而却也能迷之微笑。 即使不读它的时候,有时候也想马上摔了这本书。并在上面再踩上几脚!!


才读完第一个part, 对这段历史 ,我就恨不能一把火烧了它,把灰烬撒向大海。

书伊始就说,“Racism has defined our species ever since Homo sapiens confronted other primates on our undefined but unstoppable quest for world domination.  "

历史或者会被忘记,但基因中人性中的魔鬼…… it remains, pulsing in our DNA like some perfect paradox of Greek mythology that drives its possessor ever closer to the sun until it becomes his undoing. And worse, it is an illusion.


这本要命的书,得盖楼来写! 各位看官也慎入!!


参与人数 1威望 +100 收起 理由
春浅 + 100 谢谢分享!



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发表于 27-7-2020 13:38:18 | 显示全部楼层
queds 是什么意思?是不是typo?


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 是的,谢谢提醒,稍后去改



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发表于 28-7-2020 14:54:04 | 显示全部楼层
Dragon and Kangaroo, 我以前也读过一些澳洲历史的书。中国早期淘金潮时在澳洲社会的最底层。甚至土人都更喜欢吃中国人的肉,据说细嫩好吃,比白人和土人的肉都好。中国人是最勤劳的,也最受气。好的金矿,中国人会被赶走,只有等别人都采集完了,被抛弃的废矿,中国人才可以去采。但因为中国人勤劳,别人淘不出金的废矿,中国人还是可以榨出一些东西来。不过一个矿一但中国人采过来,就彻底没有任何价值了。

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 楼主| 发表于 28-7-2020 16:09:19 | 显示全部楼层
行者之心 发表于 28-7-2020 14:54
Dragon and Kangaroo, 我以前也读过一些澳洲历史的书。中国早期淘金潮时在澳洲社会的最底层。甚至土人都更 ...


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发表于 28-7-2020 17:07:22 | 显示全部楼层
annahw 发表于 28-7-2020 16:09
WWW,我们的先人曾以命相搏,真的是以命相搏啊。我这段时间都有点缓不过来,这书不可不读,但真 ...



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 看到最后一句甚是安慰



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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2020 17:58:29 | 显示全部楼层
第一章:THE FIRST CELESTIALS  从最开始做羊毛生意始祖John Macarthur说起,引入中国Coolie苦力的源头。

The administration of the colony of New South Wales under Governor George Gipps was no help at all, so the squatters privately cast their eyes to China. They made contact with agents in the Chinese ports of Guangzhou (Canton) and Xiamen (Amoy). Spreading their net, they also used Alexander Johnstone’s recruiting agency in Singapore and the good offices of the British East India Company in Calcutta. However, it was the Chinese ‘coolie’ that the squatters were assured would prove the most suitable because of his ‘untiring industry, frugality and perseverance’ which were ‘the inherited instincts of their race’. According to the Port Phillip Herald, they were much to be preferred for the simple tasks of shepherding since ‘the great bodily powers of British labourers would be a misapplication of strength’.

In fact, Macarthur had been ahead of the game. The records show that he had employed at least three Chinese people on his properties as early as the 1820s. And it is highly likely that they had compatriots whose records have been lost to history. But either way, his family was at the forefront of the new push to engage ‘indentured labour’, a polite term for slave-like pay and conditions, in the 1840s. And in the second half of 1848 the first arrivals from Xiamen disembarked in Sydney from the Nimrod with others remaining on board for their subsequent destination: the southern settlement of Port Phillip.


The Argus sent a reporter to cover the scene and the newcomers proved suitably exotic: ‘Their heads were shaved with the exception of a patch on the crown about four inches in diameter from which depended a tail two feet long,’ he wrote. ‘A very few of them had the large conical hats which we are acquainted with, capital substitutes for umbrellas, being nearly three feet in diameter. Their dress appeared invariably black … cotton, wide drawers and an upper dress like a sailor’s duckfrock, but wide in the sleeves and rather larger. Their square-toed shoes were ornamented with silk on the uppers, and with soles an inch and a quarter thick.’
As to their manner, ‘The celestials comported themselves with the self-possession of experienced travelers, very little impressed with the novelty of their position. They elbowed us out of the way and took especial care of their luggage.’ When they crowded on to waiting drays which would take them to their new laboring positions, they seemed ‘in a high state of delight and excitement’.


However, the correspondent for the Geelong Chronicle was also on hand and he brought a very different perception to bear. He saw ‘cutthroat barbarians, waiting like so many wild beasts to be portioned off to their captors’. And ‘impatient to action, they began fighting in an infuriated state of drunkenness’. Indeed, one of them ‘jumped on the face and bowels of another coolie until the man’s eyes protruded and blood gushed in streams from his nose, mouth and eyes’. The other ‘savages’ viewed the scene with ‘delight’.

但这也不能是racism的理由啊…… 就象大紧所说,俾斯麦见李鸿章时两人还有张合影。当时报纸上还有评论说,一个梳着长辫子的老人和一个戴着假发高帽子的老人一起合影。欧洲贵族不也戴假发吗?唉,真是越读得好生不爽。不过当时李鸿章到德国访问确实是出过几次丑,在和俾斯麦见面的时候,正说着话,突然在人家特别好的地毯上吐了一口痰,所有这些欧洲贵族看到以后全都傻了,说怎么会这样呢,两国宰相会见的时候突然往地上吐口痰,确实很丢脸。


There it would languish for more than a century to the chagrin, humiliation and frustration of its people. But then, in late 1978, a diminutive and unprepossessing emperor of the Communist dynasty, Deng Xiaoping, would release the bonds of enterprise and China would begin the extraordinary climb back to its former position in the first rank of the world’s economic powers.

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发表于 30-7-2020 18:43:56 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 唉,这是对傻白甜的安慰吗?



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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2020 18:47:29 | 显示全部楼层
CHAPTER TWO 大概讲述了我们引以为傲的璀璨历史。看着洋眼看我史,觉得也是一种挺好玩的体验。第一遍读时,对后来的一切一无所知。


While the colonial spectators gathered in fascination on that Port Phillip wharf, the Chinese arrivals were equally unfamiliar with the round-eyed British faces surrounding them. Apart from the occasional missionary or ship’s crewman in the teeming cities, they had virtually no personal experience of pink-skinned foreigners. And the Chinese were no less racist than the European onlookers. They were, and remain, deeply proud of their history, customs and values which have produced a rich and impressive culture.
比起夜郎,我们历史文化确实是璀璨的。看洋眼的夏商周,刘邦项羽之争。而关于China, 从前说的拆哪,吃哪,都是趣味性很强,这里靠谱的说法是,秦朝,波斯商人在古丝绸之中上口中的秦国Chin之地.Persian traders on the Old Silk Road referred to them as ‘chin’ and their homeland as ‘chin-a’.  

相对也比较客观 ,从中国的家天下说起,太监制度,甚至说到造纸发明者蔡伦来说明帝国之慢慢崛起,而西方基本没有这种太监文化。No such gender-bending would have impressed the Britons of the day. 他们的始皇大约是从罗马的Julius Caesar领导的高卢人开始的。 此后七八世纪时,北欧的 Angles, Jutes and Saxons and from the Scandinavian raiders who settled in coastal towns and villages in the 7th and 8th centuries.
这个时期正是我们历史上最鼎盛的发展时期唐朝,从太宗说起,到则天皇帝,Indeed, the Tang dynasty would produce three of China’s most famous and enduring poets in Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei. 从李杜王这三大家都是唐朝的大诗人来说,这个时期的文化、文明之鼎盛。

再到杨贵妃,作者认为,贵妃的问题在于她的识人,@阿弥 就象阿弥说的,看男人的眼光,要象任盈盈不能象小师妹。说回贵妃,作者认为她用人用错安䘵山,不象因此没有能成为则天第二。She used her influence much as Wu had done before her. But her judgement of men was fatally flawed.  这样玄宗时期,唐代垮掉了。Eventually the Tang collapsed and was followed by the usual period of chaos and disunity until the next great dynasty, the Song, emerged.

混乱中,宋朝开始建立 。这就是大紧想穿越的朝代。

本书作者也说,宋朝再次达到了人类文明的高点。The Song again marked one of the high points of Chinese – and indeed human – civilisation.  也是金庸梁羽生最爱写的朝代。

但确实宋朝的文人当朝治理方略也有其短板,But it was under perpetual threat from nomadic groups from the north.  
On the other side of the world, the Normans joined the list of British invaders when William the Conqueror was crowned king of England on Christmas Day, 1066. Anglo-French would become the lingua franca of the establishment and have a profound effect on the evolving English language. The ruling Normans thrived well into the 12th century until disputes over the succession of King Henry – and the English reluctance to see a woman take the throne – led to yet another civil war.
King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215, setting legal limits to his powers. However, he sought and received permission from the Pope to break his word as soon as the hostile nobles who had forced it upon him returned to their fiefs. Nevertheless, his successors were obliged to call the first ‘parliament’ to raise funds for their regal treasuries and this entrenched a principle unknown to the Chinese throughout their history – a legal framework for the people to express their will to those who would rule over them and eventually to change their government without resort to violence. But John’s entanglement with the Church in Rome would become a divisive feature of English life and politics for centuries to come.

再从永乐皇帝派郑和下西洋到后来的烧掉下西洋舰船 与当时的满族建立清朝。the Manchu dynasty took the title ‘Qing’, meaning ‘clear’ or ‘pure’. 到了清康熙时代,中国是最令人生畏的王朝了。With a population of 170 million and an area of 13 million square kilometres, it was an economic, ethnic and social powerhouse, utterly self-contained and so diverse geographically and historically that there was little interest among its rulers or its people in the world outside China.经济上伦理上社会体上都集权中心,一个高度自给自足的循环体,对外面的世界根本鲜有兴趣。
而此时的英国,亨利八世打下史称”黄金时代“框架, And when Henry VIII succeeded to the throne in 1509, he laid the framework for Britain’s own ‘golden age’ under his daughter, the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I. 女儿伊丽莎白一世统治间,英格兰成为欧洲最强大的国家之一。在北美的殖民地也在此期间开始确立。当然此时,英格兰文化也在达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如克里斯托弗·马洛、莎士比亚、(培根 )这样的著名人物。During the 1590s the great names of the theatre, Christopher Marlowe and particularly William Shakespeare and his collaborators, began to produce a rollcall of literary masterpieces that still adorn the world’s stages more than 500 years later. 窃以为比元代的戏剧顶峰晚了一些,但有异曲同工。话说哪里有more than 500 years? 作者的数学堪忧吖。

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发表于 30-7-2020 19:08:02 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 谢谢男神现身鼓励吖



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发表于 30-7-2020 20:56:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 阿弥 于 30-7-2020 21:04 编辑



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 非常有用!



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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2020 21:14:39 | 显示全部楼层
阿弥 发表于 30-7-2020 20:56
酒徒的盛唐烟云里对杨贵妃,安史之乱那段历史写的比较详细。还是挺好看的。大概因为是第三部,思想比较成熟 ...

这我之前写的,还没找到时间贴完。现在已经在复习一本总能令我哈哈大笑的书平复心情了。这本读了一个 part 就读不下去了

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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2020 11:05:15 | 显示全部楼层




The Aboriginal people managed the land and its animal life, principally by a sophisticated use of fire and their largely nomadic lifestyle, with such skill that by the time the first British convicts and their jailers arrived eighteen years after Cook, their continent could properly be described as ‘the biggest estate on earth’.1 The living was easy, food plentiful, leisure abundant – at least among the males – and tribal boundaries sufficiently well-defined to keep armed conflict to a minimum. There was a proliferation of language groups but a shared culture that derived from a legendary ‘Dreamtime’ with creation myths no less sophisticated than those of either the Europeans or the Chinese.
Unfortunately, their isolation had denied them the advantages of multiple contact with human and domestic animal diseases that would have provided a broad autoimmunity.

隔绝的结果是原住民对invaders完全没有任何抵抗力,对their diseases亦是。Captain Cook只要兴趣大旗简单说几句话就是"claimed " 不止到此一游,而是此地属于我大英了。土著人既没有军队更甭提什么政治系统去跟这些newcomers去谈判。事实上1835年英政府发表terra nullius公告,坚称土著人没有声明这土地归属。
By the time of the goldrush the Aborigines were a broken people; and though there were pockets of fierce resistance to British intrusions in Victoria and later Queensland, the longest continuous culture on earth had been effectively shattered. They would play only a marginal part in the Australia–China relationship for the next 125 years.

新金山旧金山的淘金热让运输业也是得到了极大的发展。因此当维州发现金矿的时候,The Chinese rush to Victoria was on, though their numbers would always be far less than those from Britain, continental Europe, and even the United States. Only some 500 made the journey in 1852 and a similar number the following year.
While the gold was undoubtedly a great attraction, the Chinese were also motivated by the collapse of their provinces into civil war as Hong Xiuquan’s Taiping rebellion swept the imperial forces before it. And by 1854 Chinese merchants had entered the shipping trade and were resuscitating old, poorly maintained vessels for the run south. Accommodation was spartan at best, with six to eight travellers crowded into each berth. Several ships were lost at sea while others were forced to put in at Manila and Singapore, but in the first six months they carried some 3000 eager prospectors and the following year the number rose to 11,500.

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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2020 11:15:31 | 显示全部楼层

Nevertheless, his successors were obliged to call the first ‘parliament’ to raise funds for their regal treasuries and this entrenched a principle unknown to the Chinese throughout their history – a legal framework for the people to express their will to those who would rule over them and eventually to change their government without resort to violence. But John’s entanglement with the Church in Rome would become a divisive feature of English life and politics for centuries to come.

此时想起一种类比,如果说这个世界上有很多种水果。而人类觉得香蕉很好。 皮相对厚,不用洗,剥开就可以吃,汁不多不会四处飞溅弄脏衣服弄脏手,而又不会过少使人噎着,过几分钟再吃。如果人们因此去轻视甚至要求西红柿也做到同香蕉一样的便利。要求梨、苹果均如此?





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发表于 31-7-2020 11:17:21 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 感觉问题背后有问题



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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2020 11:51:44 | 显示全部楼层

本章开道就提到了Eureka rebellion中中国人play no part,但是这次的uprising让european diggers意识到自己并非外来者了。

他们要为自己的地盘而站。尽管A Justice of the Peace on the magistrate’s bench in the Victorian country town of Castlemaine asserted, ‘All men here are equal, they come from all parts of the world in equality, and you have no right to drive any away because they do not work as you please.’ 这话确实掷地有声,但它却fell on stony ground.


最重要的还是如行者所说,他们开过的华人还愿意再去开采,lower return都会很满足,为此甚至没日没夜地干活。

因此1855年,In 1855 the Victorian parliament passed the Immigration Restriction Act forcing the Chinese alone to pay a £10 per head tax on arrival. It also restricted the number of Chinese travellers per tonnage of shipping.

这样的话,华人到这里的人数锐减。华人都到了Adelaide 或Robe in SA.  并且,the Chinese organised their own route. They even dug wells and established overnight lay-bys beside the bush tracks. However, that was just the beginning of their travail. When they reached the Ballarat and Bendigo fields, they were scorned and derided by the Europeans.

尽管华人一再的随遇而安,做好自己,1857年,open violence来了。  at least 100 white vigilantes led by ‘Americans inflamed by liquor’ attacked the 700-strong Chinese camp.

华人的忍耐宽容:They impressed upon their members ‘the necessity which exists, to gain the favour of the white men by quiet, orderly conduct’ and cautioned them to practise ‘forbearance and patience’ when they felt ill-used by the Europeans.

这其中,语言问题是一个因素,我们没有办法直接充分地去沟通。另一方面,文化信仰的差异也非常大。我们中国人的关帝庙,歃血为盟、发毒誓在对方的眼里是这样的:因为我们没有办法swear on the Bible.

The Chinese were not permitted to serve on juries, and when charged in court or called as witnesses they could not swear on the Bible. Indeed, hearings often threatened to become chaotic as they asserted their correct method of taking the oath by breaking a saucer or even decapitating a cockerel.



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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2020 12:17:01 | 显示全部楼层
欧阳京 发表于 31-7-2020 11:17


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发表于 31-7-2020 15:34:10 | 显示全部楼层
annahw 发表于 31-7-2020 12:17



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 这本是了解两个民族



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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2020 16:36:46 | 显示全部楼层
这章开首的话,不由得让人心生愉悦。Equality was not always a vain hope.

这就讲到了著名的华人梅光达  Mei Quong Tart , 1859年,九岁到达新州的Braidwood镇, headed for the nearby Major’s Creek goldfields。

9岁的小男孩到达异国他乡,understandabloy nervous.所以讲了他小时闹的大笑话,令人不禁莞尔——好可爱的孩子。

Soon after he reached the Chinese mining camp, he wandered away and was resting under a gum tree when he was suddenly confronted by a wild-eyed bearded stranger brandishing a gun.
To Quong’s astonishment, the bushman took aim at a boy sitting high in the branches above the Chinese lad’s head and fired. As the boy stumbled down the tree, Quong screamed and ran for help. And when he reported the murder, a posse of miners set off immediately to find the killer.

They quickly tracked the madman to his lair … only to discover that the ‘boy’ was in fact a possum.



Quong was soon speaking his own brand of pidgin English with a distinct Scottish Highlander burr. He would retain his unique accent for the rest of his life.
little Quong learned the secrets of the account book, the journal and the ledger. He was able to absorb practical tuition in elementary geology, handling nuggets and pieces of ore until his keen eye and deft fingers could gauge the value of a sample to a pennyweight.


He got to know how to judge men and in the everyday course of business studied the psychology of would-be debtors as Forsyth’s keen Scottish gaze sorted the credit-worthy from the born losers.’2

对有准备的人而言,机会 总是会很快来临。

Alice Simpson便是梅光达生命的的贵人。 她的Mr. Simpson  quickly saw the value in having Quong as an interpreter, mounted on a pony, to accompany him on his rounds.


Quong, like many of his countrymen, was a loyal hard worker and Percy Simpson rewarded him with a claim of his own.



The success of a great national religious revolution would have replaced the effete Manchus by a new dynasty, and a new cultural outlook, ready to accept the ideas of the west as a corollary of the new creed. As it was, they remained sunk in decaying despotism. For this tragic outcome the cynical policy of western imperialism in 1860 was mainly responsible.

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发表于 31-7-2020 17:08:34 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 好哒



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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2020 18:42:12 | 显示全部楼层
欧阳京 发表于 31-7-2020 17:08


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发表于 1-8-2020 21:38:41 | 显示全部楼层
annahw 发表于 31-7-2020 18:42


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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2020 12:29:21 | 显示全部楼层



本章最后一句提到了worst,lambing Flat

those who travelled north to new finds in the Snowy Mountains, then joined the goldrush in New South Wales in the early 1860s, would find themselves on a racist battleground that would make the Victorian experience seem almost benign. Among the worst was in Lambing Flat, where the anti-Chinese prejudice would result in a racist insurrection that would distort and disfigure relations between China and Australia for more a century.

唉,现在的状况也够差了,达则兼济天下,穷则blame China。 会不会已经是worst了呢?


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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2020 12:30:50 | 显示全部楼层
第九章   Lambing Flat
标题就是 Lambing Flat,专讲lambing flat.  这是一个淘金者眼中的黄金宝地啊。

It is such a splendid-looking auriferous country for miles around. There are a great number of diggers flocking here every day.

因此华人出现在这里,就带了灾难。 1860年11月13号,是怎样一个惨烈的日子啊。不忍直视!如果能有一把火,烧掉那一年那一月那一日,我是愿意的!!!

Some 500 Europeans attacked a party of Chinese and maltreated them to such an extent as to cause the death of at least one of their number.

We are informed that the “pigtails” of the unfortunate Celestials were cut off in so barbarous a manner as to detach the skin from the back of the head;
and further that the brutality was carried to the length of cutting the ears off several.

这才仅仅是噩梦的开始。Meantime, their ‘riots’ became a regular weekly event.

with yells and hoots, hunted and whipped the Chinamen off, knocking them down with the butt ends of their whips, galloping after them, and using the most cruel torture upon the poor defenceless creatures; in many cases pulling their pigtails out by the roots and planting their fresh trophies upon their banners.


这样依然不满意,Not satisfied with this, their next step was to rifle all the tents of all the gold, then deliberately fire every tent in the encampment.



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发表于 3-8-2020 16:07:12 | 显示全部楼层
annahw 发表于 3-8-2020 12:29

这章看到的我们的先人是一种萝卜两头切的状况,一边交着保护费,另 ...


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发表于 3-8-2020 16:08:17 | 显示全部楼层
annahw 发表于 3-8-2020 12:30
第九章   Lambing Flat
标题就是 Lambing Flat,专讲lambing flat.  这是一个淘金者眼中的黄金宝地啊。



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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2020 17:48:49 | 显示全部楼层

这章讲的就是我们华人中的绿林人士 Sam Poo.  

They included the notorious Frank Gardiner, Ben Hall and Johnny Gilbert, and Australia’s only Chinese bushranger, the much less famous Sam Poo.


The Chinese interpreter was unable to communicate with the prisoner who spoke in a southern dialect unfamiliar to him. And it is highly doubtful that Sam had any real understanding of his situation.


相比淘金场的剧烈 ,农业畜牧业中的华人,因为Taiping rebellion had turned their homeland into a killing field, 所以显得是可以接受的。

Almost half the 3000 indentured Chinese workers who arrived in the southern states between 1848 and 1853 eventually made their way to the northern districts and what would become the new colony of Queensland in 1859.
Others came directly from Xiamen to Moreton Bay, including 225 on the Duke of Roxburgh in 1851. The ship’s owner was Robert Towns who would gain lasting notoriety as the driving force behind the Kanaka trade in South Sea Islanders for the Queensland sugar industry.
He was a throwback to the British slavers and was in the market for Indian, Chinese and indeed any other human cargo that could fetch a price on the international labour market.

这些顽强的先人们在金子ran out 后,部分回到中国,而另一部分也终于开始扎根发芽。

a substantial number of them found wives among the local European and Aboriginal women. As will be seen, more than a few of their descendants would become celebrated Australians in the late 20th and 21st centuries.

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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2020 17:49:51 | 显示全部楼层
第十二章 NORTHERN FRONTIERS ,讲的是Adelaide以北在1870年初发现了金矿。此时运营着澳洲最大矿业公司的Essington去到Adelaide建议政府引入中国苦力去开发Top End

好的一点是,中国人开可以独立采矿了。Ping Que在此领域是个传奇。这位广东人开始在Victoria是一位storekeeper. 后来他成功地成为自己商业帝国的掌门人。最棒的是,他因此而为南澳不歧视国人做出巨大贡献。

Two years later an ex–cabinet minister in Victoria, Charles Henry Pearson, produced a book claiming the ‘lower races’ bred faster than the whites who were defending ‘civilisation’.

Nevertheless, when dealing with what was then its ‘northern territory’, South Australia stood out against the trend.

所以当他去世时,真是the highest star的陨落。这大概就是人们所说的功德吧,他的功德,当时媒体这样说的:

The Northern Territory Times editorialised, ‘Ping Que will be missed by many who have profited by his experience and advice.
We can only express sorrow at the unexpected death of one of the pluckiest and straightest men it has been our lot to meet in the Northern Territory.’

现在当我查他的中文资料时,基本是零收获 。只查到目前达尔文等地还有一些房子在卖,名叫:Ping Que Court  。 哪位有其资料,还请指教。

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发表于 4-8-2020 11:43:46 | 显示全部楼层
annahw 发表于 3-8-2020 17:49
第十二章 NORTHERN FRONTIERS ,讲的是Adelaide以北在1870年初发现了金矿。此时运营着澳洲最大矿业公司的Ess ...



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 求书名及他的中文名



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发表于 5-8-2020 09:44:28 | 显示全部楼层
Ping Que : mining magnate of the Northern Territory 1854-1886 / by Timothy G Jones.



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 5-8-2020 11:08:13 | 显示全部楼层
欧阳京 发表于 5-8-2020 09:44
Ping Que : mining magnate of the Northern Territory 1854-1886 / by Timothy G Jones.


Ping Que的中文名有木有

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