在昆士兰, 在合同生效后的第一个business day,下午 5 点之后,如果物业发生任何天灾人祸,( 比如, 火灾, 被水淹, 被抢劫,就 是买家 ( buyer )的责任了, 虽然物业还没有过户。 这一点真的很重要。
8 Rights and Obligations until settlement
8.1 Risk
The property is at the Buyer's risk from 5 pm on the first business day after the contract date.
如果大家觉得我说的大部分是废话, 这一点千万记住了。
The contract may be subject to a 5 business day statutory cooling- off period . A termination penalty of 0.25 % of the purchase price applies if the buyer terminates the contract during the statutory cooling - off period.
就是说, 成交价是 500 k 的话, 违约金是$ 1250 。
所以第一笔付款是为cooling off 专设的。 显示买家的诚意。
如果不收这笔钱, 就签约, 到时候买家翻悔, 再追这违约金是很难的。
合同生效是指买卖双方在成交价和特殊条款 ( special condition )上达成一致,并 在合同书上签名。
所以 contract 是最具法律效力的。
最通常的special condition , subject to finance 和subject to building and pest inspection.
如果什么特殊条款都没有, 就是所谓的 unconditional.
拍卖的结果是unconditional, 马上生效。
The contract may be subject to a 5 business day statutory cooling- off period . A termination penalty of 0.25 % of the purchase price applies if the buyer terminates the contract during the statutory cooling - off period.
Matters affecting property
Title Encumbrance :
Is the property sold subject to any Encumbrance ?
Warning to Seller :
You are required to disclose all title encumbrance which will remain after settlement ( for example, easements on your title and statutory easements for sewerage and drainage which may no appear on a title search ). Failure to disclose these may entitle the buyer to terminate the contract or to compensation.