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[求职信与简历] Freeoz工作室的简历样本(目前不提供修改,历史记录仅供参考)

发表于 16-6-2007 11:33:56 | 只看该作者



[ 本帖最后由 sisleycpa1 于 18-6-2007 10:31 编辑 ]


发表于 16-6-2007 14:27:10 | 只看该作者

Apple Liu 简历修改

Working Experience
A Company Limited, China
Accounting Manager, 2005.9 to 2006.10

B Company Limited, China
Technical Controlling Section Manager, 2003.10 to 2005.9

C Company Limited, China
Financial Manager, 2002.09 to 2003.10

B Company Limited, China
Technical Controlling Supervisor, 2000.07 to 2002.08

D Company Limited, Hong Kong
Accounting Manager, 1999.01 to 2000.07

F Construction Corp. (located in USA)
Office Accountant, 1997.01 to 1998.12


Working Experience
A Company Limited, China
Accounting Manager, 2005.9 to 2006.10
Job responsibility

B Company Limited, China
Technical Controlling Section Manager, 2003.10 to 2005.9

C Company Limited, China
Financial Manager, 2002.09 to 2003.10


B Company Limited, China
Technical Controlling Supervisor, 2000.07 to 2002.08

D Company Limited, Hong Kong
Accounting Manager, 1999.01 to 2000.07

F Construction Corp. (located in USA)
Office Accountant, 1997.01 to 1998.12

这样一来人家就会注重看你最近的两份工作,而不太注意你以前的经历了. 这样一个小小的格式修改,其实得到的效果是完全不一样的.

同时,你要注意你职位和responsibility的升迁与扩大,这样就能看到你的career development,也有了换工作的理由.注意你前雇主的letter并不能成为说服别人你频繁跳槽的理由.根本等不到你出示这些letter,首先在简历审查这一关你就有被淘汰的可能.



发表于 16-6-2007 16:09:15 | 只看该作者
Hi 老大卫  & Leily, 请给我的简历提提意见。多谢了!!

contact information

Highlights of Qualification                                                                               

•        ASA of CPA Australia, Certified General Accountants of Canada, Certified Public Accountant of China, Certified Public Tax Agent of China
•        Be familiar with IFRS, US GAAP and Chinese GAAP
•        Be in charge the implementation of ERP system and be versed in Oracle,JDE, Microsoft Office, Internet etc
•        In-depth education in Accounting, Finance, taxation etc.
•        Working experience in the head office of a listed company of NASDAQ
•        Three-year working experience in an audit firm and six-year management experience in a multi-national company, good sense of new business
•        Proficient communication skills(Mandarin/English)
•        Extremely well organized and analytical in finding and resolving problems
•        Exceptional interpersonal skills, team leader, reputation for reliability

Professional Experience                                                                               

Oct. 2006 –Present         A company
Accounting manager: Serves in a globally leading inspection company

•        Fully in charge of the accounting issues in Shanghai ,Beijing ,Guangzhou and Hong Kong
•        Improve the functions of dept. in cash management , AR,AP, G/L and reporting
•        Regulate and unify the accounting process and policy
•        Prepare and analyze the consolidated report of five entities In Great China
•        Supervise accounting team in China, giving them training and evaluating performance
•        Responsible for the internal communication with HO, operating dept. and external relationship with other organizations and entities.

ACHIEVEMENTS        Systemize the accounting procedures and reporting structure
Improve the collection of AR and increase the turnover rate of AR significantly

Feb. 2004 –Sept.2006         B company
Senior Finance analyst : Serves in a USA listed company and involves more work in business strategies

Main tasks in Finance, controlling and budgeting

•        Actively participate in the strategy planning of the Group
•        Design and evaluate major acquisition projects
•        Develop annual budget system and prepare Group budget
•        Prepare rolling forecast monthly to facilitate management review of capital appropriations and operational strategies
•        Present milestone status reports and other management reports to Top Management
•        Responsible for the communications between finance management center and each game operating center. Analyze and guide their business strategy, operation model, and market activities
•        Analyze and control the main cost items. Put forward valuable suggestions in order to improve efficiency
•        Review progress against  budget and use financial highlight to influence management
•        Trace, analyze and assess the performance of different segments  
•        Set up the KPI evaluation system by project teams and departments
•        Assist in the tax planning

ACHIEVEMENTS        Keep close contact with top management, analyze and plan the Group strategy;
Set up benchmarks for operation to ensure healthy and consistent development

Jan. 2001 –Feb.2004         C company
Finance Manager: Serves as a leader to ensure smooth team work in line with business, accounting and financial management processes  

Finance and budgeting
•        Participate the business operation and development
•        Organize the  budget system and procedure
•        Be responsible for project management and analysis
•        Submit flash reports, performance analysis reports to HQ in Germany
•        Check the general cost and expense for the company, analyze and control the expense for each department
•        Establish costing model, forecast the product cost and pricing strategy
•        Analyze inventory structure and control inventory risk
•        Set up the KPI evaluation system

Accounting and taxation
•        Set up the company’s financial & accounting systems, regularize the accounting records
•        Prepare different financial reports according to local GAAP, German GAAP and international accounting standards
•        Analyze and evaluate operating results, submit analysis reports to German group
•        Draw up operation process and design the whole control procedure
•        Make tax planning to reduce tax risks
•        Executive the staff management all over the country, update their knowledge and evaluate their performance
•        Make insurance policies to secure the company’s assets
•        Responsible for overall auditing work and Manage banking business
•        Check all types of contracts

ACHIEVEMENTS        Set up the analysis system;
Implement and be the key user in the ERP project
Standardize the operation process and the finance & accounting system and improve relative internal control systems;

Mar 1998 – Jan. 2001        D audit firm
Project Manager

•        Make general plans and detail steps of audit projects in charge independently
•        Distribute tasks and control work time and process
•        Audit accounting items with high risk and important ones
•        Instruct team-partners and answer questions they meet , control audit risk
•        Check working paper file to ensure it correct and complete
•        Communicate with clients to indicate irregularities discovered and submit instructive suggestions  
•        Summarize the whole work, present audit opinion and submit audit report

ACHIEVEMENTS        participate in many audit projects, such as listed companies, foreign companies and groups. Get familiar with features and procedures of varied industries.

Education Background                                                                       

Accounting  Department. Awarded M.Sc. degree.(in China)

Accounting Department. Graduated as B.Sc. degree. (in China)


发表于 17-6-2007 21:06:35 | 只看该作者
原帖由 cansea 于 15-6-2007 14:05 发表
我一直是做软件开发工作,开始几年主要做基于C/C++语言开发,后来转入做互联网行业软件开发,主要使用JAVA语言做了近4年的项目. 所以我的简历比较乱,因为涉及到的开发语言比较多,不够集中.我目前还是想在互联网行业 ...

看来三位大侠都比较忙, 我给这位哥们胡说几句.

1) 格式有问题. 请去用seek的template.

2)  java 和j2ee是有区别的.
您干了这么多j2ee的事, 可是简历里根本见不到这么关键的词.

3) 要做"专家", 别当"博士".
您是作开发的, 没有人会expect您有administrating 什么 Server 的经验.

4) 行业经验.您是给那个行业做的的项目?

[ 本帖最后由 好长的冬天 于 17-6-2007 20:12 编辑 ]


参与人数 2威望 +40 收起 理由
cansea + 20 多谢指点
老大卫 + 20 谢谢分享,多来参与啊,偶们几个快技穷了




发表于 18-6-2007 11:00:31 | 只看该作者


A marketing communications specialist with four years’ experience in manufacturing based sales companies in China, I have worked on advertising, exhibition, event, web communications etc. I have solid record of tasks implementation in marketing area and consistently hit the targets. I’ve completed MBA in Australia and am now seeking a new professional challenge in Australia.

•        Advertising – Two years’ experience in industrial magazines and website advertisement including annual plan, design coordination and liaison with suppliers.
•        Events – Member of event management team of The XXXX event in Shanghai in 2006, joining in strategy making, internal communications and coordination, catering arranging, promotional materials sourcing and design coordination, customers tickets and hotel booking, budget controlling and after event follow up issues.
•        Exhibitions – Systematically organize two XXXX industrial automation exhibitions in two cities including budget controlling, booth design coordination, equipment arrangement, promotional and product materials preparation, customer service, database creation and collection, sales support.
•        Marketing Communications – Two years’ experience of internal communications in catalogues translation, proofreading, coordination with HQ in XXXX, liaison with printers, seminar support, and bilingual web page content edition, newsletter edition.
•        Training Administration – Two years be responsible for local technical training plan, administration, database management, and result follow up.
•        Web Implementation – Four years’ experience in company website management via internal website setup, operation and edition, external web site maintenance.

•        “Can do” spirit
•        Excellent team player
•        Good interpersonal skills acquired via suppliers, customers liaison
•        Self-motivated, multi-tasking as creating newsletter, general catalogues and can meet the deadline for several tasks
•        Bilingual language skills: Australia Master education background, Mandarin
•        Overseas working experience acquired when working two weeks in XXXX
•        Intermediate level of MS office including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, knowledge of Lotus Notes,
•        Entry level of Access, Publisher, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Suites2 (Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator), Dreamweaver
•        Quick-learner

2005/04 – 2007/03: Marketing Communications Specialist
XXXX Trading Co., Ltd.

Manage marketing communications including web site, catalogues, promotional materials, seminars, events, technical training administration, demo tools stock, customer and interstate offices service and liaison.

•        Successfully complete the first ever large sponsoring event in Shanghai 2006, “XXXX” traveling from Sweden to China by acquiring high appreciation, improving customer relationship by great feedback and decreasing account receivable payback period.
•        First set up local technical training database according to HQ’s requirement and first start its smooth implementation by lowering training cost and improving trainee satisfaction.
•        First set up internal webpage for China customer center based on Group internal web site, promote for more browsing and news contribution by updating exciting large order received news and new product line launching news.

2003/03 – 2005/03:  Sales Support
XXXX Co., Ltd.

Coordinate with sales in exploring overseas market by cooperating with XXXX manufacture, export agent and liaison with customers in HK, North & South America and Europe, customer database tracking and filing etc.

•        Coordinate to complete the first ODM order (L/C business),
•        Successfully support the management of XXXX business by 20% sales increase in 2004
•        Support to explore European market in new areas by building continuous relationships with customers in France, Greek and Spain.

2001/08 – 2003/01: Marketing Manager
XXXX Ltd. Shanghai Office

Manage company catalogues, printings, seminars, exhibitions, website recreation and updating news and maintenance, training administration etc.

•        Successfully organize two XXXX industrial automation exhibitions by increasing brand and product acknowledgement within the professional industry area.
•        Rebuild company website by self learning web editing software (Frontpage and Dreamweaver) and manage to update and edit information and company news.
•        First put advertisement in professional industrial web site for more awareness and brand promotion.

1998/09 – 2000/02: Entry level of Book Keeper
XXXX Company
Daily office administration, book keeper in financial department

MBA, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia,
BA, Zhejiang University, China,


发表于 18-6-2007 11:13:15 | 只看该作者
原帖由 老大卫 于 16-6-2007 13:27 发表
Working Experience
A Company Limited ...



发表于 18-6-2007 11:30:20 | 只看该作者


发表于 18-6-2007 11:34:26 | 只看该作者
我缺心眼把我,把我自己简历贴 这里让大家参考。。还不就是因为慕名而来。。ok


发表于 18-6-2007 11:52:54 | 只看该作者
原帖由 sisleycpa1 于 18-6-2007 10:34 发表
我缺心眼把我,把我自己简历贴 这里让大家参考。。还不就是因为慕名而来。。ok

求人做事也有先来后到,还有在你前面排队得我都没有改呢。改一份简历至少要花10多分钟,甚至半个小时细细琢磨。有些当时还想不出来要带回家细细想,琢磨此人得背景来突出特色。比如楼上apple liu的那份偶当时就想不出来怎么改,细想了两天才发觉可以从简历的格式变动中着手。最近比较忙,上来少了。可能有些朋友的简历改得不及时。的确有点辜负大家了。但象你这样第一次贴出来把偶们几个得名字都写错,第二次贴出来两天后没有帮你改就开骂,也太那个了吧。。。把我们工作室当什么了??



[ 本帖最后由 老大卫 于 18-6-2007 10:56 编辑 ]


发表于 18-6-2007 12:02:11 | 只看该作者
原帖由 老大卫 于 18-6-2007 10:52 发表

求人做事也有先来后到,还有在你前面排队得我都没有改呢。改一份简历至少要花10多分钟,甚至半个小时细细琢磨。有些当时还想不出来要带回家细细想,琢磨此人得背景来突出特色。比如楼上apple liu的那份偶 ...

awwww ..sorry... 误会你啦,因为我看我后边的都改了。。还以为你就不给我改呢。。。。我简历也不用你改拉。。但还是为大家服务


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
老大卫 + 10 谢谢理解




发表于 18-6-2007 17:51:49 | 只看该作者


发表于 18-6-2007 18:37:05 | 只看该作者

回复 #153 judywang 的帖子

contact information

Highlights of Qualification                                                                               

•        ASA of CPA Australia, Certified General Accountants of Canada, Certified Public Accountant of China, Certified Public Tax Agent of China
•        Be familiar with IFRS, US GAAP and Chinese GAAP
•        Be in charge the implementation of ERP system and be versed in Oracle,JDE, Microsoft Office, Internet etc
•        In-depth education in Accounting, Finance, taxation etc.(这条改成master of accounting)
•        Working experience in the head office of a listed company of NASDAQ(和下一条合并成9年工作经历in multi-national company and auditing firm)
•        Three-year working experience in an audit firm and six-year management experience in a multi-national company, good sense of new business
•        Proficient communication skills(Mandarin/English)(除非工作需要,否则不要突出你得中文水平)
•        Extremely well organized and analytical in finding and resolving problems(与下一条合并成一条就可以了,甚至不写,soft skill太多了没有意思,特别是在你有很强得hard skill得时候)
•        Exceptional interpersonal skills, team leader, reputation for reliability

Professional Experience                                                                               

Oct. 2006 –Present         A company
Accounting manager: Serves in a globally leading inspection company

•        Fully in charge of the accounting issues in Shanghai ,Beijing ,Guangzhou and Hong Kong
•        Improve the functions of dept. in cash management , AR,AP, G/L and reporting(注意全部用过去时)
•        Regulate and unify the accounting process and policy
•        Prepare and analyze the consolidated report of five entities In Great China
•        Supervise accounting team in China, giving them training and evaluating performance
•        Responsible for the internal communication with HO, operating dept. and external relationship with other organizations and entities.

ACHIEVEMENTS        Systemize the accounting procedures and reporting structure
Improve the collection of AR and increase the turnover rate of AR significantly

Feb. 2004 –Sept.2006         B company
Senior Finance analyst : Serves in a USA listed company and involves more work in business strategies

Main tasks in Finance, controlling and budgeting

•        Actively participate in the strategy planning of the Group
•        Design and evaluate major acquisition projects
•        Develop annual budget system and prepare Group budget
•        Prepare rolling forecast monthly to facilitate management review of capital appropriations and operational strategies
•        Present milestone status reports and other management reports to Top Management
•        Responsible for the communications between finance management center and each game operating center. Analyze and guide their business strategy, operation model, and market activities
•        Analyze and control the main cost items. Put forward valuable suggestions in order to improve efficiency
•        Review progress against  budget and use financial highlight to influence management
•        Trace, analyze and assess the performance of different segments  
•        Set up the KPI evaluation system by project teams and departments
•        Assist in the tax planning

ACHIEVEMENTS        Keep close contact with top management, analyze and plan the Group strategy;
Set up benchmarks for operation to ensure healthy and consistent development (achievements 不够有力,可以考虑加进自己对公司内部管理得作用以及公司业绩得具体数字提高)

Jan. 2001 –Feb.2004         C company
Finance Manager: Serves as a leader to ensure smooth team work in line with business, accounting and financial management processes  

Finance and budgeting
•        Participate the business operation and development
•        Organize the  budget system and procedure
•        Be responsible for project management and analysis
•        Submit flash reports, performance analysis reports to HQ in Germany
•        Check the general cost and expense for the company, analyze and control the expense for each department
•        Establish costing model, forecast the product cost and pricing strategy
•        Analyze inventory structure and control inventory risk
•        Set up the KPI evaluation system

Accounting and taxation
•        Set up the company’s financial & accounting systems, regularize the accounting records
•        Prepare different financial reports according to local GAAP, German GAAP and international accounting standards
•        Analyze and evaluate operating results, submit analysis reports to German group
•        Draw up operation process and design the whole control procedure
•        Make tax planning to reduce tax risks
•        Executive the staff management all over the country, update their knowledge and evaluate their performance
•        Make insurance policies to secure the company’s assets
•        Responsible for overall auditing work and Manage banking business
•        Check all types of contracts

ACHIEVEMENTS        Set up the analysis system;
Implement and be the key user in the ERP project (ERP 经历是这段工作中应该突出得地方,其他得可以再简略一点,
Standardize the operation process and the finance & accounting system and improve relative internal control systems;

Mar 1998 – Jan. 2001        D audit firm
Project Manager

•        Make general plans and detail steps of audit projects in charge independently
•        Distribute tasks and control work time and process
•        Audit accounting items with high risk and important ones
•        Instruct team-partners and answer questions they meet , control audit risk
•        Check working paper file to ensure it correct and complete
•        Communicate with clients to indicate irregularities discovered and submit instructive suggestions  
•        Summarize the whole work, present audit opinion and submit audit report

ACHIEVEMENTS        participate in many audit projects, such as listed companies, foreign companies and groups. Get familiar with features and procedures of varied industries. (这个不是achievements,要写出你在不同公司audit的经验,这段经历有助于你将来面试得时候吹industry experience,比如你说你熟悉某一个行业的会计做账。manufucturing, service company, trading company...)

Education Background                                                                       

Accounting  Department. Awarded M.Sc. degree.(in China) (把master degree放前面,accounting department放后面)

Accounting Department. Graduated as B.Sc. degree. (in China)

总体来说写得很好,注意不要写得太多,比如summary中东西就太多了,反而掩盖了LZ与众不同得地方。(master, 9年工作经验,AUS CPA等等。注意要让人一目了然看到你得特长。)
另外你写到很多project managment,如果不是广告中特别提到,不必mention,同理,写多了反而让对方看花了眼。



发表于 18-6-2007 19:20:09 | 只看该作者


Working Experience
2006/08 – 2007/05        ××× Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd
Industry        Pharmaceutical
Title        Executive Assistant
Asia Pacific Research Organization
- Admin Support to VP of *** (Asia Pacific Research Organization)
1.        Provide day-to-day administrative support to VP of AsPRO, including logistic arrangement, meeting, travel and visitors, document preparation, expense claim
2.        Information collection and issue follow-up
3.        Document archiving and brochure distribution
4.        Other personal issue follow-up
- AsPRO Admin Issue Followup
1.        AsPRO Regional Meeting and Sr. Management Meeting coordination
-        Coordination with AU, HK, KRO and TWN country managers
-        Logistic arrangement (venue, accommodation, material preparation, transporation,etc)
2.        Monthly Report Consolidation
3.        Issue AP Region Headcount report
4.        Cooperation with Project accountant and country manager for clinical trial budget setup and input into SAP system
- Achievement
1. All local arrangement for Wyeth Global R&D VP Dr. Robert Ruffolo and his group visiting China
2. AsPRO Management meeting at Chengdu and Shanghai respectively. ( 20 people per time)

2005/08 – 2006/08         **** Products (China) Co., Ltd
Industry        FMCG
Title        Executive Assistant + SH Office Manager
- Admin Support to VP Marketing
1.        Provide day-to-day administrative support to VP Mktg, including logistic arrangement, meeting, travel and visitors, document preparation, expense claim
2.        Information collection and issue follow-up
3.        Document archiving and brochure distribution
- Company and department event organize
1.        Sr. Management meeting
2.        Department annual conference
3.        Company annual dinner
4.        Employee club activities
- Lead Admin Group to provide admin service to whole SH office
1.        Develop office service rules, procedures and standards of service
2.        Prepare and control office admin budget
3.        Supervise admin staff to ensure daily performance meets job requirements
4.        General vendor screen and service evaluation
5.        Office S.H.E maintain
6.        Fully support expatriate
1)        Apartment Searching and issue follow-up
2)        Expatriate relocate issue follow-up
7.        Office renovation

- Achievement
1. SH office renovation
2. **** CEO Andrea Jung 2006 China visit
3. SH office top vendor screen and selection
4. 2005 Company Christmas and annual dinner organize (Total 150 people)

2002/06 – 2005/08        **** Pharmaceutical company (China)
Industry        Pharmaceuticals / Bio-technology
Title        Sr. Assistant to VP R&D
- Admin support to VP & R&D department
1.        Provide day-to-day administrative support to VP R&D, including logistic arrangement for meeting, travel and Regional/Global visitors, document preparation, interpretation, monthly expenses claim
2.        New staff orientation for R&D Dept.
3.        Organize department events (department meeting, training)
4.        Department SAP coordinator and company new users trainer
5.        Department finance compliance control
- Project financial data analysis
1.          Clinical trial milestone collection
2.          Project financial payment tracking
3.          Project budget and actual cost analysis
- Handle Enrolled Patients Access project (Total Enroll 1500 patients)
1.        Maintain project database
2.        Delivery information to all sites
3.        As a communication tie between local and global
4.        Drug delivery
5.        Handle patient queries

2000/02 – 2002/05        ****Greater China Technical Center (China)
Industry        Chemical Industry
Title        GM Assistant + Admin Assistant
-        Fully support expatriate affairs, e.g. health check, work permit and residence application, house searching and school searching, culture orientation
-        Handle Chinese staff’s visa application
-        Arrange GM Trip Schedule
-        Be responsible for office administration, including equipment purchasing and maintenance
-        Arrange and record sample outgoing, give report each month
-        Handle all customer visit
-        Organize internal or external meetings
-        Act as EHS Site Manager, organize each season safety meeting, collect safety sampling record, safety presentation to customer. Report safety statistics to AP EHS Manager

[ 本帖最后由 老大卫 于 19-6-2007 08:18 编辑 ]


发表于 18-6-2007 20:20:35 | 只看该作者

回复 #162 老大卫 的帖子




发表于 18-6-2007 22:34:18 | 只看该作者

Personal Information

Working Experience
From 1998---2007 I was working in **** Cigarette Factory as a General Electrician and acted as a monitor of the electrician unit. I have nearly 9 years experience in this trade. I have a huge experience in installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. installing and servicing lights, intercom systems, and electrical control systems.
        More than 8 years experience.
        Profound ability to isolate defects in wiring, switches, motors, and other electrical equipment
        Strong ability to install and maintain motors, lighting fixtures, generators, circuit breakers, and transformers.
        Deep knowledge of electrical systems including planning additions and modifications on secondary circuits.
        Remarkable ability to use hand and power tools applicable to trade.
        Exceptional ability to install grounding leads.
        Strong ability to read commercial electrical blueprints and apply NEC through the full range of commercial and industrial maintenance and construction work.
        Profound ability to use appropriate tools and diagnostic equipment to repair, install, replace, and test electrical circuits, equipment and appliances.
        Excellent ability to diagnose and repair electrical controls, industrial motor control centers, and programmable logic controllers.
        Strong ability to study and comprehend new technology.
        Great ability to assign work to employees, prioritize the work of others and organize and coordinate the work of the unit.
        Fluency using Siemens SIMATIC S7 programme soft  
Education Details                               
        2006/4/3-2006/5/27----Advanced Electrician Certificate Training ---- Shaoguan Labor Bureau of Canton province
        2005/5/16-2005/5/23----PLC & Field bus technique and application----Chinese Tobacco Head Office Workers Technique Training Center
        2000/11/27-2000/12/19----SIMATIC S7 SYSEM SERVICE & PROGRAMMING COURSE AND SIMATIC S7 PROFIBUS-DP---- Peking SIEMENS Training Center
        1999/12/8-2000/1/8----Electrician Operation Certificate Training ---- Shaoguan Labor Bureau of Canton province
        1994/10-1998/7 ---- majored in Industry Automation ---- Electromechanical Engineering College of Northeast Forestry University, P. R. China
        1991/9-1994/7----Senior High School----Nanxiong No.1 Senior High School, Canton Province

Qualification Details       
        2006/06--- the Senior Electrician Certification-Ministry of Labour and Social Security of People's Republic of China
        2006/5----General Electrician[4311-11]----Trades Recognition Australia (TRA)
        2000/11----the Assistant Engineer of Engineering----Shaoguan City personnel Bureau
        2000/1----Electrician----People's Republic of China Special Type Operation Certification
        1998/7----Bachelor Degree----****University
        1998/7----Diploma----**** University

先把简历的格式改了,看看前面那么多简历是怎么写的,你的简历学历和培训混在一起,没有achievements, 没有summary, 没有job responsibilty. 就拿TRA的东西来让人改,也太不负责任了。

[ 本帖最后由 老大卫 于 21-6-2007 09:46 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
justin9302 + 10 没想到老大卫工控也知道一点




发表于 18-6-2007 22:41:49 | 只看该作者


我是刚从山东来墨尔本的IT Engineer, 经常到Freeoz拜读各位前辈们的文章,受益匪浅,事实上我的移民diy成功也是Freeoz的功劳。 过来之后面临的就是找工作的问题,压力很大。能否冒昧的请各位前辈给看看简历。多谢!

apply resume.rar

18.67 KB, 下载次数: 99



发表于 18-6-2007 22:42:18 | 只看该作者





发表于 19-6-2007 09:20:07 | 只看该作者
原帖由 beyond_space 于 18-6-2007 21:41 发表
我是刚从山东来墨尔本的IT Engineer, 经常到Freeoz拜读各位前辈们的文章,受益匪浅,事实上我的移民diy成功也是Freeoz的功劳。 过来之后面临的就是找工作的问题,压力很大。能否冒昧的请各位前辈给看看简历。多谢!



发表于 19-6-2007 10:23:49 | 只看该作者



Dec.2006~Jun.2007   ××× (China) Co. Ltd.
Position: Senior System Consultant, Advanced System Group
Duties & Obligations:
        Pre-sales technical support & sales on advanced system products, such as PC Server, storage and backup products.
Successful Projects:
        PC Server and storage system for China Netcom Group; PC server system for Jinan Steel Group; Electronic Server Integrated System for Shandong Luneng Group.

Oct.2005~Nov.2006   ×××× Information Technology Product Co., Ltd
Position: Senior System Engineer, Storage Product Department
Duties & Obligations:
        Pre-sales technical support & after-sales service for IBM minicom and advanced storage product (HDS, Brocade, Mcdata,  ADIC, Bakbone).
Designed and Implemented Projects:
        SAN Update and Reconstruct:China Mobile Communications Corporation Shandong Branch; China Netcom Group, Lin Yi Branch; Shandong Welfare Lottery Issuing Center; ShengLi petrol Administration Bureau,Dongying city; People's Insurance Company of China, Jinan Branch; Commercial Bank, Laiwu city.
        Backup System and SAN Design & Implement:People’s Hospital, Linyi city,Police Office, Jining city; Police Office, Dongying city; Government Office, Qingdao city; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shandong Branch; Qingdao University; Jinan Steel Group.

Jan. 2002~Sep.2005     ××× Technology Co. Ltd., Jinan Branch
Position: Senior System Engineer
Duties & obligations:
        Advanced technical support on a wide variety of system products such as IBM minicom, PC server, storage, backup, network etc., including pre-site inspection, customer requirements analyses, suitable integrated solutions presentation, organization and management of initial installation, implementation, debugging and performance maintenance, and coordination for final examination;
        Work closely with Zarva Sales, Professional Services, other Field Product Sales, Customer Service personnel and Technical support to ensure a satisfied result.
        Develop and maintain a close relationship with customers by excellent after-sale services, make full use of various resources to optimize the result for the customer;
        Responsible for system administration and system performance management in office, installing some opening systems plus software components;   
        Participate in pre-sales discussion, take some sales quotas, and sign the sales order independently.
Major projects (as technical manager):
        Remote Education system platform, Shan Dong University; Residence Management system and OA system, Ji Ning police; House Property Bargaining and Storage (backup) system, Jinan House Bourse; Storage systems, Shan Dong Judiciary Bureau and Qingdao Commodity Inspection Office; Take in and deal with calls system, Dezhou police office; Layout on Golden Shield Project, Zaozhuang police office; Trade-off on nework, Luneng Material Co.

Dec. 2000~Dec. 2001   ×××× Group
Position:  Engineer of Server Network System Technical Support, Technical Support Center of Server Project Department
Duties & obligations:
Provided post-sales technical support on series of Liangchao server & network products.
Major projects:
Installation, modification and maintenance of Liangchao Server for National Golden Tax Project and Petrol of China , praised by customers for qualified services.

Aug. 1998~Nov. 2000   ×××× Automobile Co., Ltd.
Position:   System Administrator & Network Manager
Duties & obligations:
        Responsible for CAD project, successfully constructed 40-set CAD network based on NT 4.0 HA system;
        Prepared and implemented PDM (Product Data Manage, a kind of large data base management software based on SQL Server) Project;
        Developed Order Management System by POWER BUILDER and SQL SERVER;
        Organized operation of American management software-FORTH SHIFT, and furthermore carried out researches on UNIERP of Sumsung, Korea;
Position:  Assistant Engineer of Technology Center
        Responsible for die design and construction directions.

        Dec.2006-present, take participate in ××× official training;
        Jan.2002~Nov.2006, frequently accepted systematic training on IBM minicomputer, server and storage product;
         Oct.2002, take participate in IBM AIX training;
        Nov.2002, passed CCNA certification;
        Oct.2000~Dec.2000, accepted training on full series of PC Server system at Technical Support Center of Server Project Department, Liangchao Group;
        June1999~Dec.1999, passed MCSE, MCP+INTERNET certification;
        June1999~Jan.2000, visited and investigated some renowned PDM software development companies, and manufacturers that are skillful in PDM application;
        August 1998~Oct.1998, studied WINNT, LAN, SQL SERVER and PDM at Huazhong University of Science & Technology;
        Sept.1993~July1997, majored in die design & manufacture, Hefei Industry University, BS.

        MCSE, MCP, CCNA, AIX CertificatIons held;
        Familiar with MS-DOS/ WINNT/WIN2000/ UNIX/LINUX/lotus/AUTOCAD/PHOTOSHOP
        Familiar with knowledge of networking structures and protocols, proficient in LAN and know about WAN;
        Familiar with NAS/ SAN storage product and solution, know about Veritas, Tivoli TSM, CA Arcserver and so on, have ability to implement storage devices of Brocade, HDS,ADIC, IBM, McData, DELL, EMC,QLogic, Emulex;
        Proficienct in VB/PB/Access/SQL Server/Oracle;
        Familiar with minicom, pc server system and application solution;
Designed and implemented many large integrated system projects as support specialist, including minicom, PCserver, network, various operating systems, large data base, NAS/SAN.

        Honest, open-minded and strong coordination ability;
        Self-motivated and independent work ability ;
        Good communication skill.

cover letter

I am very interested in the position of IT Architect. I believe that my superior work will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.

I have worked in one well-known mamufacuter, the biggest PC Server supplier in China, the one of ten biggest storage product wholesaler (The general agent and service provider of IBM, HDS, Brocade, Quantum) in China in past 10 years. And now I work for Dell as a senior system consultant of advanced system products group (PC Server, EMC Storage, Veritas, Vmware). I have very prolific plan design and implement experiences about storage products. I am perfect confident that I can suit the position and contribute to your business. Please see my resume for more details and contact me if more information needed. I also hold MCSE and CCNA certificates.
The key strengths that I possess as a successful candidate include, but are not limited to, the following:
        Capability to implement storage devices of Brocade,HDS,ADIC,IBM,McData,DELL,EMC;
        Supeiror knowledge on NAS/ SAN storage product and solution and well known about Veritas, Tivoli TSM, CA  Arcserver, etc.
        MCSE, MCP, CCNA, AIX CertificatIons held;
        Proficient in LAN structure and protocal and well known about WAN;
        Familiar with minicom, server system and application solution.
        Proficient in MS-DOS/ WINNT/WIN2000/ UNIX/LINUX/lotus;
Also I have abundant experiences in network administration and integrated system projects. My experience includes but is not limited to:

•        Design and implementation of many large integrated system projects, including minicom, PCserver, network, various operating systems, large data base, NAS/SAN;
•         Design and implementation of storage projects
I am now working in China and will return to Australia in the beginning of June. It will be better to contact me through email. I am looking forward to your reply. Many thanks for your consideration and time.
20 June 12, 2007

[ 本帖最后由 老大卫 于 19-6-2007 09:27 编辑 ]


发表于 19-6-2007 11:29:32 | 只看该作者


A marketing communications specialist with four years’ experience in manufacturing based sales companies in China, (这句话一说人家就不要你了,你只有manufacturing based sales company经验,而且还是在中国的。为什么要把这些说出来呢?就象征婚广告中说家有百万,后面再加一句套牢在股市中。添蛇足了)I have worked on advertising, exhibition, event, web communications etc. I have solid record of tasks implementation in marketing area and consistently hit the targets. I’ve completed MBA in Australia and am now seeking a new professional challenge in Australia.

1。 four years experience in marketing communication
2.  extensive knowledge of advertising, exhibition&events management and other ATL tactics
3. MBA from Queensland University of Technology
4. Familar with corprate online communication strategy and online marketing tactics.
5. excellent commnuication skills and rich project management experience

SCOPE OF EXPERIENCE: (把这一段放到你工作经历中去)
•        Advertising – Two years’ experience in industrial magazines(不要强调industrial) and website advertisement (这点要强调,这里做online ad 的很多)including annual plan, design coordination and liaison with suppliers.
•        Events – Member of event management team of The XXXX event in Shanghai in 2006, joining in strategy making, internal communications and coordination, catering arranging, promotional materials sourcing and design coordination, customers tickets and hotel booking, budget controlling and after event follow up issues.
•        Exhibitions – Systematically organize two XXXX industrial automation exhibitions (不要写insdustrial) in two cities including budget controlling, booth design coordination, equipment arrangement, promotional and product materials preparation, customer service, database creation and collection, sales support.
•        Marketing Communications – Two years’ experience of internal communications in catalogues translation, proofreading, coordination with HQ in XXXX, liaison with printers, seminar support, and bilingual web page content edition, newsletter edition.
•        Training Administration – Two years be responsible for local technical training plan, administration, database management, and result follow up.
•        Web Implementation – Four years’ experience in company website management via internal website setup, operation and edition, external web site maintenance.

•        “Can do” spirit
•        Excellent team player(这一段建议不写,都是soft skill,没有用的。)
•        Good interpersonal skills acquired via suppliers, customers liaison
•        Self-motivated, multi-tasking as creating newsletter, general catalogues and can meet the deadline for several tasks
•        Bilingual language skills: Australia Master education background, Mandarin(除非你申请的职位用中文,否则说了等于在说你英文不是母语)
•        Overseas working experience acquired when working two weeks in XXXX (2周经验,还是不写好。等于没有)
•        Intermediate level of MS office including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, knowledge of Lotus Notes,
•        Entry level of Access, Publisher, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Suites2 (Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator), Dreamweaver (这些倒是可以写的,不过entry level太低了,有没有自信吹familar with...?)
•        Quick-learner

2005/04 – 2007/03: Marketing Communications Specialist
XXXX Trading Co., Ltd.

Manage marketing communications including web site, catalogues, promotional materials, seminars, events, technical training administration, demo tools stock, customer and interstate offices service and liaison.(把上面内容拿下来详细描述你做了什么)

•        Successfully complete the first ever large sponsoring event in Shanghai 2006, “XXXX” traveling from Sweden to China by acquiring high appreciation, improving customer relationship by great feedback and decreasing account receivable payback period. (数字支持)
•        First set up local technical training database according to HQ’s requirement and first start its smooth implementation by lowering training cost and improving trainee satisfaction.
•        First set up internal webpage for China customer center based on Group internal web site, promote for more browsing and news contribution by updating exciting large order received news and new product line launching news.(有没有数字做支持?)

2003/03 – 2005/03:  Sales Support (job title一定要写sales support吗?能往marketing方面靠吗)
XXXX Co., Ltd.

Coordinate with sales in exploring overseas market by cooperating with XXXX manufacture, export agent and liaison with customers in HK, North & South America and Europe, customer database tracking and filing etc.

•        Coordinate to complete the first ODM order (L/C business),
•        Successfully support the management of XXXX business by 20% sales increase in 2004
•        Support to explore European market in new areas by building continuous relationships with customers in France, Greek and Spain.

2001/08 – 2003/01: Marketing Manager (改成marketing specialist比较好,否则你的career path 有问题,从marketing manager到sales support.)
XXXX Ltd. Shanghai Office

Manage company catalogues, printings, seminars, exhibitions, website recreation and updating news and maintenance, training administration etc.

•        Successfully organize two XXXX industrial automation exhibitions by increasing brand and product acknowledgement within the professional industry area.
•        Rebuild company website by self learning web editing software (Frontpage and Dreamweaver) and manage to update and edit information and company news.
•        First put advertisement in professional industrial web site for more awareness and brand promotion.

1998/09 – 2000/02: Entry level of Book Keeper (改成office administration)
XXXX Company
Daily office administration, book keeper in financial department

MBA, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia, (年份)
BA, Zhejiang University, China, (年份)

你的简历可以申请marketing comminication specialist, marketing coordinater等职位。但你不仅没有local的工作经验,而且其实你做的都是工业品,工业品的marketing communication 和消费品完全不一样的。所以在简历中千万不要让人看出来这一点。除非你申请的是工业品公司的职位。)简历中多强调event management, advertisement, online strategy这几条。在这里online strategy很重视。另外早先的工作是sales support, book keeper,这两份工作要注意往marketing 方向靠。
你写了很多具体的事情,但简历中还要加一点marketing communication strategy design的东西进去。这比具体的事情更重要。
你有很多好的经历可以进一步强调,比如data base design, online marketing tactics, event management,printing material design, 注意在简历中突出对方要的东西。


good luck

[ 本帖最后由 老大卫 于 19-6-2007 10:54 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
蒙面超人 + 30 老大的回复真风趣哈哈




发表于 19-6-2007 13:05:42 | 只看该作者

A network and system engineer with unique experience is looking for a technical role in a small or medium company where I can maximize the use of my network, system and programming skills and where I will be continually challenged and stretched.

        5 years experience in a large network environment
        Network skills include CCNP, Netgear, LAN, WAN and Firewall
        System skills include Microsoft, Database, Storage and Backup
        Programming skills include VB/VBA and java

Employment history
Self-Employed, 04/2007-present
        Advertising on the Australia Chinese Daily as a computer maintain service provider
        Trouble-shooting and fixing computer issues for the family customs and  small companies in the Asian society
        Successful developed 4 customs in the first week, built a good relationship with each of my customs , made my business increasing every week

Network and System Engineer, ***** University, 07/2001 - 02/2007
***** University, one of the famous multi-disciplinary universities in South China, makes ***** the base of its operations and at the same time services the whole of Guangdong Province as well as all China and the outside world.
I participated in a few of IT projects, and I kept upgrading myself to meet the needs of different projects. My roles varied from system engineer to network administrator, sometimes even programmer.

Project experience and Achievements
2005-2007 The new campus network project of ***** University
It is the largest IT project in the university history, tens of million budgets, involved over 1500 sets of network switches, covering about 20,000 students and 2,000 teachers and administrators. I participated in the process of design, implement and maintaining.

        Play a key role in the technical project team, liaised with switch venders and integration companies, wrote technical reports to the public bidding proposals ,designed the policies of  IP, Routing, ACL and QOS for the new networks
        Successful selected the most suitable venders , used only 50% budget and built a 3 time larger network comparing to another university in the universities island
        Worked over time during the school holidays, supervised the technical team from integration companies , kept project finishing on time
        Maintained the whole networks in high availability condition, including 2000 access switches, 80 distribution routers , core CISCO 6513 switches and Firewalls
        Trained 6 support engineers in network connecting and trouble-shooting, trained 4 network engineers in switches replacing and configuring

2004-2007 Application Systems Improvement of ***** University
A lot of application systems upgraded and new implied in these years, I participated in some of them as a system engineer, and I took the responsibility of maintaining the upgraded systems.

        Associated with the HP SAN and NAS project, deploy system images for the HP blade servers , backup and restored data system thought the storage network (2006-2007)
        Installed and managed new Servers, such as DHCP, DNS, Syslog ,WSUS, SQL SERVER and Radius server, base on Microsoft platform (2006)
        Design solutions for the datacenter department of relocation from old campus to new one, including data backup, server relocation and network shifting policies(2006)
        Successful Upgraded three application systems smoothly , a Educational Administration System from FoxPro database to Oracle database, an Email system from sendmail to postfix , an  Office Automatization System from ASP and Access database to ASP.NET and SQL2000 database(2004-2005)

2001-2004 Improvement of Computer Laboratory, ***** University
I finished my degree in the department of computer science with full scholarship. And I successful apply the only one vacancy of lab administrator in 2001. My responsibly is to improve the operation of computer   laboratory.

        Upgraded the file server from Novell 4.11 to Window 2000 Active Dictionary , transferred 2,000 user accounts to new system
        Preformed a system protection solution using the Recovery Genius software , made sure the system can be recovered to normal state within ONE second, systems and all data files are fully recovered, and junk virus files are completely removed
        Implied a system image deployment solution using the Symantec Ghost , used the multicast method to deploy system image which could deploy hundreds of computers at the same time, limited the system reinstall time to 30 minutes every 60 computers , only 5% of the time that before needs
        Support 2,000 users of computer laboratory every year with a broad software list; support the programming software including Visual Studio 6.0 , Borland Pascal , Borland C++, Java J2se and J2ee, Borland Dephi and Borland JBuilder; support the database software including dbase, FoxPro, Sybase , MS SQL and MYSQL; support the office software include Microsoft Office , VBA and WPS Office; support the design software include AUTOCAD, Photoshop, Macromedia Studio, Electronic Workbench and etc

2001-2005 some Programming projects for different organizations
My Director Mr. Huang told me that a good system administrator should have some programming skills. So I participated in some programming projects, and I developed some small but useful applications which can raise efficiency of management with my programming skills.
        Successful handled an endless circulation programming environment, developed a Voice system which answered about 60,000 queuing call a year, and developed a network alarm system which could send out a voice alarm when there was a network device-down event.(2006)
        Solely designed, developed and successfully implemented a network management system that can control more than 1,000 switches with telnet and SNMP ActiveX components.(2006)
        Designed an Excel-VBA program to translate the configuration scripts for different firewall devices, such as Cisco, Fortigate, Checkpoint, etc(2005)
        Joined an Office Automatization Project team, developed the module of workflow auditing with Active Server Pages and MySQL database for a government organization (2004)
        Reduce 90% the workload of correcting the Office application exercises by designing a MS Office application testing and teaching system, supervised a team of 6 students majoring in computer science, won the second prize 2003 diploma project of the university
        Joined an accounting system project team, developed the module of inputting and modifying invoices with Visual Basic and SQL Server, and developed the module of summary with Crystal Report for a 4 stars-level hotel in *****

2001 Network Laboratory Construction of ***** University
Along with the demand of teaching development, Network Laboratory was approved to construct. This Lab included six sets of STARNET 2501 Routers, a set of 2600 STARNET Router, and several layer2 of switches, mainly used in remote access and route experiment. I participated in the design of physical connecting Topology therein; furthermore, in August, I obtained the primary attestation of Start Network Support Engineer and got to know the managerial way of running laboratory

Bachelor Degree in Computer, ***** University, China, 1997 – 2001

Trainings and Certifications
2006 Netgear Certified Systems Engineer
2005 Netgear Certified Pre-sales Engineer
2004-2005 Courses of CCNP Training
2004 IBM AIX Advanced System Administration
2004 Trained on Nexans Premises Distribution System Technician
2004 Trained on FLUKE – OMNI scanner Cable Tester
2003 Trained on IKE TC-2000H Private Automatic Branch Exchanger (PABX)
2002 Java Programming Language
2001 Start Network Support Engineer


发表于 19-6-2007 13:24:26 | 只看该作者

回复 #153 judywang 的帖子

回复 #153 judywang 的帖子

contact information

Highlights of Qualification                                                                                

•        ASA of CPA Australia, Certified General Accountants of Canada, Certified Public Accountant of China, Certified Public Tax Agent of China
•        Be familiar with IFRS, US GAAP and Chinese GAAP
•        Be in charge the implementation of ERP system and be versed in Oracle,JDE, Microsoft Office, Internet etc
•        In-depth education in Accounting, Finance, taxation etc.(这条改成master of accounting)
•        Working experience in the head office of a listed company of NASDAQ(和下一条合并成9年工作经历in multi-national company and auditing firm)
•        Three-year working experience in an audit firm and six-year management experience in a multi-national company, good sense of new business (不知道什么意思?)
•        Proficient communication skills(Mandarin/English)(除非工作需要,否则不要突出你得中文水平)(如果公司是APAC总部,可以把Multilingual skill加在最后一项
•        Extremely well organized and analytical in finding and resolving problems(与下一条合并成一条就可以了,甚至不写,soft skill太多了没有意思,特别是在你有很强得hard skill得时候)(同意!这个等到面试时候问你的优点的时候再说,现在说了也没用)
•        Exceptional interpersonal skills, team leader, reputation for reliability


Professional Experience                                                                                

Oct. 2006 –Present         A company
Accounting manager: Serves in a globally leading inspection company

•        Fully in charge of the accounting issues in Shanghai ,Beijing ,Guangzhou and Hong Kong (可以说是Greater China Region啦!然后再括弧那么几个office)
•        Improve the functions of dept. in cash management , AR,AP, G/L and reporting(注意全部用过去时)
•        Regulate and unify the accounting process and policy
•        Prepare and analyze the consolidated report of five entities In Great China
•        Supervise accounting team in China, giving them training and evaluating performance
•        Responsible for the internal communication with HO, operating dept. and external relationship with other organizations and entities.

ACHIEVEMENTS        Systemize the accounting procedures and reporting structure
Improve the collection of AR and increase the turnover rate of AR significantly

Feb. 2004 –Sept.2006         B company
Senior Finance analyst : Serves in a USA listed company and involves more work in business strategies

Main tasks in Finance, controlling and budgeting

•        Actively participate in the strategy planning of the Group
•        Design and evaluate major acquisition projects
•        Develop annual budget system and prepare Group budget
•        Prepare rolling forecast monthly to facilitate management review of capital appropriations and operational strategies
•        Present milestone status reports and other management reports to Top Management
•        Responsible for the communications between finance management center and each game operating center. Analyze and guide their business strategy, operation model, and market activities
•        Analyze and control the main cost items. Put forward valuable suggestions in order to improve efficiency
•        Review progress against  budget and use financial highlight to influence management
•        Trace, analyze and assess the performance of different segments  
•        Set up the KPI evaluation system by project teams and departments
•        Assist in the tax planning
(以上的职责,可以根据原有合同上的job description或者seek上相关职位的job description写,这样更加准确!)

ACHIEVEMENTS        Keep close contact with top management, analyze and plan the Group strategy;
Set up benchmarks for operation to ensure healthy and consistent development (achievements 不够有力,可以考虑加进自己对公司内部管理得作用以及公司业绩得具体数字提高)

Jan. 2001 –Feb.2004         C company
Finance Manager: Serves as a leader to ensure smooth team work in line with business, accounting and financial management processes  

Finance and budgeting
•        Participate the business operation and development
•        Organize the  budget system and procedure
•        Be responsible for project management and analysis
•        Submit flash reports, performance analysis reports to HQ in Germany
•        Check the general cost and expense for the company, analyze and control the expense for each department
•        Establish costing model, forecast the product cost and pricing strategy
•        Analyze inventory structure and control inventory risk
•        Set up the KPI evaluation system

Accounting and taxation
•        Set up the company’s financial & accounting systems, regularize the accounting records
•        Prepare different financial reports according to local GAAP, German GAAP and international accounting standards
•        Analyze and evaluate operating results, submit analysis reports to German group
•        Draw up operation process and design the whole control procedure
•        Make tax planning to reduce tax risks
•        Executive the staff management all over the country, update their knowledge and evaluate their performance
•        Make insurance policies to secure the company’s assets
•        Responsible for overall auditing work and Manage banking business
•        Check all types of contracts

ACHIEVEMENTS        Set up the analysis system;
Implement and be the key user in the ERP project (ERP 经历是这段工作中应该突出得地方,其他得可以再简略一点,
Standardize the operation process and the finance & accounting system and improve relative internal control systems; (同意老大卫的说法,ERP project implementation这条就已经够你找到一个很好背景的contract)

Mar 1998 – Jan. 2001        D audit firm
Project Manager

•        Make general plans and detail steps of audit projects in charge independently
•        Distribute tasks and control work time and process
•        Audit accounting items with high risk and important ones
•        Instruct team-partners and answer questions they meet , control audit risk
•        Check working paper file to ensure it correct and complete
•        Communicate with clients to indicate irregularities discovered and submit instructive suggestions  
•        Summarize the whole work, present audit opinion and submit audit report

ACHIEVEMENTS        participate in many audit projects, such as listed companies, foreign companies and groups. Get familiar with features and procedures of varied industries. (这个不是achievements,要写出你在不同公司audit的经验,这段经历有助于你将来面试得时候吹industry experience,比如你说你熟悉某一个行业的会计做账。manufucturing, service company, trading company...)(估计Judy不是在外资所,如果是,那3年当经理就已经让99.99%的人折服,我的意见倒是如果不找firm的工作,这个经历简略些就好了。仅仅是一个职业生涯的描述,说明Judy根正苗红,非我等半路出家之辈。况且,已经很久远,不起太大作用了,也不会再做reference。)

Education Background                                                                        

Accounting  Department. Awarded M.Sc. degree.(in China) (把master degree放前面,accounting department放后面)

Accounting Department. Graduated as B.Sc. degree. (in China)

总体来说写得很好,注意不要写得太多,比如summary中东西就太多了,反而掩盖了LZ与众不同得地方。(master, 9年工作经验,AUS CPA等等。注意要让人一目了然看到你得特长。)
另外你写到很多project managment,如果不是广告中特别提到,不必mention,同理,写多了反而让对方看花了眼。


我觉得,Judy准备了一桌子的菜给大家挑着吃,写的都不错,没有啥术语问题。当Judy要投跟FM相关的工作时候,多些FM的两段经历。如果要投system accountant或者ERP implementation关系的工作,则多强调中间SA的工作。audit的工作经历只是一个铺垫,是一个身世传奇的开始哈,简单描述。Judy是个强人,千万不要找低class的工作,否则坏了那么多年攒的career path。建议先找contract,找大的agent找,做些大公司的contract,这种contract会offer不错的hour rate,主要是帮Judy积攒大概3个月到6个月的本地经验。在广州人的眼里,本地鸡比外地鸡贵,肥鸡比瘦鸡抢手,Judy如果找到好的中介,她一定会耐心的帮着找一些有利于将来的contract,如果Judy找不到一个好的中介,那就需要自己多想多思考,利用contract的机会挑自己想做的行业想做的职位和职能,以及相关的职责和经验,最终把自己培养成一个又肥又壮的本地鸡,卖个好价钱,嫁个好人家!!!



发表于 19-6-2007 13:40:27 | 只看该作者


提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言
Personal Detail 略 (CCIE 10553)

                         **** University, 09/1991 to 07/1995
                                                     Bachelor of Engineering, Major in Materials Science & Engineering

Working Experience   

From 01/1999 to 05/2000: **** Information System Co., Ltd.
System Engineer, Department of Technology
ü        Planning , designing and selecting products  for network systems
ü        Planning, designing and selecting products for computer systems
ü        Installing and configuring the computer systems and database systems
ü        Installing, configuring and trouble-shooting various network devices
ü        Administration and routine maintenance of network systems
ü        Pre-sale technical support and consultancy for system integration projects

From 06/2000 to 08/2003: **** Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Senior Network Engineer
ü        Analyzing network systems and formulating overall technical proposals
ü        Project budgeting and model selection
ü        Formulating project plans and implementing proposals,  coordinating resources
ü        Network system planning, covering network architecture, IP addressing , routing, network security, etc.
ü        Installing, configuring and trouble-shooting network products
ü        Project schedule, cost control and quality control
ü        Composing project implementation documents, handover documents and project summaries
ü        Project testing, final acceptance and handover
ü        User training, preparing training documents
ü        Providing technical support throughout the projects
ü        Providing technical consultancy for other divisions of the company

From 08/2003 to 07/2005: ****Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Manager of Products Support Centre
ü        Leading an engineer group consisting of 5-10 people of the division
ü        Designing and implementing large computer networks
ü        Compiling technical proposals for system integration projects for  the customers as a senior pre-sale technical consultant
ü        Helping the customers analyze and optimize the network performance
ü        Directing the installation, trouble-shooting and configuration of various network devices
ü        Directing the installation and configuration of the computer systems, HA systems and database systems
ü        Training users, preparing training documents, and providing technical consultancy

From 08/2005 to 01/2006: China Network Communications Group Corporation **** Branch
Manager for IP & Transport & PSTN Construction, Planning and Construction Division
ü        Planning, designing and managing internet construction projects across the province
ü        Planning, designing and managing SDH network construction projects
ü        Planning and managing PSTN network construction projects
ü        Designing and managing user access networks

From 01/2006 to present: China Network Communications Group Corporation **** Branch
Division: Network Operating Maintenance Division
Position: IP Technology Chief Engineer
ü        Managing the operating maintenance  of the Internet and NGN(Next Generation Network)
ü        Allocating IP addresses for the Internet and NGN
ü        Formulating regulations on Internet security management
ü        Configuring various network devices
ü        Optimizing and adjusting the traffic of the Internet and NGN
ü        Providing technical support on IP networks for the customers
ü        Routine maintenance of the network management software
ü        Training junior network engineers

ü        Designed, implemented and provided support for large ISP networks, familiar with the service provider’s network characteristics, network structure, access technologies and routing schemes, adept at designing high performance, manageable and expandable ISP networks
ü        Designed, implemented and provided support for many large enterprise networks; experienced with the technologies and principles for building large and medium-sized networks; being able to complete the design, implementation, and troubleshooting of large network systems independently; having the experience in the project management, organization and coordination of large network projects

Details provided as below:
ü        Proficient in IP routing protocols, such as Interior Gateway Protocols, including RIP/RIPv2, OSPF, IS-IS and EIGRP/IGRP, and Border Gateway Protocols version 4;
ü        Proficient in Switching and Bridging, HSRP, VRRP, VLAN, Trunk, Spanning-tree, Multilayer switching, etc.
ü        Proficient in WAN technologies, including HDLC, PPP, Frame-relay, ATM, ISDN, Dial-up services
ü        Mastered VPN technologies, including MPLS VPN,L2TP VPN, GRE Tunnel VPN, IPsec tunnel VPN and PPTP
ü        Mastered security technologies, including IPsec, Radius, Tacacs+, Keberos, DoS, DDoS, Layer 2 attack, MITM Attack and AAA
ü        Mastered Quality of Service: DSCP, Traffic Shaping,  RSVP
ü        Familiar with communication protocols involved in NGN, such as SIP, H.323, etc.
ü        Experienced with Cisco products, such as routers (Cisco 1700—Cisco 12000 series), switches (Catalyst 2950 ----7600 series) and firewalls (PIX 500 series)
ü        Experienced with Alcatel SR7750 series routers and Alcatel 6600 series switches
ü        Experienced with Huawei BRAS products, such as MA 5200 series
ü        Experienced with network management softwares such as CiscoWorks 2000 and HP OpenView, and traffic monitoring software such as MRTG
ü        Experienced with network protocol analysis softwares,  such as Sniffer and Ethereal
ü        Experienced with various Internet applications, such as HTTP , FTP, TFTP, DNS, EMAIL, NTP and SSH

Other  related experience also include:
ü        Proficient in Microsoft Office
ü        Experienced in computer operation systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP UNIX, IBM AIX, Solaris, SCO UNIX, etc.  
ü        Experienced with common relational database systems such as MYSQL and Oracle


[ 本帖最后由 单衣纵酒 于 19-6-2007 17:33 编辑 ]


发表于 19-6-2007 20:01:08 | 只看该作者

回复 #172 qqyang1980 的帖子



发表于 19-6-2007 22:28:13 | 只看该作者

回复 #170 老大卫 的帖子


说句实话,我是在职业发展方向上蹒跚错步走来的,不知道是不是也有人像我这样的,工作三四年了也没有想好自己到底适合做什么啊?其实仔细分析,我做得更多的是marketing administration方面的,而没有marketing strategy或是planning之类的。电话面试的时候已经被问到过了,我只能坦白没有这方面的经验啊。。。苦。。。



[ 本帖最后由 老大卫 于 20-6-2007 09:35 编辑 ]


发表于 20-6-2007 10:29:33 | 只看该作者




Dec.2006~Jun.2007   ××× (China) Co. Ltd.
Position: Senior System Consultant, Advanced System Group
Duties & Obligations:
        Pre-sales technical support & sales on advanced system products, such as PC Server, storage and backup products.
Successful Projects:
        PC Server and storage system for China Netcom Group; PC server system for Jinan Steel Group; Electronic Server Integrated System for Shandong Luneng Group.

Oct.2005~Nov.2006   ×××× Information Technology Product Co., Ltd
Position: Senior System Engineer, Storage Product Department
Duties & Obligations:
        Pre-sales technical support & after-sales service for IBM minicom and advanced storage product (HDS, Brocade, Mcdata,  ADIC, Bakbone).
Designed and Implemented Projects:
        SAN Update and Reconstruct:China Mobile Communications Corporation Shandong Branch; China Netcom Group, Lin Yi Branch; Shandong Welfare Lottery Issuing Center; ShengLi petrol Administration Bureau,Dongying city; People's Insurance Company of China, Jinan Branch; Commercial Bank, Laiwu city.
        Backup System and SAN Design & Implement:People’s Hospital, Linyi city,Police Office, Jining city; Police Office, Dongying city; Government Office, Qingdao city; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shandong Branch; Qingdao University; Jinan Steel Group.

Jan. 2002~Sep.2005     ××× Technology Co. Ltd., Jinan Branch
Position: Senior System Engineer
Duties & obligations:
        Advanced technical support on a wide variety of system products such as IBM minicom, PC server, storage, backup, network etc., including pre-site inspection, customer requirements analyses, suitable integrated solutions presentation, organization and management of initial installation, implementation, debugging and performance maintenance, and coordination for final examination;
        Work closely with Zarva Sales, Professional Services, other Field Product Sales, Customer Service personnel and Technical support to ensure a satisfied result.
        Develop and maintain a close relationship with customers by excellent after-sale services, make full use of various resources to optimize the result for the customer;
        Responsible for system administration and system performance management in office, installing some opening systems plus software components;   
        Participate in pre-sales discussion, take some sales quotas, and sign the sales order independently.
Major projects (as technical manager):
        Remote Education system platform, Shan Dong University; Residence Management system and OA system, Ji Ning police; House Property Bargaining and Storage (backup) system, Jinan House Bourse; Storage systems, Shan Dong Judiciary Bureau and Qingdao Commodity Inspection Office; Take in and deal with calls system, Dezhou police office; Layout on Golden Shield Project, Zaozhuang police office; Trade-off on nework, Luneng Material Co.

Dec. 2000~Dec. 2001   ×××× Group
Position:  Engineer of Server Network System Technical Support, Technical Support Center of Server Project Department
Duties & obligations:
Provided post-sales technical support on series of Liangchao server & network products.
Major projects:
Installation, modification and maintenance of Liangchao Server for National Golden Tax Project and Petrol of China , praised by customers for qualified services.

Aug. 1998~Nov. 2000   ×××× Automobile Co., Ltd.
Position:   System Administrator & Network Manager
Duties & obligations:
        Responsible for CAD project, successfully constructed 40-set CAD network based on NT 4.0 HA system;
        Prepared and implemented PDM (Product Data Manage, a kind of large data base management software based on SQL Server) Project;
        Developed Order Management System by POWER BUILDER and SQL SERVER;
        Organized operation of American management software-FORTH SHIFT, and furthermore carried out researches on UNIERP of Sumsung, Korea;
Position:  Assistant Engineer of Technology Center
        Responsible for die design and construction directions.

        Dec.2006-present, take participate in ××× official training;
        Jan.2002~Nov.2006, frequently accepted systematic training on IBM minicomputer, server and storage product;
         Oct.2002, take participate in IBM AIX training;
        Nov.2002, passed CCNA certification;
        Oct.2000~Dec.2000, accepted training on full series of PC Server system at Technical Support Center of Server Project Department, Liangchao Group;
        June1999~Dec.1999, passed MCSE, MCP+INTERNET certification;
        June1999~Jan.2000, visited and investigated some renowned PDM software development companies, and manufacturers that are skillful in PDM application;
        August 1998~Oct.1998, studied WINNT, LAN, SQL SERVER and PDM at Huazhong University of Science & Technology;
        Sept.1993~July1997, majored in die design & manufacture, Hefei Industry University, BS.

 这应该是简历的第一页,是你的卖点,一般叫做Professional Skills 

        MCSE, MCP, CCNA, AIX CertificatIons held;
        Familiar with MS-DOS/ WINNT/WIN2000/ UNIX/LINUX/lotus/AUTOCAD/PHOTOSHOP
        Familiar with knowledge of networking structures and protocols, proficient in LAN and know about WAN;
        Familiar with NAS/ SAN storage product and solution, know about Veritas, Tivoli TSM, CA Arcserver and so on, have ability to implement storage devices of Brocade, HDS,ADIC, IBM, McData, DELL, EMC,QLogic, Emulex;
        Proficienct in VB/PB/Access/SQL Server/Oracle;
        Familiar with minicom, pc server system and application solution;
Designed and implemented many large integrated system projects as support specialist, including minicom, PCserver, network, various operating systems, large data base, NAS/SAN.
你会的东西写太多了,删除90%的东西,只写雇主要求的,自己最熟练的,写详细了,比如你会Aix,哪个Version的你做过,如果会安装,做过哪几种不同方式的安装;如果你会调优,能调优到什么层面等等。一般知识性描述是Working Knowledge   of 什么,什么。 Experience with什么,什么。

        Honest, open-minded and strong coordination ability;
        Self-motivated and independent work ability ;
        Good communication skill.

cover letter

I am very interested in the position of IT Architect. I believe that my superior work will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.
I have worked in one well-known mamufacuter, the biggest PC Server supplier in China, the one of ten biggest storage product wholesaler (The general agent and service provider of IBM, HDS, Brocade, Quantum) in China in past 10 years. And now I work for Dell as a senior system consultant of advanced system products group (PC Server, EMC Storage, Veritas, Vmware). I have very prolific plan design and implement experiences about storage products. I am perfect confident that I can suit the position and contribute to your business. Please see my resume for more details and contact me if more information needed. I also hold MCSE and CCNA certificates.
The key strengths that I possess as a successful candidate include, but are not limited to, the following:
        Capability to implement storage devices of Brocade,HDS,ADIC,IBM,McData,DELL,EMC;
        Supeiror knowledge on NAS/ SAN storage product and solution and well known about Veritas, Tivoli TSM, CA  Arcserver, etc.
        MCSE, MCP, CCNA, AIX CertificatIons held;
        Proficient in LAN structure and protocal and well known about WAN;
        Familiar with minicom, server system and application solution.
        Proficient in MS-DOS/ WINNT/WIN2000/ UNIX/LINUX/lotus;
Also I have abundant experiences in network administration and integrated system projects. My experience includes but is not limited to:

•        Design and implementation of many large integrated system projects, including minicom, PCserver, network, various operating systems, large data base, NAS/SAN;
•         Design and implementation of storage projects
I am now working in China and will return to Australia in the beginning of June. It will be better to contact me through email. I am looking forward to your reply. Many thanks for your consideration and time.
20 June 12, 2007

 我个人的理解Cover Letter要简单,明了,细节在简历里交代。我自己用的Cover Leter很简单,三,四句话而已。
Dear **, I am very interested in (I would like to apply for) this position, ***, Reference No. ***.  I have * years experience as a *** in ***. Also, I ***. You can refer to my CV for more details.

[ 本帖最后由 单衣纵酒 于 20-6-2007 19:52 编辑 ]


发表于 20-6-2007 10:36:04 | 只看该作者
原帖由 mingyuwu 于 19-6-2007 21:28 发表

说句实话,我是在职业发展方向上蹒跚错步走来的,不知道是不是也有人像我这样的,工作三四年了也没有想好自己到底适合做什么啊?其实仔细分析 ...

marketing strategy, media planning这些东西都是可以吹的,问题是你做的是工业品的marketing,这些东西根本没有接触过。偶当年在做工业品marketing时也什么都不懂。建议你看点书抱一抱佛脚,然后结合自己的经历看看是否可以编点故事出来。否则估计你即使有面试也缺少很多理论知识。


 楼主| 发表于 20-6-2007 14:40:23 | 只看该作者
To: beyond_space  

里面中文的部分是我的修改意见,我就看了前面 两段的工作经历,及你最后的一些内容,中间没看也就没提意见了,我觉得你的简历要大动工,你还是再改改,再贴过来我们再帮你详细看吧。


Dec.2006~Jun.2007   ××× (China) Co. Ltd.
Position: Senior System Consultant, Advanced System Group

Duties & Obligations:
        Pre-sales technical support & sales on advanced system products, such as PC Server, storage and backup products.

Successful Projects:
PC Server and storage system for China Netcom Group;
PC server system for Jinan Steel Group;
Electronic Server Integrated System for Shandong Luneng Group.

Oct.2005~Nov.2006   ×××× Information Technology Product Co., Ltd
Position: Senior System Engineer, Storage Product Department
Duties & Obligations:
        Pre-sales technical support & after-sales service for IBM minicom and advanced storage product (HDS, Brocade, Mcdata,  ADIC, Bakbone).

Designed and Implemented Projects:
        SAN Update and Reconstruct:China Mobile Communications Corporation Shandong Branch; China Netcom Group, Lin Yi Branch; Shandong Welfare Lottery Issuing Center; ShengLi petrol Administration Bureau,Dongying city; People's Insurance Company of China, Jinan Branch; Commercial Bank, Laiwu city.
        Backup System and SAN Design & Implement:People’s Hospital, Linyi city,Police Office, Jining city; Police Office, Dongying city; Government Office, Qingdao city; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shandong Branch; Qingdao University; Jinan Steel Group.


Jan. 2002~Sep.2005     ××× Technology Co. Ltd., Jinan Branch
Position: Senior System Engineer
Duties & obligations:
        Advanced technical support on a wide variety of system products such as IBM minicom, PC server, storage, backup, network etc., including pre-site inspection, customer requirements analyses, suitable integrated solutions presentation, organization and management of initial installation, implementation, debugging and performance maintenance, and coordination for final examination;
        Work closely with Zarva Sales, Professional Services, other Field Product Sales, Customer Service personnel and Technical support to ensure a satisfied result.
        Develop and maintain a close relationship with customers by excellent after-sale services, make full use of various resources to optimize the result for the customer;
        Responsible for system administration and system performance management in office, installing some opening systems plus software components;   
        Participate in pre-sales discussion, take some sales quotas, and sign the sales order independently.
Major projects (as technical manager):
        Remote Education system platform, Shan Dong University; Residence Management system and OA system, Ji Ning police; House Property Bargaining and Storage (backup) system, Jinan House Bourse; Storage systems, Shan Dong Judiciary Bureau and Qingdao Commodity Inspection Office; Take in and deal with calls system, Dezhou police office; Layout on Golden Shield Project, Zaozhuang police office; Trade-off on nework, Luneng Material Co.

建议你在这一段里多写一些技术方面 的东西,以一个新移民的语言能力和对当地市场的了解,找pre-sales的工作还是比较难的,你的简历里偏销售的内容多,偏技术的内容少,是一个致命伤。即使你就是做这个的,我也建议你还是往技术方向靠,这样更容易找到工作。

Dec. 2000~Dec. 2001   ×××× Group
Position:  Engineer of Server Network System Technical Support, Technical Support Center of Server Project Department
Duties & obligations:
Provided post-sales technical support on series of Liangchao server & network products.
Major projects:
Installation, modification and maintenance of Liangchao Server for National Golden Tax Project and Petrol of China , praised by customers for qualified services.

Aug. 1998~Nov. 2000   ×××× Automobile Co., Ltd.
Position:   System Administrator & Network Manager
Duties & obligations:
        Responsible for CAD project, successfully constructed 40-set CAD network based on NT 4.0 HA system;
        Prepared and implemented PDM (Product Data Manage, a kind of large data base management software based on SQL Server) Project;
        Developed Order Management System by POWER BUILDER and SQL SERVER;
        Organized operation of American management software-FORTH SHIFT, and furthermore carried out researches on UNIERP of Sumsung, Korea;
Position:  Assistant Engineer of Technology Center
        Responsible for die design and construction directions.

        Dec.2006-present, take participate in ××× official training;
        Jan.2002~Nov.2006, frequently accepted systematic training on IBM minicomputer, server and storage product;
         Oct.2002, take participate in IBM AIX training;
        Nov.2002, passed CCNA certification;
        Oct.2000~Dec.2000, accepted training on full series of PC Server system at Technical Support Center of Server Project Department, Liangchao Group;
        June1999~Dec.1999, passed MCSE, MCP+INTERNET certification;
        June1999~Jan.2000, visited and investigated some renowned PDM software development companies, and manufacturers that are skillful in PDM application;
        August 1998~Oct.1998, studied WINNT, LAN, SQL SERVER and PDM at Huazhong University of Science & Technology;
        Sept.1993~July1997, majored in die design & manufacture, Hefei Industry University, BS.

        MCSE, MCP, CCNA, AIX CertificatIons held;

        Familiar with MS-DOS/ WINNT/WIN2000/ UNIX/LINUX/lotus/AUTOCAD/PHOTOSHOP
        Familiar with knowledge of networking structures and protocols, proficient in LAN and know about WAN;
        Familiar with NAS/ SAN storage product and solution, know about Veritas, Tivoli TSM, CA Arcserver and so on, have ability to implement storage devices of Brocade, HDS,ADIC, IBM, McData, DELL, EMC,QLogic, Emulex;
        Proficienct in VB/PB/Access/SQL Server/Oracle;
        Familiar with minicom, pc server system and application solution;
Designed and implemented many large integrated system projects as support specialist, including minicom, PCserver, network, various operating systems, large data base, NAS/SAN.

        Honest, open-minded and strong coordination ability;
        Self-motivated and independent work ability ;
        Good communication skill.

cover letter

I am very interested in the position of IT Architect. I believe that my superior work will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.

I have worked in one well-known mamufacuter, the biggest PC Server supplier in China, the one of ten biggest storage product wholesaler (The general agent and service provider of IBM, HDS, Brocade, Quantum) in China in past 10 years. And now I work for Dell as a senior system consultant of advanced system products group (PC Server, EMC Storage, Veritas, Vmware). I have very prolific plan design and implement experiences about storage products. I am perfect confident that I can suit the position and contribute to your business. Please see my resume for more details and contact me if more information needed. I also hold MCSE and CCNA certificates.
The key strengths that I possess as a successful candidate include, but are not limited to, the following:
        Capability to implement storage devices of Brocade,HDS,ADIC,IBM,McData,DELL,EMC;
        Supeiror knowledge on NAS/ SAN storage product and solution and well known about Veritas, Tivoli TSM, CA  Arcserver, etc.
        MCSE, MCP, CCNA, AIX CertificatIons held;
        Proficient in LAN structure and protocal and well known about WAN;
        Familiar with minicom, server system and application solution.
        Proficient in MS-DOS/ WINNT/WIN2000/ UNIX/LINUX/lotus;
Also I have abundant experiences in network administration and integrated system projects. My experience includes but is not limited to:

•        Design and implementation of many large integrated system projects, including minicom, PCserver, network, various operating systems, large data base, NAS/SAN;
•         Design and implementation of storage projects
I am now working in China and will return to Australia in the beginning of June. It will be better to contact me through email. I am looking forward to your reply. Many thanks for your consideration and time.
20 June 12, 2007


 楼主| 发表于 20-6-2007 15:00:38 | 只看该作者
To: cansea  ,你的简历排版上还可以调整一下。里面中文部分是我的建议。希望对你有帮助。


Personal Information:

Last Name:
First Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Mailing Address: Melbourne
Hobby: Tour, music and sports

Educational History:

09/1992 - 07/1996        Institution:                 University(国内)
Specialty:        Measuring

教育背景建议放到你的professional Skills后面去。你的优势是你的技术,不是你的教育,把你最有卖点的东西放到最前面 。

Working Experience:
12/2004 – Present        A COMPANY
        Position: Senior Software Engineer

12/2003 – 11/2004        C COMPANY
        Position: Senior Software Engineer

09/2000 – 11/2003        B COMPANY
        Position: Senior Software Engineer

12/1998 – 08/2000                S COMPANY
Position: Software Engineer

08/1996 – 11/1998        H COMPANY
        Position: Programmer


Professional Skills:

■ Operation system:
a)        Proficient in administrating Windows 2003 Advance Server and skillfully programming on MS Windows 2000 and MS Windows XP
b)        Expert in administrating HPUX, Solaris server
c)        Familiar with administrating Linux Server and capable of skillfully programming on Linux, such as Java and GNU C/C++

■ Database:
Fluent in using large-scale database and DDBMS, such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL, Postgresql and so on;
Six-year database programming experience with Oracle, tree-year with MS SQL Server and two-year for MySQL,Postgresql as well as Client/Server, Browser/Server experienced in designing database structure and programming complex database procedure & function & trigger. .

■ Programming language:
Familiar with JAVA ,C/C++, PASCAL; very experienced in programming

■ Internet programming:
Skillfully developing application software with Browser/Server structure by using programming tools such as Eclipse, Idea;
Familiar with JSP/JAVASCRIPT/XML/XSL/XSQL/CSS to develop web application or create template; Familiar with the usage and configuration of Apache & Weblogic Server & Tomcat & Resin & JBoss as well as Lucene & Ioc technique and Struts, Spring, Hibernate, AJAX framework.

■Communication software programming:
Familiar with TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, TELNET,HTTP/HTTPS,WAP communication protocols, serial communication, modem communication, and WinSock communication software programming, GSM, GPRS wireless communication software programming.

■ Programming tool:
Proficient in object-oriented programming method, using developing tools such as VC++(Communication, Driver), Borland C++ Builder(MIS), Delphi(MIS&Component), Idea(EJB&Java Application), Eclipse(Java Application、JavaBean、EJB), QT(MIS) to develop software independently.

■ Project management
Analyzing and designing application software of numerous projects by using standard system analyzing and designing methods, and accumulated abundant experience in application analysis and design. Using developing tools such as ERWin, PowerDesigner, PLSQL Developer for database design and developing, and Rational Rose, ArgoUML,Together, Visio, MS Project for system analysis and design. Using CSS/ Subversion /VSS as the Version Control Management. Familiar with quick development(Ruby on Rails) and SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture).

■ Others
Good ability of English listening, speaking, reading and writing and being amiable and eager to cooperate with others


Important IT Projects:
■12/2004 – Present  A COMPANY.
Position: Senior Software Engineer
1.        Logistics Management System
Duration: 12/2004 –Present
Application&Database: Eclipse &Tomcat &XMLSPY&Oracle9i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer
URL: ...
2.        Contract Purchase System
Duration: 12/2005 – 06/2006
Application&Database: Eclipse &Tomcat &XMLSPY&Oracle9i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer
URL: ...

3.        Buy System
Application&Database: Eclipse &Resin &XMLSPY&Oracle9i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer
URL: ...
4.        Pounchout System(Data Interface)
Application&Database: Eclipse &Tomcat &XMLSPY&Oracle9i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer
URL: ...

5.        Product Search Engine & Fuwutong Search Engine
Duration: 04/2005 – 06/2005
Application&Database: Eclipse &Tomcat &XMLSPY&Oracle9i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer
URL: ...

■12/2003 – 11/2004  C COMPANY
Position: Senior Software Engineer
Project: Background Management System
Duration: 12/2003 – 11/2004
Application&Database: Eclipse &Tomcat &XMLSPY&Oracle9i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer
URL: ...

■09/2000 – 11/2003 B COMPANY
Position: Senior Software Engineer
1.        XML Full-text Search Engine
Duration: 10/2003 – 02/2004
Application&Database: Eclipse &Tomcat &XMLSPY&Oracle8i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

2.        ePayment Commerce Manage System
Duration: 03/2003 – 06/2003
Application&Database:C++Builder6&Eclipse &Tomcat& SQL Server2000
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

3.        Sutong IC Manage System
Duration: 06/2002 – 12/2002
Application&Database: C++Builder6 &Oracle8i
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

4.        ePayment Manage Platform(Duration: 01/2001 – 03/2002):
(1) IC Manage System  
(2) Device Manage System  
(3) Supervising Manage System  
(4) Call Center Service System
(5) Device Manage System(GIS Tecnology)
Application&Database: VC++6.0&C++Builder5&JBuilder6&Weblogic server&Oracle8i/SQL Server2000
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

5.        IC Fill Data System(Include manage software and terminal application software)
Duration: 10/2001 – 12/2001
Application&Database: LINUX GNU C&C++Builder5&Oracle8i/SQLServer2000
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

6.        Expressway & Bridge Charge(without stopping) Manage System
Duration: 10/2000 –12/2000
Application&Database: VC++6.0&Oracle8i
Role: Analyst and Developer

a)        Analyzing and designing system together with other team leaguers. Using Rational Rose tools to construct model, Other tools, such as Project2000, Visio and so on also are used in system designing and project progress control.
b)        Designing database(ORACLE8i/SQL Server2000) structure before coding independently or cooperating with other team member. Using correlative database designing tools such as Power Designer, ERWin and so on.
c)        Organizing the project team members to program or developing the project independently.
d)        Writing the accomplished application system design documents and user manual documents independently..
e)        Having organized and led a 5-persons team to develop project.

■12/1998 - 08/2000 S COMPANY
Position: Senior Software Engineer
1.        City Public Computer System(Include MIS and terminal application software)
Duration: 01/2000 – 06/2000
Application&Database: Delphi5.0&Oracle8
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

2.        Telecom Fibre-optic Testing System
Duration: 11/1999 – 05/2000
Application&Database: Delphi5.0&IntDev6.0&IIS &Oracle8
Role: Analyst and Developer

3.        Telecom Multimedia Query System
Duration: 08/1999 –10/1999
Application&Database: Delphi5.0&Oracle7/Sybase10
Role: Analyst, Administrator and Developer

4.        Telecom Cable & Inflator Control System
Duration: 04/1999 –07/1999
Application&Database: C++Builder6 &Oracle8i
Role: Analyst and Developer

5.        Telecom 170 Call Center Query System
Duration: 02/1999 –03/1999
Application&Database: Delphi3.0&Oracle7
Role: Analyst and Developer

6.        Telecom Charge Supervising and Urging System
Duration: 12/1998 –01/1999
Application&Database: Delphi3.0&Oracle7
Role: Analyst and Developer

a) Analyzing and designing system together with other team leaguers. Using system designing tools, such as Project2000, Visio and so on also are used in system designing and project progress control.
b) Designing database structure before coding independently or cooperating with other team member. Using correlative database designing tools such as Power Designer..
c) Organizing the project team members to program or developing the project independently.
d) Writing the accomplished application system design documents and user manual documents independently..
e) Having organized and led a 5-persons team to develop project.

■08/1996 – 11/1998        H COMPANY
Position: Programmer
a)        Participating in analyzing and designing industrial automation project, using AUTO CAD tools to draw the industrial automation drawing.
b)        Taking part in industrial automation project construction, such as Fixing the device, testing the device and so on, Meanwhile, doing the united system test.
c)        Installing, configing and testing the industrial automation software. Such as China automation software, Honeywell automation software, Norway SAS automation software and so on.
d)        Familiar with CL(Control Language) to develop control model, and using C/C++ together with INTOUCH tools to develop industrial automation control application software.
e)        Writing engineering documents of the correlative project.


发表于 21-6-2007 10:36:35 | 只看该作者

kristinebeibei 简历修改

缺个summary (建议再看看二楼帖子)
** years experience of Executive assistant
familiar with...
soft skill....

Working Experience
2006/08 – 2007/05        ××× Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd (把中国二字提出来。写成*** company         shangahi,China的格式,这样更显出global一点)
Industry        Pharmaceutical (不要强调你的行业)
Title        Executive Assistant
Asia Pacific Research Organization
- Admin Support to VP of *** (Asia Pacific Research Organization)
1.        Provide day-to-day administrative support to VP of AsPRO(专用名词,不懂), including logistic arrangement, meeting, travel and visitors, document preparation, expense claim
2.        Information collection and issue follow-up(什么information)
3.        Document archiving and brochure distribution
4.        Other personal issue follow-up
- AsPRO Admin Issue Followup
1.        AsPRO Regional Meeting and Sr. Management Meeting coordination((这是闪光点,怎么coordination了?具体点)
-        Coordination with AU, HK, KRO and TWN country managers (这是闪光点,怎么coordination了?具体点)
-        Logistic arrangement (venue, accommodation, material preparation, transporation,etc)
2.        Monthly Report Consolidation
3.        Issue AP Region Headcount report
4.        Cooperation with Project accountant and country manager for clinical trial budget setup and input into SAP system
- Achievement
1. All local arrangement for Wyeth Global R&D VP Dr. Robert Ruffolo(这家伙是谁,看简历的人有必要知道这家伙的名字吗?) and his group visiting China (global团队多少人,待了几天的trip)
2. AsPRO Management meeting at Chengdu and Shanghai respectively. ( 20 people per time) (chengdu是什么地方,人家不知道啊。off-site management meeting就可以了)

2005/08 – 2006/08         **** Products (China) Co., Ltd
Industry        FMCG(理由同上,不要limit了你的找工范围)
Title        Executive Assistant + SH Office Manager
- Admin Support to VP Marketing
1.        Provide day-to-day administrative support to VP Mktg, including logistic arrangement, meeting, travel and visitors, document preparation, expense claim
2.        Information collection and issue follow-up
3.        Document archiving and brochure distribution
- Company and department event organize
1.        Sr. Management meeting
2.        Department annual conference
3.        Company annual dinner
4.        Employee club activities
- Lead Admin Group to provide admin service to whole SH office
1.        Develop office service rules, procedures and standards of service
2.        Prepare and control office admin budget
3.        Supervise admin staff to ensure daily performance meets job requirements
4.        General vendor screen and service evaluation
5.        Office S.H.E maintain
6.        Fully support expatriate
1)        Apartment Searching and issue follow-up
2)        Expatriate relocate issue follow-up
7.        Office renovation

- Achievement
1. SH office renovation(多少时间完成,省了多少钱,用数字表明)
2. **** CEO Andrea Jung 2006 China visit (见上)
3. SH office top vendor screen and selection
4. 2005 Company Christmas and annual dinner organize (Total 150 people)

2002/06 – 2005/08        **** Pharmaceutical company (China)
Industry        Pharmaceuticals / Bio-technology
Title        Sr. Assistant to VP R&D
- Admin support to VP & R&D department
1.        Provide day-to-day administrative support to VP R&D, including logistic arrangement for meeting, travel and Regional/Global visitors, document preparation, interpretation, monthly expenses claim
2.        New staff orientation for R&D Dept.
3.        Organize department events (department meeting, training)
4.        Department SAP coordinator and company new users trainer
5.        Department finance compliance control
- Project financial data analysis
1.          Clinical trial milestone collection
2.          Project financial payment tracking
3.          Project budget and actual cost analysis
- Handle Enrolled Patients Access project (Total Enroll 1500 patients)
1.        Maintain project database
2.        Delivery information to all sites
3.        As a communication tie between local and global
4.        Drug delivery
5.        Handle patient queries

2000/02 – 2002/05        ****Greater China Technical Center (China)
Industry        Chemical Industry
Title        GM Assistant + Admin Assistant
-        Fully support expatriate affairs, e.g. health check, work permit and residence application, house searching and school searching, culture orientation
-        Handle Chinese staff’s visa application (不用写了)
-        Arrange GM Trip Schedule
-        Be responsible for office administration, including equipment purchasing and maintenance
-        Arrange and record sample outgoing, give report each month
-        Handle all customer visit
-        Organize internal or external meetings
-        Act as EHS Site Manager, organize each season safety meeting, collect safety sampling record, safety presentation to customer. Report safety statistics to AP EHS Manager

注意突出你工作的可转换性(EA做的事情这里和中国应该差不多的。EA的职位很多,工资一般在40-55K左右,不过如果你比较senior或要求懂二外(日语居多)的话,高的能开到70K。你投的简历没有机会可能是你没有入行,但偶估计这里的竞争者有assistant的经验,但没有象你那么多professional EA 的经验的。所以在简历和面试时要强调你的特长,让对方认识到EA与一般office manager, group manager secretary 的不同之处。不要把自己的工作也写成小秘书的了。
good luck.


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