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[edu] 【学术阅读】文史社科医商简记

 楼主| 发表于 14-2-2019 19:01:00 | 只看该作者

influential and leading figures in various fields & their works

https://hioz.im/ibbs/forum.ph ... p;extra=#pid6215054



 楼主| 发表于 15-2-2019 13:07:26 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 7-3-2019 16:40 编辑

Beeson, Mark and Li, Fujian. China's Regional Relations: Evolving Foreign Policy Dynamics. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2014.
  • China changes everything (unprecedented speed and scale of its economic development, the possible threat posed by its military and territorail ambitions, the more diffuse influence of its culture and people)
  • the rise of regions (regions have become part of the international system)
  • China transformed (in many ways other than the economic development)
  • East Asia or Asia Pacific?
  • Southeast Asia
  • Northeast Asia
  • India, Russia, and Central Asia
  • Sino-Australian relations
  • a regional or global power?

Sino-Australian relations
  • Hobbled by history? Australian learders have been prennially anxious about their physical location, seeing themselves as a long way from their potential Western allies. .. a policy shift from Britain to the US during WWII to this day .. loyalty to the US to demonstrate their commitment to the alliance in the hope the US would do likewise. During the cold war, relations between China and Australia were difficult and not normalised until formaer prime minister Gough Whitlam made what was then seen as a daring and unprecedented visit to China to restore relations.
  • Expanding economic relationship: China replaced Japan as Australia's single most important export market in 2007. Dealing with state capitalists, Australia and resource curse (Sierra Leone, Middle Eastern authoritarian regimes), geopolitics and security, the ties that bind, shaping the region, Chinese perspectives of Australia

2018, Australia & China: understanding the reality check
  • Between 2016/18, the recalibration of Australia-China relations
  • What does China want with Australia? Four objectives: Australia is a key US ally.
  • seven myths in the Australian debate
  • Australia-China relations: what happened? the by far largest trading parter, a societal dimension as well (well-established Chinese communites going back to the gold rush era of the 1850s; alarmed, in August 2016, ... 2018 Turnbull's speech
  • what next? Challegnes remain.

2012, Australia-China relations post 1949: 60 years of trade and politics
2018, Compteing with China, Survival
  • America's failed China strategy
  • the sources of Chinese conduct: geopolictix, history and regime, three determinants of xi's
  • the evolution of CHinese strategy: funding, transition, the start of a 'new era'
  • a countervailing strategy
  • constrained engagement



 楼主| 发表于 17-2-2019 18:36:56 | 只看该作者
Poverty and Policy: the phenomenon of Taiwan's rapid economic develipment, Chien-Liang Chen

  • The significance of social development and human wellbeing for all was recognized in the Copenhagen Declaration under the United Nations
  • eradication of poverty = the satisfaction of basic needs for all); the elimination of hunger and malnutrition, the provision of food security, education, employment and livelihood, primary health care services, safe drinking water and sanitation, adequate shelter and participation in social and cultural life
  • a priority // to achieve social development and to improve human wellbeing
  • poverty = the core issue of social development: enhanced economic growth is essential but not itself a guarantee of a better standard of living

Poverty & Policy
  • the definitive standards of the poor and low-income families: in the late 1940s, Taiwanese government graudally introduced aid policies and a social welfare system, Social Relief Act of the Taiwan Province replaced by Social Aid Act in 1980. Its first anti-poverty policy - the Project of Prosperity in the early 1970s and since then, subsidies and support for low-income families have been constantly expanding.
  • aid polices for poor families in Taiwan: 1951 Winter Relief for Poor People; Three Festival Grants; Free Medical Services in the Taiwan Area; Scheme Outlining the Eradication of Povert; National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme for all citizens in 1995; unemployment insurance in mid-1999
  • the eradication of poverty in the Taiwan Province - the project of prosperity started in 1972
  • subsidies and support for low-income families: Free Medical Treatment for the Needy; Families' Medical Assistance 1978; the Elder's Living Allowance 1996
  • the history of the MCOL (Minimum Cost of Living)

2011, Poverty (and social exclusion) measurement in Taiwan, Daniel He-chiun Liou (The department of social work Asia University Taiwan)
  • Profile of Taiwan (2010data): more than 23,000,000 (2.2% indigenous people) ; territory around 1/7 of size of the UK; life expectancy 76 for male 82
  • empirical research addressing the issue of measuring poverty is dominated by measures that: focus on identifying the number and characteristics of households officially registered as 'low-income households'; evaluate the extent of income poverty; or employ the food, clothing, shelter, and utilities method
  • offically registered 'low-income households': means testing of income, savings and real estate



 楼主| 发表于 17-2-2019 19:29:50 | 只看该作者
How does the Japanese Government Measure and announce its official Poverty Rates? NODA Hiroya
materials (research sources)
the primary features of the Official Poverty Rate in Japan
how does the Government understand poverty? Description of the offical poverty rate

Measuring poverty in Japan from a multidimensional perspective, Bjun Matsuyama 2016
  • the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry reported new caculations on poverty rates since the mid-1980s

method; since then, government makes related laws and launches various policies in order to alleviate the situations
  • among almost all poverty related issues, a focal variable is just an economic dimension such as income or consumption
  • suggesting a multidimensional poverty index see below

set up (data, dimensions and indicators, cutoffs and weights, data cleaning)
  • dimensions and indicators: consumption, wealth, dwelling environment
  • consumption: income is considered as a standard measurement but it's largely affected by changes in a taxation. As an alternative, a nondurable consumption is employed as an indicator for consumption. Non-durable consumption for household is defined by Movshuk (2015) = food + (housing - rents for dwelling and land) + fuel, lights and water charges + (furniture and household utensils - household durables - interior furnishings - bedding) + clothing and footwear + medical care + (transporation and communication - purchase of care and bicycles) + education + (culture and recreation - recreational durable goods) + other consumption expenditure - remittances
  • wealth: wealth dimension consists of amenities (how many amenties/non-durable goods/car/house the household have) and savings (total amount of ordinary and time deposits for banks, life insurance, stocks, bonds and deposits for non-banking institutions)
  • dwelling environment: living space (total floor space minus floor space for business use)

results (levels and changes in indicators, the MPI for Japan
concluding remarks


 楼主| 发表于 17-2-2019 19:44:43 | 只看该作者
How is poverty measured in Canada?
  • Canada has no offical, government-mandated poverty line. A general agreement: low-income + other dimensions of 'social exclusion' (access to adequate housing, essential goods and services, health and well-being and community participation)
  • poverty measurements are generally defined in either absolute terms (inability to meet basic needs) or in relative terms (distance from the community norm)
  • three measures frequently mentioned in poverty literature include: the low-income cut-off (LICO), low-income measure (LIM) (the most commonly used explicitly defined as being much worse off than average), market-basket measure (MBM) . There're pros and cons associated with each of these measures

Canada.. Poverty_Stats-May2008.pdf

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 楼主| 发表于 3-3-2019 20:01:29 | 只看该作者
2015, Improve individual Study Space in Jamk Main library: how improvements can meet students' preferences
(JAMK University of Applied Sciences)

  • Intro
  • Study Space
  • Individual study space
  • library (roles of libraries, users' perceptions towards their library usage, impacts of Finnish's libraries, library space, interior design)
  • Individual study space in library (space for individual study, facilities for individual study, exemplifications)
  • research implementation (quantiative research method, survey, sampling techniques, data analysis)
  • results (background of respondents, current situations, possible improvements in terms of furniture and related objects, recommendations by respondents/shortage of computers/space expansion and furniture addition/other thoughts and recommendation)
  • discussion and recommendatons
  • conclusion (future research, reliability and validity)
  • references
  • appendices

List of Tables (main types of libraries, typical services provided, key design characterisitics, key factors to consider in interior design)
List of Fitures (Alexandria Library, Egypt in 3rd centruey b.c. ... )


2.5 MB, 下载次数: 0



 楼主| 发表于 6-3-2019 22:54:59 | 只看该作者
Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan (Mao Zedong 1927)
  • The importantce of the peasant problem: the field study on the five counties of Hunan province demostrates the revolutionary authorities had wrong ideas about peasant movement. These wrong ideas should be corrected as soon as it could be as the power of peasant will rise like a mighty storm that nothing will be able to hold it back. The peasant will sweep all the imperialists, warlords, corrupt officians, local tyrants and evil gentry into their graves.
  • get organised: went through two periods of organisation and almost half the peasants in Hunan are now joined in peasant associations.
  • Knock down with the local tyrants and evil gentry! 'All power to the peasant associations!' a slogan of peasant associations. The main targets of attack by the peasants are the local tyrants, the evil gentry and the lawless landlords, also against bad practices and customs in the rural areas.
  • 'It's terrible!" or 'It's fine!' 'Terrible' is obviously a theory for combating the rise of the peasants in the interests of the landlord class for preserving the old order of feudalism, obviously a counter-revolutionary theory. Peasants are doing absolutely fine. The revolution of 1911 did not bring about any change in countryside.
  • the questions of 'going too far', it's an opinion of the middle-of-the-roaders, a criticism to the peasant associations. It's nessary to create terror for a while in every rural area.
  • the 'movement of the riffraff' , those of lowest rank are now above everybody else running everything in the viliage.
  • vanguards of the revolution: three categories of peasants: the rich, the middle and the poor and the last category has alwasy been the main force in the bitter fight in the countryside.
  • fourteen great achievements: organising the peasants into peasant associations, hitting the landlords politically/economically, overthrowing the feudal rule of the local tyrants and evil gentry, overthrowing the armed forces of the landlords and establishing those of the peasants, overthorwing the political power of the country magistrate and his bailiffs, overthrowing the clan authority of the ancestral temples and clan elders, the religious authority of town and vilage gods, and the masculing authortity of husbands, spreading political propaganda, peasant bans and prohibitions, eliminating banditry, abolishing exorbitant levies, the movement for education, the co-operative movement, building boads and repairing embankments.



 楼主| 发表于 9-3-2019 17:32:09 | 只看该作者
2019, Research on housing for older adults: 2001 to 2018, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (USA)
Keywords: housing, ageing-in-place, satisfaction, universal design, older consumers

the previous focus on interactions between individuals and their home and neighbourhood environments... statistics of the aged population (census bureau) ... this directly impacts housing stock and the housing needs of older adults.
Housing research findings are an important source of info to guide .. in meeting the housing needs of an aging population. .. have consistently expressed their desire to remain in their current homes and communities as they age. This desire is referred to as aging-in-place ... the significance of it for older adults ... However, current housing stock frequently does not support the needs of .. who want to age-in-place ... addressing these barriers (declines in cognitive and physical abilities/environmental or structural barriers to their psychological well-being ..

Housing research organisations and journels

Methods (To identify scholarly articles focused on ... keyword searches, search terms ... were entered separately and in combination ... 1st step, examined the article titels exclusive.. 2nd reviewed abstract to determine relevancy for inclusion)

1) housing behavior, aging-in-place: analysis on each research
2) perception: housing satisfaction: term definations, research approaches used
3) policy: housing affordability and inadequacy: four studies analyzed policy-related
4) design: universal design and accessibility:

Discussion and implications for research
the selected studies on ..in .. were largely descriptive with .. e.g.; the application of ...; there has been a growing interest in .. Our analysis suggests that ..

Implications for housing professonals



发表于 9-3-2019 21:09:55 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 文献有好多不是开放的,想要哪些原文尽管跟.




 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2019 00:14:02 | 只看该作者
anuo 发表于 9-3-2019 21:09



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
anuo + 50 比划个心 哈哈




 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2019 01:46:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 10-3-2019 14:01 编辑

2008, The housing situation and residential strategies of older people in France
Key Words: France, Paris, housing, conditions, longevity, residential mobility, residential strategies, second homes, baby-boom cohort
Older people's housing trends, 1946-2006
  • improved housing condiitons: After second WW, 1946, 1954; major house building programmes started 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 2002
  • housing conditions in Paris
  • growth in homeownership
  • institutional settings/residential institutions: men are more than women
  • intergenerational demensions of housing: residential proximity/geographical proximity, frequency of contact; intergenerational cohabitation,

Residential strategies and mobility
  • elderly households are less mobile than younger households
  • retirement migrantion/returning to the birth place decreased, replaced by moving for a better quality of life (a move away from inner cities)
  • the second type of mobility arises among the advanced old age due to poor health or the loss of a partner (home moves more frequently towards the rental sector, including social housing (a growing demand for small appartments); moves into residential settings become more common above 80-years-of-age
  • residential strategies in later life can thus be seen as adjustments to certian lifecourse events in conjunction with individual and family preferences.
  • having a 'double residence' - a secondary/supplementary residence or multi-residence
  • immigrants (among younger elderly people ..)
Housing and the ageing polulation: challenges of the post-1945 baby-boom cohort
  • an important characteristic of the post-1945 baby-boom cohort is that, contrary to what might be expected, not all have experienced residential trajectories that were as favourable as their parents (low interest mortgages, less favorable economic conditions, inflated house prices, the bottom rung of the housing ladder)
  • there are therefore important questions for many in France about planning for retirement and the most appropriate housing and residential strategies... government incentives
  • 'lifetime mortgages', the gov allows only individual not a commercial business to purchase the home of an elderly person at a reduced price
  • termology, the third age --> the over 6os; the 'fourth age', seniors
  • a more mobile population (following their British and German counterparts)

  • There are already signs that the desire to remain in ... There is also a growing demand for services that ... These emerging trends need to be set in the context of ...


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
anuo + 50 跟着读这个




 楼主| 发表于 14-3-2019 01:50:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 16-3-2019 22:57 编辑

Lichtenstein, Dietary Fat: A History, Nutrition Reviews, vol.57, no.1, 1999.

  • meat (fat)  was socially/culturaly presitigious food in the past; it's now associated with ill health.

Early diets
  • Paleolithic Period (preagricultural humans): the typical diet of the Paleolithic period estimatedly consisted of 50% plant-based foods and 50% foods of animal origin.
  • The agricultural and industrial revolution: (the collective human genome has changed little since the period when Homo sapiens began to flourish, but the food supply has changed dramatically) During this period with the development of modern food-processing techniques became widely available in place of whole grains and begetables. With all the changes in food supply there was also a shift back toward the sonsumption of animal protein.
The changing food supply
  • meat: the wild animals were once forced to hunt for food and at times had to cover great distances to ensure their survival. Consequently, they had relatively low body fat. Modern breeding practices have focused on keeping animals relatively inactive to encourage weight gain.
  • vegetables and fruits: the modern diet is less constrained by geographic and seasonal abailability, owing to continued improvements in the cultivation and transportation of vegetalbes.
  • plant-based fats and oils: modern processing of plant-based oils often includes hydrogenation (saturation/trans fatty acids) which (trans fat)can be used to raise its chemical stability to enhance storage properties / increading the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • dairy products: continue to be major contributiors of saturated fat to the diet (retentiong of intestinal lactase/milk throughout adulthood)
  • cereal products: the major plant-based foods for Paleolithic ancestors were fruits, buds, leaves, and roots; for current day, they are replaced by cereal products. Cereal grains tend to have more fat.
Historical notes on fat metabolism
  • 1833, 1849, 1897, gradually recognition of food fat/carbs contributing to body fat
Fat-soluble vitamins
  • A, D, E, K
History of regulations on fat
  • During the first half of the 20th century (1975,1990), regulations on saturated fat
Recent recommendations for fat intake
  • useage of fat was recorded by Old Testament, the Romans, Persians
  • the primary nutrition concerns of modern humans is excessive saturated fat intake
  • fat intake to less than 30% of calories while saturated fat intake to less than 10% of calories

Ben-Dor, Miki, Use of Animal Fat as a Symbol of Health in Traditional societies Suggests Humans may be Well Adapted to its Consumption, Journal of Evolution and Health, 2015.
  • could be a sample of abstrat: background (how it comes/why ..) and objectives (aims to provide a ... view to the debate ..); methodology (literature review of importantce of ..); results (collection of 200 cases from ...); conclusion (in line with evidence for the .. )
  • keywords: fat, animal fat, saturated fat, symbol, evolution, health
  • intro, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion & implications.



 楼主| 发表于 14-3-2019 18:35:06 | 只看该作者
Traditional knowledge about plant, animal, and minernal-based remedies to treat cattle, pigs, horses, and other domestic animals in the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, Bullitta et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2018Background
  • the knowledge and practices related to the use of .. for .. of .. and .. has been handed down from generation to generation indifferent cultures worldwide.  In recent years, the ... have been corroborated by scientific evidence. //what is it?//
  • In former times, the knowledge of medicinal plants was passed down orally from generation to generation; however, in modern Western societies of Europe, traditional knowledge is in danger of disappearing. //what is it happening?//
  • The recovery of traditional plant knowledge linked to their medicinal use is one of the most urgent and immediate issues needing attention, as confirmed by international researches. The preservation of popular traditions can contribute not only to identify new uses of plant species and to maintian ..., but eventually to discover also novel .. //the significance of it/who will benefit from it?//
The study area
  • cattle and pigs in Sardinia .. Neolithic time, Nuragic periond, Bronze Age; drought animals were replaced by engines; horses
  • our aim was to perform a survey of ... not only .. but .., in order to .. Our aim was also to understand ...

  • Ethnobotanical data collection: visits to Sardinian farmers conducted interviewing them individually at their farms; a questionarie with open and closed questions was repared according to ... 60 people (50 men and 10 women, aged between 46 and 96 years old ... We paid particular attention on elderly people and farms devoted to extensive animal breeding ... graphs/tables
  • data analysis: three indices were applied ... The survey was carried out taking into account the protection of .. local people according to the principles stated by .., in agreement with the principles of International Society of Ethnobiology (code-of-ethics)
  • quantitative analysis
  • Ethno-veterinary treatments
  • use of animal body parts and/or animal substances ** use of lard
  • use of mineral substances
  • use of plants or plant-derivatives
  • .. disappearing .. Our data may represent novel opportunities for performing further studies ..



 楼主| 发表于 15-3-2019 03:18:09 | 只看该作者
Edgar Snow, Red Star Over China, Part IV, Genesis of a Communist
  • was beaten often by his short-tempered father; rebellion and negotiation with his father, the ruling power. Knew the Classics but dislike them only enjoyed the romances of Old China especially stories of rebellions (outlawed books), read and discuss again and again with his schoolmates 'read such books at an impressionable age'. loved the book 'Words of Warning' written by a reformist scholar, believing in the weakness of C lay in her lack of western appliances - railways, telephones, telegraphs, and steamships ..
  • a big uprising in Changsha city many leaders of the uprising were beheaded. Mao deeply resented the injustice of treatment given to them.
  • a conflict between a secret society and a local landlord. As the court favoured the powerful landlord, the members of the society rebelled against the landlord and it ended up with the leader of revolt was beheaded.
  • Eat rice without charge movement
  • a radical primary school teacher
  • all of these make him having a certain amount of political consciousness
  • a great reader: of Napoleon, Catherine of Russia, Peter the Great, Willington, Gladstone, Rousseau, Montesquieu and Lincoln

Days in Changsha
  • read his first newspaper, a nationalist revolutionary journal, learned of Sun Yat-sen, pigtails debate
  • heard a speech by a revolutinary, made the decision to join the revolutionary army

Prelude to Revolution
  • in Peking, Li Ta-chao gave him a job as an assistant librarian, his interest in politics continued to grow
  • in 1919 a trip to Shanghai, then returned to Changsha
  • in 1920 organised workers politically for the first time influenced by Marxist theory and Russian Revolution

The Nationalist Period
  • 1924? due to ill health left Shanghai for Hunan where organised the nucleus of the great peasant movement. After May 30th Incident (1925) organisational campaign. became an editor of Political Weekly
  • disagreement with Chen Tu-hsiu

The Soviet Movement

Growth of the Red Army



 楼主| 发表于 15-3-2019 17:51:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 15-3-2019 20:24 编辑

The Battle of China (produced in 1944 in US, primary sources)




 楼主| 发表于 21-3-2019 14:30:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-3-2019 16:07 编辑

On the People's Democratic Dictatorship 人民民主集中制
  • Left-Wing Commnism, an Infantile Disorder by Lenin, 1920,
  • the Opium War of 1840
  • Hung Hsiu-chuan, Kang Yu-wei, Yen Fu and Sun Yat-sen, representative of those who looked to the West for truth .. students were sent to Japan, Britianm the US, France and Germany; every effort was made to learn from the West
  • began to see the Russians in a new light

2007, Dilemmas of Victory: the early years of the People's Republic of China, Harvard University Press
  • Urban takeover
Masters of the Country? Shanghai workers in the early People's Republic
Labor unrest
Worker militias
Masters of the country?
  • occupying the periphery
  • the culture of accommodation
  • family stategies



 楼主| 发表于 23-3-2019 15:49:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 31-3-2019 18:18 编辑

2012, Looking Backwards, Looking Ahead: 40 Years of Au-China Relations
  • attempts to build stronger economic, strategic and cultural ties since diplomatic relations were formally established between the two coutnries in 1972 --> a complex and multi-faceted relationship fraught with difficulties, presenting future leaders with unprecedented chanenges and opportunites.
  • reflect on the past and present dynamics that have defined the relationship, and to chart the possible future trajectory of the relationship behond .. with particular emphasis on how the Au-C relationshop can be strengthened in the decades to come.
  • key challenges in the A-C realtionship: the Australia-US alliance, human rights, public opinion
  • the Sino-Australia relationship: towards a brighter future (the present, the hisotry, the future)
  • becoming global citizens: a key challenge (identifying our commonalities, understanding the 'social imaginary' and our identity ans sense of belonging)
  • protectionism: a key challenge for economic cooperation between the two
  • building strategic mutual trust: an essential approach .. backgroud, why and how
  • changing world, rising Asia (relevance of the US to .., the need to deepen mutual trust and cooperation

1953, Levi, Werner. Modern China's Foreign Policy
  • developing a foreign policy, foreign impact and reform, .. rebellion against the west .. nurturing nationalism
  • the collapse of the national government,
  • the theory of communist foreign policy, the hate-America campaign, the alliance with the Soviet Union
  • the bid for Asian leadership, realising ambitions in Asia

1969, China's Foreign Policy in Historical Perspective
  • Great traditions have to be seen first in their context of world history. China has been the great hold-over .. the great tradition is hardly out of sight .. Son of Heaven.
  • foreign offices need to know more of the history of China's foreign relations, three major ones as below
  • the strategic primacy of Inner Asia, the diseasteem of sea power, the doctrine of China's superiority
  • what remains of these tradition today?

2014, China and Australia-US Relationship: A Histrorical Perspective (more writing techniques than anything else)
  • Intro: In 2010, Professor .. of ... proposed a theory of '..'. His proposal is ... The present paper provides .. The paper thus aims to .. Chronologically, the paper will .. The paper highlights the .. The paper's focus is .. The methodology is .. The structure .. It is evident that ..
  • Whitlam & the ALP (Australia Labor Party)
  • The Freaser, Hawke, and Keating Governments
  • Human rights
  • Brief Update to 2013
  • Conclusion



 楼主| 发表于 3-4-2019 18:58:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 6-4-2019 02:41 编辑

Research Report: Age-Friendly Housing Policies by HK SAR gov.

  • Abstract of Research (1/2 page in English & Chinese: ageing society/WHO (pulished the detailed guidelines on establishing an age-friendly city) rises active ageing & 'Age-friendly Cities' Framework; an age-friendly housing policy --> provides infrastructures like transportation and health care service, creating barrier-free environment, establishing social service networks, social inclusion, participation and employment. age-friendliness of the housing provision
  • Policy implications
  • Suumary of reconmmendations
  • Executive summary
  • intro: background, objectives, WHO's framework of age-friendly cities
  • methodology: literature review, in-depth interviews, focus groups, public forums & questionnaire survey
  • Review of existing situation: change in socio-economic profile, 'ageing in place' in HK, gaps with the WHO Framework (affordability/availability/adaptability)
  • gap analysis and recommendations
  • concl.

Ageing in the Netherlands: State of the Art and Science, 2015
  • Demographics of Ageing
  • Key public policy and aging issues: a society in transition, labor market and income security, housing, informal care and community services, formal care and residential facilities, healthy care system and expenditures
  • aging research: major studies and research centers
  • education on aging
  • emerging issues in aging: dementia, health promotion, social life and self-management, euthanasia and 'completed lives'
  • concl.



 楼主| 发表于 8-4-2019 00:52:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-4-2019 15:24 编辑

Comprehensive study on the housing needs of the elderly in HK (Executive Summary) HKHS HKU, 2004
  • to review the current housing situations of senior citizens
  • to project the potential housing needs and demand of the elderly in the near future
  • to identify gaps in the provision of 'housing with care' for the elderly; and
  • to formulate policy recommendations for consideration by all elderly housing and service providers, including the government, the social service providers and the private developers.
framework and guiding principles
  • a holistic conceptualization of 'housong needs' of the elderly...
  • the varying needs of different groups of the elderly with varying economic means or affordability for ...; and
  • the various roles of different housing providers, namely, the government, social ..
methodology (employs a multiplicity of research methods, including:
  • extensive documentary review
  • telephone surveys; focus group discussions; key informant interviews
  • international comparative study
  • local and oversea site visits; and analyses of secondary data
major findings
  • current policies on housing, care and support services for elderly people
  • the current situation of housing of the elderly
  • the projection of housing needs of the elderly
  • projection of housing supply for the elderly
upcoming challenges and issues
  • challenges on housing provision
  • challenges on social security and retirement protection
  • challenges on health care provision; in ensuring the social well-being of the elderly; the needs for quality residential care services; in achieving continuum of care between ..
  • for futher study, general recommendations, on cross-border housing; to hkhs



 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2019 20:50:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-4-2019 01:19 编辑

The Howard Doctrine: An Irritant to Ch (Hou Minyue)

Key Words:
  • Huohuadezhuyi, or 'Howard doctrine', a term widely used in Ch since the late 1990s, reflects ..
  • 1996: Emerging Frictions
  • Howard doctrine in full swing
  • 2001: a year of rising resentiment against the Howard doctrine
  • Modernisation in play
1, English language sources
2, Chinese language sources

Issues in Australian Foreign Policy: July to December 2013; Australian Journal of Politics and History 2014
  • The Older Order
  • The Coalition Takes Over
  • Middle Power Meets Middle Kingdom
  • The Shifting Strategic Calculus
  • The Political Economy of Foreign Policy
  • Multilateral Misgivings
  • Concluding Remarks



 楼主| 发表于 12-6-2019 17:07:17 | 只看该作者
******** Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University

--- tai chi: rooted in ancient Asian traditions, qi is yr vital energy. When qi freely flows, we'r balanced and healthy. Tai chi promotes the flow of qi.

--- headache: three main types of .. tension, migraine, and cluster. Here is a look at each one.
a) the most common type of .. is tension which produces a dull, squeezing pain on both sides of the head. It can last 30mins to 7 days. the cause of it is unknown, triggers include stress, fatigue, & lack of sleep --> pain relievers over-the-counter, or a warm shower, a nap, or a light snack.
b) the pain often is centred on one side of the head, beginning around the eye and temple and spreading to the back of the head --> loud noises, a bright light, strong smells
c) cluster headaches strike 5 times more often in men than in women.
d) a sinus infection can cause pain over the forehead
e) brain freezes headaches caused by eating or drinking sth cold
f) strenuous exercise can sometimes trigger a headache.

--- different types of arthritis can result in swollen hands and swollen fingers in the morning. These include osteoarthritis (cartilage), rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disorder), cervical spondylosis (cervical spine in the neck area; age-related)


 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2019 21:00:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 10-9-2019 22:03 编辑

Chartier, Roger 2011, 'History, Time and Space', Republics of Letters: A Journal for the Study of Knowledge, Politics, and the Arts
  • In presenting the challenges facing history today, ... pursue a reflection .., devoted to the question that ... of the..
  • history between narrative and knowledge: we may think what we have gained is knowledge with its claim to scientific objectivity. It's in fact in the class of narrative. The word historiography = 'history' and 'writing'; history as a discourse or as knowledge? history discourse
  • the historical institution: at the each moment the 'historical institution' is organized according to hierarchies and conventions, legitimate/not =excluded or censored
  • history and fiction
  • microhistory and globalism
  • history in the digital age
  • hisotrical times

Veyne, Paul 1984, Writing History: essay on epistermology
White, Hayden 1973, Metahistory: the historical imagination in 19th c Europe
Michel, de Certeau 1988, The writing of history


发表于 10-9-2019 21:13:17 | 只看该作者


发表于 10-9-2019 21:37:46 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2019 22:11:34 | 只看该作者
妮南 发表于 10-9-2019 20:13



 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2019 22:16:39 | 只看该作者
yuhang567 发表于 10-9-2019 20:37




参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yuhang567 + 50 你太有才了!




 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2019 10:53:30 | 只看该作者
Alan Scott 'Georg Simmel: the individual and the organisation', in Paul Adler (edt.) The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organisation Studies: Classical Foundations
  • potential significance for the analysis of organisations
  • intro: Simmel in organisation studies, two basic tasks = to extract from ..; to locate .. (Max Weber both influence each other)
  • Simmel's analysis of sociation: intersecting social circles and the life/form distinction: Steven Lukes (1973) distinguishes a number of indiviudlaism types: political, religious, ethical, methodological --> pluralist/the sociological critique of indiviudalism?? a sociological indiviudalism
  • towards a cutlural theory of organisation: the case of the secret society
  • contemporary relevance: the organisational imperatifves of 'fast capitalism' and the 'high commitment' organisation


发表于 21-9-2019 22:22:22 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 请多指教




 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2019 23:05:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-9-2019 23:03 编辑

2017, Eating and ageing in rural Australia: applying temporal perspectives from phenomenology to uncover meanings in older adults' experiences, Ageing & Society
  • intro: social gerontological research/ social gerontology has usually engaged with the role of time=the notion of time in terms of quotidian, day-to-day activities+the grand sweep of life from childhood(austere times)to old age // phenomenological ethography=applying phenomenologial perspective, employed philosophical perspectives // four dimensions including the temporal dimension=temperal patterns // idiographic data
  • background: good health & wellbeing, interwoven determinants = phsiological, economic, social, geographic and policy factors+subjective considerations(life experiences, life meanings and personal values. .. intermingled life experiences and meaning intersect with their particular circumstances to shape their values and strategies for growing, shopping, cooking, sharing and eating food
  • methodology: phenomenology, Phenomenologists, everyday expereinces are a valid source of knowledge, 21 older adults aged 72-90 years: semi-structured in-depth interviews, walking interviews, informal multisensory observation, anecodtes, opinions and descriptions of their eating expereince, home visits
  • findings: 3 aspects of the temporal dimension of human lives: the past, present and future
  • discussion: the temporal structure: historical and biographical, harnessing present time, living towards the horizon
  • conclusion: overall, ... This research could also inform innovative policy ..



 楼主| 发表于 22-9-2019 14:07:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 22-9-2019 13:10 编辑

2016, Brief report: 'I come for the friendship': why social eating matters, Australian Journal on Ageing (Sample, 1500w roughly with obstract excluded)
  • objectives, methods, results, conclusion, Key words
  • 260w intro: 1st para=backgroup what is now happening in populace & academia (what the current studies are and what they lack of) ; 2nd&3rd para=what the current program is & its core calues; 4th The project explore the ..., rather than those ...
  • 208w methods: 1st para=Following approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee (a geobraphical region), 2nd how participants were recruited, 3rd different focus groups
  • 750w results/discussions: thematic analysis of the qualitative data identified five key themes: ... quotations+analyses
  • 200w conclusion: the project explored whether.. (sumup), the key challege for the groups.. Another emerging issue for ... Futher studies might invvestigate the value of community ... for ensuring the ongoing viability of social eating programmes.


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