I am also a front end developer working in Mel CBD, but we do not use Microsoft framework. Recently MS releases visual studio code, which is a pretty cool editor optimised for front end development. You could have a try. Btw, do we have any wechat groups for Mel programmers, where we could share news of the latest tech and also some job opportunities?
jojopig2002 发表于 4-8-2015 22:34
I am also a front end developer working in Mel CBD, but we do not use Microsoft framework ...
有打算建立一个CBD搓饭微信群,大家可以搓饭+交流各种经验。Visual Studio Code我在Mac上安装了,还没什么机会体验,现在工作电脑是Windows 8.1+VS 2013,MS的IDE做得还是挺赞的,就是VS2013太慢了,i7的电脑上,启动一个.net应用的调试,要大半天,浏览器才能加载出首页,IIS很糟糕。
I think that you need to replace hard drive with ssd. samsung pro 850 is great.
There are lots of dlls cannot be put into ram disk to be debug from visual studio for iis application. They seems have to be in c: drive. Thus requires ssd drive. The faster your drive, the less time you need to sit waiting. I think i7 cpu is not so important. The faster ssd drive is critical for debugging.