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[language study] 【百帖笔记领勋章】Academic Vocabulary at a Glance

发表于 13-9-2014 11:33:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 26-4-2015 10:28 编辑

                     HUSH . . . please

disciplineFurthermore, the prevalent tendency in most disciplines of increasingly narrow and deep specialisation would make research less relevant to outsiders or society, would foster insularity and imperialism rooted in partial and ideological thinking, would hinder the exchange of ideas across disciplines and would ultimately impede the progress of science.
virtuallyThe library offers students, researchers and professionals a wide variety of full-text interdisciplinary content on virtually any subject area to tackle their assignments, papers, projects and presentations.
quantifyGroup presentations and assignment are more difficult to quantify and the size of the group should be taken into account. It is generally expected that an individual would be required to produce more work in a group than they would if completing the task alone.
theory The principle objective of the course is to introduce graduate and advanced undergraduate students to the underlying theory and the practical problems that are encountered in using models in real-life situation.
model The models studied will be linear statistical models for regression. We will also cover the use of the statistical packages like R and Minitab to fit the models.
pattern This study investigated factors which had influenced the reversal of the underachievement pattern in 10 gifted students, ages 14 to 20, who moved from chronic underachievement to academic success.

(menu ribbon - Bg - 1st line - no.4)
check out the spellings before submitting


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 这个非常refreshing,看了很有感觉
Dux + 50 谢谢分享!温故知新!



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发表于 15-9-2014 01:05:10 | 只看该作者
Thanks for sharing. Great minds think alike


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yearshappy + 50 true :)



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 楼主| 发表于 22-11-2014 15:40:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 19-4-2015 21:16 编辑
attempt A student must not intentionally or knowingly help or attempt to help another student to commit an act of academic misconduct, nor allow another student to use his or her work or resources to commit an act of misconduct.
establishAdvances in wireless networking will in principle enable large numbers of artefacts to be interconnected, but how can more specific relationships be established across such networks?
explain As a result, it has been difficult to explain why entrepreneurs rush in to take advantage of opportunities that others fail to see or act upon. However, research on social cognition may shed new light on these challenging issues, providing useful frameworks that differentiate entrepreneurs from others while predicting differences in risk-taking behaviour.
relevantGene-expression profiling studies have provided a molecular classification of breast cancer into clinically relevant subtypes, new tools to predict disease recurrence and response to ...
abstractWe cannot discuss drug abuse as an abstract problem without considering concrete examples of abuse and their social consequences.
significantA significant amount of fear and prejudice surrounds the notion of abuse, and the media have a role which is also not insignificant in promoting such fears.

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2015 01:41:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 19-4-2015 21:18 编辑
comparativelyBeing a comparatively new approach to coastal management, this increased usage  has occurred against a background of little firm knowledge of the longer term impacts.
eventuallyThe international use of the yen and mark had risen rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s, reducing the share of the dollar. Some suggested that the yen or mark might eventually overtake the dollar as the lead international currency.
simplyIn some cases, multiple ribozymes were expressed as a single RNA molecule and all the ribozymes were simply connected in tandem. In other cases, ..
put forwardThis book, intended in .., aims to ... The arguments are put forward in a question-and-answer manner, touching upon such problems as the global limitations to agricultural land, rising ...
go throughThe student compares, records the correctness of his answer, and moves on to the next frame. He goes trough the same material a second time, when the machine presents only those items previously missed.
write upOur philosophy is that there are two distinct stages in working on each problem. First is reaching a point where you understand how to solve the problem, and second is formally writing up your solution in a clear way for a reader to understand.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
Dux + 50 “Follow your heart, but don't lose your.



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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2015 10:42:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 19-4-2015 21:22 编辑
a substantial amountThe content of the course of study is drawn from a substantial, coherent and current body of knowledge and scholarship in one or more academic disciplines and includes the study of relevant theoretical frameworks and research findings.
in excess of / exceedThe University reserves the right to withdraw an offer of a scholarship at any time prior to enrolment if it is advised that an awardee has been offered a scholarship equal to or in excess of the financial value of the award offered by the University.
Around 100 Fellowships are awarded annually with a value in excess of $20 000 cash.
The duration of the program does not exceed six months; the scholar has established an excellent academic record.
no fewer than The Governors shall meet in committee no fewer than four times per annum.
Plus four units from the following pools with no fewer than two Level 3 units in order to complete the major.
(complete turn of a wheel)
To determine the ratio of pedal revolution to wheel revolution(360 degrees) is easy; count how many teeth there are in the front chaining gear you are in, and how many..
Time is measured by the revolution of the earth around the sun.
accommodate If Ms E wanted a religious accommodation, the appeals court said, she should have asked for it.
In order to be accommodated, would these individuals have to say, 'i'm ...'?
take issue with
(raise arguments against)
The Queensland Greens today took issue with Premier Campbell Newman's statement on the future of coal and gas in Queensland.  


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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2015 23:48:49 | 只看该作者
The article takes advantages of having two data sets covering ... Better UN data not only will provide the basis for more robust scholarly comparisons of crime across national borders but can also yield results to illuminate crime problems worldwide.
To complement such approaches, we developed an automated, readily-standardised quantitative approach fro elucidating the complex organization of diverse behaviors exhibited by mice in their home cages.
sth bad that is so obvious
Recent events reveal serous weaknesses of the stakeholder theory about ...... This is a glaring deficiency of standard versions of the stakeholder theory, but it is easily remedied by adding explicit prohibitions against fraud and deception.
in the shadow of Pretrial bargaining may be described as a game played in the shadow of the law. There are two possible outcomes: settlement out of court through bargaining, and trial, which represents a bargaining breakdown.

The trees had usually been preserved best in moist surroundings, ...The most pronounced retreat in the forest limit since that time is recorded in .. time, in Finnish Lapland. ...achieved its maximum distribution in ...time, gradually retreating since then, due to the deteriorating climate.  
onslaughtThe recent controversy surrounding the safety of the vaccines has heightened parents' concerns, and led some to believe that combined vaccines are like a sudden onslaught to their children's immune system. However, to date no studies have been published examining how ...

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 楼主| 发表于 18-4-2015 12:50:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-4-2015 13:52 编辑

a latinate word in 5 syllables
  • The word began appearing in the mid-16th century - a time when Latinisms were flooding the language, mostly via French
  • The word denotes much more than mere sloth or indolence. It's not simply the act of deferral or postponement; it implies an intentional avoidance of important tasks, putting off unpleasant responsibilities that one knows should be taken care of right away and setting them on the back burner for another day.
  • The promise of 'another day' is the key to the word's origin.
  • the prefix pro - forward  +  crastinus 'of tomorrow'

  • The more industrialised and technologised a society becomes, the more it has to grapple with procrastination as a problematic notion / as a debilitating psychological condition.

  • Quotation
      -- Procrastination is the thief of time - Edward Young in 1742
      -- No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today - Philip Stanhope

  • Anti-procrastination
      Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today, all the lazy people say


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 楼主| 发表于 19-4-2015 21:55:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-4-2015 18:10 编辑
heated debateProfessionalism in government has been the subject of frequent and heated debate in the United States over the last decade.
Such issues have led to heated debate ..
There is currently a heated debate on various aspects of the ..
pivotal roleThe review seeks to describe data which support the concept that INF has a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of RA.
Increasing evidence suggests that mitochondrial calcium uptake has a pivotal role to play in neural cell apotosis and necrosis.
collate results
Here we present some new data and collate results from elsewhere that allow a functional map of .. to be constructed.
Once a distributed computation has been started it is the Hive's duty to monitor its progress, collect and collate results, and if necessary send new instructions to the mobile
important contribution This is certainly the most important contribution to the study of evolution since .. appeared more than 20 years ago.
.. is an important contribution to debates in social and cultural theory.
The author gives a complete survey  of the methods in such a way that programming for an electronic computer becomes easy. It may safely be stated that another important contribution has been made to this rapidly growing offshoot of the mathematical sciences.
major concernWhether the rules work well or ill, and how they can be made to work better, is a matter of major concern.
Traffic in the operating room is a major concern during ... Revision cases demonstrated a particularly high rate of traffic. ... is required to reduce door openings in operating room.
widespread supportDespite widespread support from universal newborn hearing screening, this mandate has been challenged by ..
Public perception research has consistently shown widespread support for renewable energy and specific technologies; yet at the local level development often face a lot of opposition. Much research has focused on explaining responses at the local lever..


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 楼主| 发表于 21-4-2015 22:53:11 | 只看该作者
inevitable declineThe destruction of the riverbank will cause a inevitable decline in the numbers of small mammals.
explicit mentionNowhere in the article does the author make explicit mention of the 20 cases which were never resolved.
directly addressAt the moment, instead of seeking solutions which directly address multiple needs, countries focus on a little too narrowly on local issues and typically opt for expensive and inferior solutions.  
pose question /challenge

We pose our challenge as a particular task to be accomplished by any means available. Many advances in artificial intelligence, both practical and theoretical, have come about in response to such task-oriented approaches.
generally/commonly associate withA decrease in consumer spending is generally associated with fears of instability.
convincingly demonstrate

The study convincingly demonstrated the need for a new approach to the problem.

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 楼主| 发表于 22-4-2015 12:01:25 | 只看该作者
Prior to describing the relationship between discrepancy in preference versus perception for each of the five dimensions of leader behavior with each of four facets of satisfaction, two preliminary analyses were carried out. The purpose of these analyses was to verify if either the athletes' preferences or their perceptions were better predictors of their satisfaction than the discrepancy score, and if the task variables moderated the discrepancy-satisfaction relationships.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2015 00:15:42 | 只看该作者
implicationsWe conclude by drawing out the implications of these findings for the concept of frame, considered both as a rhetorical weapon in elites' hands and as a cognitive structure in citizens' minds.
crucial elementsThere are three crucial elements to the formalism. First ... It is with this in mind that recent efforts have focused on combining three crucial elements: ..
encouraging resultIt is an encouraging result of this exercise that current methods can detect the effects of demographic history even in samples with low levels of diversity. Perhaps the most encouraging result from the literature is ...
representative sampleThis study examined the associations between physical activity and other health behaviors in a representative sample of US adolescents.
in ... terms
in terms of
People are better off in economic terms.
This perspective is discussed in terms of the concepts of expectations, fulfilment of expectations (disconfirmation), and satisfaction/dissatisfaction.
broad topic
specific topic
These are broad topic categories; you will be expected to select a specific topic, which must be submitted to and approved by the instructor. Researching your chosen topic should include reading sufficient background and primary source material on the topic to confidently understand and explain the topic.
(primary resources: book, article, paper, manual; Wikipedia is not a primary source material)

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 楼主| 发表于 27-4-2015 00:10:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 27-4-2015 21:31 编辑
in conjunction withIn the detection task only syllable position effects were obtained. The results, discussed in conjunction with earlier research, were found to be inconsistent with either the logogen model of word recognition or an autonomous search model.  
in contrast toThe comparison between different ferromagnetic materials leads us to emphasise the role of bulk rather than interfacial spin-dependent scattering in these structures, in contrast to Fe/Cr multilayers.
The new method, in contrast, is based on the spectral properties of solutions to the time-dependent equation.
in line withMany toxicological and physico-chemical data have been revised in line with new data supplied by manufactures. Company names have been updated to reflect further changes in the industry.
in accordance withAlthough the literature on reinforcement in behavioral psychology is extensive, few studies have examined the derived transformation of reinforcing functions in accordance with equivalence classes, and no published research has yet examined the derived transformation of consequential functions in accordance with nonequivalence relations.
despite / in spite of
Bace knockout mice are healthy despite lacking the primary .. activity in brain..
Overcoming procrastination: or, how to think and act rationally in spite of life's inevitable hassles
with the exception of
With the exception of tracks, can a premises licence be issued to an applicant who does not hold an operating licence?


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语之玫瑰 + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 27-4-2015 22:26:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 27-4-2015 21:30 编辑

at this pointA fairly obvious conclusion which can  be drawn at this point/stage is that the effort expended on achieving high parallel processing rates is wasted unless it is accompanied by achievements in sequential processing rates of very nearly the same magnitude ..
as a result ofAn explicit result is expressed either in terms of ...
The formation of cracks as a result of plastic flow ..
Impulsive consumer buying as a result of emotions ..
for the most partStates is currently attracting relatively unskilled immigrants. For the most part, these immigrants have little chance of attaining economic parity with natives during their lifetimes.
.., and for the most part this means concentration dependent ..
.., with which this paper is for the most part concerned, are usually by ..
on the basis of.. of other salted fish could not be classified on the basis of available data ..
THe diagnosis of a dress syndrome has been sufficiently established on the basis of typical clinical features and viral reactivations.
.., we consider the problem of constructing an accurate prediction rule on the basis of a relatively small number of tumor tissue samples of known type containing the expression data on very many ..
in the process ofThe first step in the process of policy formulation, as shown in the diagram, is to capture the values or principles that will guide the rest of the process .
in most respects
They are like your training job in most respects except for the amount of social contact and ..
.. the cellular level in a system which operationally resembles bacterial cultures in most essential respects.
This will of course be a statistical stability, but in most respects far from random.


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Dux + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 28-4-2015 22:54:02 | 只看该作者

draw on

In this book on .., the authors address themselves to the questions of how predictable are natural communities, how important is competition between ... Much of the work on which the book is based was carried out by the authors in the USA and UK...The authors also draw on literature published up to the end of 1982.
.. to draw on international experience to ..
The book contains case studies and useful school-based examples of how individual teachers at all levels of the curriculum draw on their own experience for planning curriculum and instruction.
I have been very fortunate to be able to draw on the talents of a succession of wonderful reaserch assistants, including ..
assign toWe assigned the tasks randomly to the experimental group and the control group to see how the subjects would react to the different problems.
attribute toMalaria poses a major health risk to people who are exposed to infection where malaria is common. In 1997, 13% of deaths among children were attributed to malaria in one area in Zaire.
attend to
How to attend to the emotional aspects of 'unsolvable' conflicts and the use of 'humiliation entrepreneurship'
The article identifies the dynamics of humiliation as a core agent in conflicts that escalate into cycles of violence, such as terrorism or genocide, where parties feel humiliated and entitled to retaliate with violence. I describe a 4-year research project on the notion of humiliation, which had its starting point in the hypothesis that the humiliation experienced by Germany after the first World War contributed to the outbreak of the second World War. Then I analyse more recent incidents of genocidal killings in Somalia, Rwanda, and Burundi, and concluded with recommendations for healing the cycles of humiliation.
depart fromIn these data, two of the teachers L and P, explicitly talked about the situation where a student poses a question or has a problem that the teacher perceives to be an issue for other learners as well. In these cases, the teachers were willing to depart from their lesson plans because they thought that dealing with the individual's issue would benefit the group.
The author departs from his earlier theory.
convince of
how do you convince the board of your staff health and wellbeing plan. Strategies to ensure the health and wellbeing of staff are vital to bring down sickness absence in the organisation but first the broad must approve them.


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Dux + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 29-4-2015 12:53:48 | 只看该作者

preconceived notion
The purpose of this research is threefold. First, ... Second, by taking these conceptions into account, intervention and outreach programs can directly address these ideas, and engage the students in discussion in order to form more accurate understanding of the role of the engineer. In sicence education, considerable research has shown that student's preconceived notions are difficult to change unless the notions are directly addressed during discussions.
preconceiveNo Proconception: The Dictum.
These irrelevant preconceived tests yielded the dictum that No preconceptions were allowed. This stance is important so the researcher is not likely to be tempted or feel required to use preconcieved literature concepts for coding.
foregone conclusionIt appears to be a foregone conlusion that a global convergence of people new embraces a gay identity.
It is by no means a foregone conclusion that life began with the RNA world, although several lines of evidennce suggest that the RNA world existed at some stage in evolusionary development.
In other words, the outcomes of such elections are not a foregone conclusion.
narrow-mindednessWe can, in short, thin, talk, read, and write our way of bigotry and narrow-mindednes, out of our limitations of experience and perspectives. As we illustrate, however, we can do this only to a very limited extent.  
biasThe coding which led to the evidence of bias emerged from a grounded theory/phenomenological apprach which allows the data to speak.
So, on the objective evidence presented here, the mainstream TV coverage of the first year of the independence referendum campaigns has not been fair or balanced. Taken together, we have evidence of coverage which seems likely to have damaged the YES campaign.
prejudiceAttachment to one's ingroups does not necessarily require hostility toward outgrous. Yet the prevailing appraoch to the study of ethnocentrism, ingroups bias, and prejudice presumes that ingroups love and outgroups hate reciprocally related.
Thus to understand the roots of prejudice and discrimination requires first of all a better understanding of the functions that ingroup formation and identification serve for human beings.


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Dux + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 2-5-2015 00:31:39 | 只看该作者

investigation intoTHe paper summarises an experinmental and theoretical investigation into the resistance components in clam water of high speed displacement and semi-displacement catamarans with symmetric demihulls.
rationale forThe rationale for systematic literature reviews is well established and is grounded firmly in several premises. Firstly, ..
exploration ofThe objective in coordinating the exploration of multiple robots is to maximize expected information gain (map knowledge) over time. While .., we have developed .. technique that provides good results, in practice.
approach toThe theory and methods of the natural approach to language acquisition in the classroom are described. The natural approach is based on the theory that language acquisition occurs only when students receive comprehensible input. The emphasis is on reading and listening comprehension for begining students.
emphasis onThe intention of this book is to provide an analytical and conceptual foundation for the demographic aspects of biological and ecological research, with emphasis on insects and mites.
distinction between
Although the present model adopts the distinction between work-to-family and family-to-work conflict, several important changes have been incorportated.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
Dux + 50 很给力!



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 楼主| 发表于 3-5-2015 01:51:13 | 只看该作者

a wide range ofSeven differenct composts were prepared in a pilot plant by the static-pile system using a wide range of wastes: sewage sludge, poultry manure, pig slurry, olivemill water waste, city refuse ..Their chemical and biological properties were studied at four stages of the composting process: in the initial mixture, ..
it is not clear to what extentIt should not be surprising, therefore, that the absolute size of the adjustment effect was small, and this does nothing to undermine its theoretical implications .. In view of this, it is not clear to what extent that the conflict monitoring model would predict the topdown control modulations across ..
in a variety of waysSeveral principles that can help to improve undergraduate education are indentified. Based on research on college teaching and learning, good practice in undergraduate education: ... Examples of good approaches include:.. .. abilities such as analytical and communication skills. Performance is assessed and then discussed with students at each level for each ability in a variety of ways and by a variety of assessors.
with respect to
with regard to
(more neutral)
We studied localisations of spaces with respect to homology, and we now develop the analogous stable theory.
Ever increasing attention is paid to the environmental impact of intensive agricultural practices, and in this context organic farming is gaining recognition as a relatively friendly production system. In general, the risk of harmful environmental effects is lower with organic than with conventional farming methods, though not necessarily so. This review examines organic farming in the light of European conditions with special regard to recent findings from Denmark.
This paper represents an attempt, only partially successful, to get at what appear to be some deep and hitherto unexamined properties of the stable homotopy category. This work was motivated by the discovery of .. localisation with respect to certain periodic homology theories.
as opposed to
as contrasted with
To the author's knowledge, this is the first study which shows that immune responsiveness in female mice is enhanced after haemorrhagic stroke, as opposed to decreased responsiveness in males.
The purpose of this study was to examine the available evidence regarding the nature of the forces that were involved in the production of a lower plexus palsy or a total (whole arm) palsy, as contrasted with the nature of the forces that resulted in an upper plexus palsy.
with the exception of
All the data is from Google AdWords, with the exception of symptoms data, which is from Google Trends.
With the exception of the early report by Bull that intravenous administration of pneumococci to dogs was followed by menigngitis, in most studies, .. has not resulted in infection of the menigitis.  

intravenous (Medical) :  anatomy within a vein  e.g. an intravenous injection
pneumococci (Medical) : a bacterium that invades the respiratory tract and is a major cause of pneumonia.
meningitis (Medical) : a serious and often deadly disease in which a outside layer of the brain or spinal cord becomes infected and swollen.

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 楼主| 发表于 3-5-2015 16:08:49 | 只看该作者

so to speakBut the normal speaker of English is merely a special variety, a literary form, so to speak, of our old friend the prudent man.
as far as .. concerned
Speculations on a Nation at Risk: illusions and realities; recollections of a Nation at Risk may be sound and fury, but as far as the school's curricula are concerned, Mr Hewitt argues, the report signified very little.
as a rule I don't think people want to get involved in violent incidents, as a rule at least. They scared off.
that is to day Several very general characteristics distinguish this logic from the one that will be constituted during the pre-adolescent period (between 12 and 15 years). Firstly these operations are 'concrete', that is to say, in using them the child still reasons in terms of objects (classes, relations, numbers, etc) and not interms of hypotheses that can be thought out before knowing whether they are true or false. Secondly ..
the subject under discussionHowever, standardisation of herbal extract to create a uniform product for clinical trial is a crucial subject under discussion since, according to herbalist's perspective, quality and effectiveness of traditional medicines could be compromised ..
all things consideredSo even if we all agree that in such cases a policy of compensation is inappropriate, all things considered, it does not follow that so far as distributive equality is concerned, compensation should not be forthcoming ..


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 楼主| 发表于 5-5-2015 23:34:12 | 只看该作者

specific entry requirementsThe specific entry requirements for each course of study are listed on the indivicual course pages. If needed, clarification may be sought from the department you are applying to.
transcript, grades Internationa applicants must submit a transcript of university courses and grades, translated into English.  
English-mediumInternationa applicants must submit results of English language test, unless you have received English-medium education for at least one year.
grants, scholarshipsThere are grants or scholarships available for international students.  
process, acknowledgeThe university will take about six weeks to process my application after they acknowledge(have received) it. Then I might be called for an interview.  
mature studentsThe university has lots of mature students, therefore I might have a good chance of being offered a place.


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 楼主| 发表于 6-5-2015 21:17:53 | 只看该作者

Assessment: A 3000-word assignment must be submitted for each core module. Elective modules are assessed through essays, projects and portfolios.
a pass gradeCandidates must achieve a pass grade in all four core modules, plus 40 credits in elective modules, and for MA, must past the dissertation module.
faculty(US/UK)US-If you are faculty, you are a member of the academic staff. UK - Faculty refers to a group of departments with similar interests.
school(US/UK)US - School is often used to mean university. UK - School refers to primary or secondary education.
used with no article
She went to university in Scotland. She graduated from university in 1996. I went to college in St Louis. I took some fascinating courses at college.  
fraternity/sororityThe fraterity and sorority houses are all round the edge of the campus. (social organisations for male and female respectively)


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 楼主| 发表于 8-5-2015 16:19:03 | 只看该作者

bilateralIt has long been recognised that bilateral trade patterns are well described empirically by the so-called gravity equation, which relates trade between two countries positively to both of their incomes and negatively to the distance between them, usually with a functional form that reminiscent of the law of gravity in physics.
bipartisanIn the spirit of 'to go where the silence is', the book starts by demonstrating how America's biparitsan governing class protects its privileged clients while abandoning the rest of us to an unregulated, and therefore brutal and merciless, global market. It is not the only place from which to examine globalisation, but it is the place where the 'silence' is.
acuteAdalt mammals respond to tissue damage by implementing the acute phase repsonse, which comprises a series of specific physiplogical reactions.
castigateThus left-handed people have been described as unstable .. and so on through a long list of undesirable personality attributes. What those who thus castigate left-handed people have overlooked, is that all these personality traits also occur in right-handed people and, ..
caveatA caveat: curriculum integration isn't always a good idea. Learning activitis should be educationally significant or desirable even without the integraion feature.  
hitherto..non-tropical sprue with hitherto undescribed lesions of .. including isolation of some hitherto undescribed ... a record of his work in a series of hitherto unpublished letters ..


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 楼主| 发表于 8-5-2015 23:35:51 | 只看该作者

competencyDrawing on the theoretical insights from the resource-based view of strategic management, this article explores the potential of human resource systems to facilitate or inhibit the development and untilisation of organisational competencies.  
concessionIn recent years airports have been under growing pressure to become finacially self-sufficient and to pursue profit maximisation in their non-aeronautical or concession operations.  
conciliatoryThe authors examined how conciliatory gestures exhibited in response to interpersonal transgressions influence forgiveness and feelings of friendship with the transgressor. Results suggust that conciliatory gestures promote forgiveness in part by depicting transgressors as more sympathetic, considerate, fair, and just.
convictionIt was evident that the more pupils experimented the more convinced they become. The levels of conviction of all pupils were very high, and many achieved this level of conviction after just a few minutes of experimentation on the computer.  
fretIn other words, chronic worries operate under the misperception that their fretting allows them to control the futre. Worrying becomes like a coping machanisam. It's a kind of magical thinking, a form, albeit a tortuous one, of self-protection.  
indigentHealth care for the indigent is a major problem in the United States. This review of the literature on health care for indigent was undertaken to determine which major questions remain unresolved.  


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 楼主| 发表于 9-5-2015 14:51:05 | 只看该作者

immovableThe purpose of this law shall be to preserve Lithuania's immovable cultural heritage and to transmit it to future generations, to provide conditions for the public to become knowledgeable about and use it.
implacablyWe are all used to the parent who is implacably opposed to contact, and both advocates and judges have learned to deal with such a hostil parent. The courts are increasingly aware of the control over contact proceedings that may be attempted by an impacably hostile parent.
implicationThe implication of research on teacher belief for the nature of teaching and teacher education are discussed. In addition, ignored or minimally addressed issues that could provide avenues for future research are raised.
implementSeveral methods for implementing database queries expressed as logical rules are given and they are compared for efficiency. One method, called 'magic sets', is a general algorithm for rewriting logical rules so that they may be implemented bottom ...
bullet pointsYou must write your answers using full sentences. You must not write your answers as notes or bullet point. You must write your answers on the answer sheet. You are allowed to write your notes on the question paper, but these wiill not be seen by the examiner. (bullet train)
oblivionAs a symbol of decline in old age Boke medicates between cultural norms that stress effort, doing, and contributing to the social whole as central to being a good person, and feelings of resignation to the possibility that decline and entrance into the oblivion of senility may make it impossible to engage those values.


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 楼主| 发表于 9-5-2015 20:14:53 | 只看该作者

prising openWith the accession of the UK .., Lall discovered that there was a new path to influence and inside .. Prising open the European market was the goal and one of the strongest aims in Lall's arsenal and his successor was the Commercial Cooperation Agreement which was sucessively widened and deepened to cover just as much of trade relationnship as decency would allow and beyond, including ..
pending With a budget of .. the program is one of China's most ambitious environmental initiatives, and is one of the ... Pending successful completion, it will have significant implications for China's forests and remaining natural ecosystems, representing an almost 10% increase in current national forest area.
bindingAmericans have a constitutional right to a trail by jury. However, for the last three decades, the country has expeirenced a major compaign by the insurance industry, large coporations and political conservatives to take power .. While these special interests have met with mixed success meeting their goals through .. binding arbitration offers corporate groups the ability to ..
scepticismThe period of 1500 - 1675 is certainly not the unique period of sceptical impact on modern thought. Both before and after this time interval, one can find important influence of the ancient sceptical thinkers. But, it is my contention that scepticisam plays a special and ... role ..
succinctIn designing a routing scheme for a communication network it is desirable to use as short as possible paths for routing message, while keeping the routing information stored in the processors' local memory as succinct as possible.
sorelyEffects were reversible even at extremely high exposure levels for very long durations. Problems in research and needed data are pointed out. Given the ecomomic importance and ubiquity of toluence, more information about its behavioural and neurological effects is sorely needed.


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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2015 13:34:38 | 只看该作者
self-assessmentAn English language self-assessment Morningness-Eveningness questionaire is presented and evaluated against individual differences in the circadian variation of oral temperature. Results showed that Morning types has a significantly earlier peak time than Evening types and tended to have a higher daytime temperature and lower post peak temperature.
extra-curricularIn this paper we draw on recent research findings to take a critical look at extra-curricular Physical Education (PE) provision in state schools in Englaind and Wales and in particular, address issues of equality and equity.
request an extentionReaders who need more time to prepare a Discussionn should request an extension of the deadline from the Editorial Department.  
revision forbefore examWithin the last few years, researchers have shown a renewed interest in 'interest'. Especially in the field of educational psychology many studies have been conducted to analyse how learning and achievement are inlfuenced by motivational and cognitive factors. ..Interest was highly related to study time during the semester but weakly related to study time before the exam..increased by a deliberate revision before exam .. to tackle the topoc of revison for exams. (exam revision tips/ revision timetable/ revson sessions)
types of examsExams can take a variety of forms. Often lecturers use a combination of these forms in a single exam paper ... Multiple chioce, true/false answers, short answers, essays, pratical, open book, problem solving.. Different types of exams can require different forms of preparation.
review lexture notesIdeally, you prepare for exams throughout the semester by attending all your classes and revising work weekly, if not daily. Review the lecturer notes within 24 hours of the time you took them ... Allocate 2 to 3 hours for revison each day and you'll be amazed how much you can cover in a week.

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 楼主| 发表于 10-5-2015 16:19:27 | 只看该作者

mnemonicEvaluated the effectiveness of a mnemonic procedure, the keyword method, for learning a foreign langauge vocabulary. On all measurements the keyword method proved to be highly effective, yielding for the most critical test a score of 72% correct for the keyword group compared to 46% for the control group.  
visualisingVisulisation Training will give you suggestions for beginning to work with imagery and for helping learners who have difficulty visualising to do so better.
rote learningThe study tested whether students who learned with an active orientation would be more intrinsically motivated to learn and would learn more than students who learned with a passive orientaion. The two groups were equal, however, in their rote learning scores.  
rough notesGoing through the rough notes taken during some rapid jouneys across the ... A comparison of the various scources of information leads to a rough conclusion that ..
mind/brain blank
In an exam, I make rough notes for each question, otherwise my mind just goes blank. Scientists have discovered that person is capable for receiving limited sensation. After a point the brain goes blank. In general, the mind accepts only that which matches prior knowledge or experience.
mind wanderingThe numbers of patients whose responses were rated 'always', 'usually', 'seldom' and 'never' are given in Table 4. Mind-wandering was a significantly more common form of concentration problem than external distraction.  


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 楼主| 发表于 11-5-2015 23:56:04 | 只看该作者

hybrid/blended course..in blended online education environments: An American perspective.. This mixed-mode instructional model, generally termed hybrid, blended or sandwich learning, has been recognised as an effective alternative that ..
KISS principleThe KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid/short/systematic) is often cited as an effective strategy in selling. The premise is that salespeople are more effective when they stick to basics and do not necessarily complicate that which is not necessarily complecated.
flame other postersModerator's Note: Direct personal insults of other posters and 'flaming' are not permitted in ... Debates. The general rule is to attack the other poster's arguments, rather than the other poster himself/herself.  
lurking onlineLurking is weidspread in nearly every online discussion group. Lurkers are generally learners who are bystanders to discussions about course content ..


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 楼主| 发表于 12-5-2015 00:08:43 | 只看该作者

virtual classroomThe book describes the evolution of the Virtual Classroom from an idea to reality. A primary emphasis is on evalution tools and procedures, which enables the reader to assess the extent to which the objectives of this new use of computers were attained..
search engineIn this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems.
construct knowledgeThe artical describes a method of supervision that brings together teacher candidates and supervisors to help the candidates develop a dispostion towards the ability to construct knowledge.  
collaborative learning Collaborative learning enhances critical thinking. The concept of collaborative learning, the grouping and pairing of students for the purpose of achieving an academic goal, has been widely reserached and advocated throughout the professional literature. This term refers to an instruction method in which students at various performance levesl work together in small groups toward a common goal. The students are respnsible for an another's learning as well as their own. Thus, the success of one student helps other students to be successful.


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 楼主| 发表于 16-5-2015 13:31:52 | 只看该作者
draw dataThrough its partership with .. will gather and analyse information from .., along with other providers such as .., to create an open .platform that will allow reserchers and health-focused app developers to draw on vast amounts of health data from a centralised resource.  
make referenceUsing the subject index, the reader can easily look up those parts of the book which make reference to the particular species in which he is interested.  
consulted..secondary citation may not be immediately obvious, but one effect of this form of citation may be to make it appear that the writer consulted a number of primary sources instead of fewer secondary ones, masking the fact that it was the source..
surveyI also surveyed the literature on agricultural production during the 1840s.  


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 楼主| 发表于 16-5-2015 13:48:12 | 只看该作者

sourceThe essay draws its data from the most important primary souce of information on manufacuturing in ..Several recent secondary sources were also consulted.
resourceFor this project, I consulted the county archives in an attempt to explain why there are so many deaths in ..These proved a valuable resource.  
documentedThe objective of the paper is to examine the association between early adult head injury, as documented by military hospital records, and dementia in late life; and to evaluated the interaction between head injury and ..
as noted inAs noted in the introduction, an understanding of the region's physical characteristics is essential in order to apprecate the relationships between the two broad geographies: the physical landscape and cultural landscape.  


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