安装完浏览器,需要安装一个输入法,到浏览器内置的 Chrome Web Store,查找 Google Input Tools (by Google)安装好这个云输入法,你就可以输入中文啦,输入法很好用,支持拼音和五笔。
Keyboard Shortcuts:
(recently updated)
SHIFT - Toggle between active/inactive state for all transliteration (IME) tools
ALT+SHIFT - Switch to next input tool in the list (if the extension is off, turn it on; if the current input tool is the last tool in the list, turn the extension off)
CTRL+SPACE - Revert to the last input tool used (if none, turn off the extension)
SHIFT+SPACE - Toggle the SBC/DBC mode (Chinese input tools only)
CTRL+PERIOD - Toggle Chinese / European language punctuation (Chinese input tools only)