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[性能评测] 主流大容量硬盘性能评测

发表于 12-5-2009 13:16:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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xbit 是我最近发现的一个硬件网站,感觉还真的有一些好文章。这篇就是把目前市场上的主流大容量硬盘进行横评,很有参考价值。完整文章链接如下:
http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles ... y/1tb-2tb-hdds.html



We’d like to start summing everything up by answering the question if the transition to new platters has added more speed? Perhaps unexpectedly, our answer is No. The speeds have got higher somewhat, but not much so. Right now, the performance benefits from the transition to new platters (1.5 times the recording density of the older platters) are too small and lower than expected. The race of linear speeds seems to have taken a break. The 500GB platter nut has proved to be too hard to crack. But are things so bad, anyway? We answer with yet another No. 120MBps is the bandwidth limit for the first version of SATA as well as for PCI and PCIe x1 buses which are often used for disk controllers. As of today, it is the peculiarities of firmware that come to the fore. You may have noticed that we are talking about today. It is quite possible that upcoming 500GB-platter models will get rid of the speed-related problems and deliver much higher performance.

As for the new products, the Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 is the only series of HDDs with 500GB platters that have a spindle rotation speed of 7200rpm. The 1TB model is not the fastest on the market, but looks good to us anyway. Seagate has revised its firmware considerably and solved a number of problems. As a result, the new series disk is a perfect choice as a universal HDD. It is fast enough to be not much inferior to the best 1TB drives in sheer speed but is also quiet and cold. We guess it offers an optimal compromise of features, especially as the 7200.11 series had been rather nasty. We do recommend the newcomer for a home computer.

The 1.5-terabyte Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 left an ambiguous impression overall. It is not fast enough to oppose fast 1TB drives, has high power consumption, suffers performance hits under certain loads and – is not the largest-capacity model anymore! There is only one fact to its favor – it costs very modest money for an HDD of its capacity.

The 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green is a bit of a disappointment, too. Frankly speaking, we had expected it to be faster than its 1TB predecessor due to the increased recording density but it is actually slower in most of our tests, being only ahead at sequential operations with files. Anyway, this HDD will have one important advantage over its opponents for the next half a year. There are no other HDDs of that capacity and none is expected soon. Combined with rather low power consumption, this indicates one possible application for this model – storing large amounts of data, on external storage devices in the first place. It will come in handy for NASes that often do not allow increasing the storage capacity easily. This HDD costs quite a lot, however, obviously due to the lack of any competition.

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发表于 12-5-2009 13:20:45 | 只看该作者
I want to buy a new HD for my notebook......

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 楼主| 发表于 12-5-2009 13:20:56 | 只看该作者
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西数绿盘号称节能环保 ------ 宣传手段,一个硬盘的耗电量有多大啊?就是少也就少1-2W,实际上是性能不够强劲。

7200.12才是目前的冠军,国内有售很久了,而且价格实惠 700-,可是澳洲。。。。。。。。。。。

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发表于 12-5-2009 13:21:57 | 只看该作者
what about 2.5 HD ar?

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发表于 12-5-2009 13:54:21 | 只看该作者




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发表于 12-5-2009 15:21:36 | 只看该作者

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发表于 12-5-2009 16:21:36 | 只看该作者
原帖由 MacroJ 于 12-5-2009 12:21 发表
what about 2.5 HD ar?

2.5的硬盘 日立的是传统强项,但是目前西捷也很注重2.5的产品。
前段时间买了个西捷的320G 的2.5硬盘5400转,人民币390元。
7200转的 日立的有,价钱是490元。

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 楼主| 发表于 12-5-2009 19:21:33 | 只看该作者

回复 #5 catfelix 的帖子

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 楼主| 发表于 12-5-2009 19:22:34 | 只看该作者

回复 #6 justinli79 的帖子

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澳洲的硬件市场利润比较高,而且跟进不快,7200.12 1T都出来好久了,在澳洲还买不到。

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