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[language study] 雅思写作停滞不前了

发表于 18-4-2016 18:01:11 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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以下是我写的一篇大作文,题目是:Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Scientific research is crucial to the development of a country. Governments have always played an important role in this, but many private companies have stepped into these fields in recent years. In my opinion, governments should carry out and control scientific research rather than private companies.

Governments have a greater ability to undertake the research in terms of resources. They are able to allocate more budget and manpower to scientific research continuously, and because of that, the findings could be more productive and more successful. While failures due to shortage of resources are often seen in private companies. Some of the projects have to continue for more than ten years, very few corporation could invest in such projects but governments. Moreover, governments also have the power to integrate different resources together, which makes the research more likely to succeed, whereas private companies always try to protect their formulas or intellectual properties instead of collaboration.

Governments should also control scientific research because of its function and responsibility. They are the policy makers, and they are also accountable for people’s living standard. They should ban the research that is anti-social or anti-human.

However, private companies could do something in the gaps that governments do not cover. There are many fields which need to be researched in the world, but the governments cannot invest in all of them at the same time. Private companies are more agile to do the research in those areas since the government might sometimes be too bureaucratic or cumbersome to start research projects.

In conclusion, although private companies may contribute to society with their scientific research, I believe that government should carry out and control most of them.


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
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 楼主| 发表于 18-4-2016 23:10:14 | 显示全部楼层
水和阳光 发表于 18-4-2016 22:50
楼主,我只想问。。。听力不看题目能听懂差不多。边看题目边听就糊涂了,咋办啊,明明section1听起来很简单 ...


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