xblues 发表于 17-5-2010 01:58:14

xblues 发表于 17-5-2010 01:59:38

xblues 发表于 17-5-2010 02:12:30

xblues 发表于 17-5-2010 02:31:53

xblues 发表于 17-5-2010 02:36:37

xblues 发表于 18-5-2010 22:54:17

xblues 发表于 18-5-2010 23:08:54

andyyang 发表于 21-7-2010 19:15:56

雇主正要用敏捷, 以前的开发中实际没有用敏捷,国内的项目全是要求多,时间少,矩阵管理,层层外包,摸着石头过河,我感觉是很土,还没有时间空间来搞方法论,面试的时候怎么样包装,向敏捷和scrum上靠,又不能说假话, 得好好设计一下

[ 本帖最后由 andyyang 于 21-7-2010 19:08 编辑 ]

ritz 发表于 21-7-2010 19:40:30

我公司正在做SCRUM的尝试,BA在这里主要就是在business/product owner和sprint team之间起沟通作用
很大的一个职责是capture and refine user stories

andyyang 发表于 21-7-2010 20:06:25

中介给了个职位描述希望有credit card payment系统有一些经验,我以前对国内的银联有一些接触,但是对澳洲银行这方面的了解较少,虫子能不能介绍下,金融业算你的本行了

aroma 发表于 21-7-2010 21:00:58

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

woodheadz 发表于 21-7-2010 21:02:28

推荐个免费的在线Stories管理工具,我们一直在用它: :lol :lol

andyyang 发表于 21-7-2010 21:32:42

To help myself and other ScrumMasters, I have started to write down general activities, which characterize the role of the ScrumMaster (see below).

The priority of activities varies by company.

Keeps Scrum process running
Ensures a proper power balance between PO, Team, Management
Protects the Team
Moderates in the Team
Helps to organize (e.g., Meetings)
Helps to keep the Team focused on the current Sprint
Helps to achieve Sprint goals
Works with PO
Educates PO, Team, Management and Organization
Solves impediments
Encourages and helps to achieve transparency
Strives to develop a Team into a High Performance Team
Encourages and protects self-organization
Educates and focuses a Team toward business-driven development
Supports Team building and Team development by utilizing the abilities and skills of individuals, and fostering a Feedback culture
Helps to self-help
Ensures and supports Empowerment of the Team
Addresses needs efficiently and effectively
Detects hidden problems and strives to solve them
Helps Team to learn from its experiences
上面20项事情,几乎就是项目经理所要做的事情。在这20项基础上,对团队成员的分工给出指导,对团队成员的个人绩效进行评价,是顺理成章的事情。这与倡导自组织的团队并不矛盾,完全可以把多数事务交给团队,比如具体任务的分配。与完全的自组织不一样的是:项目经理还是可以从全局把握,可以干预团队成员的选择。管钱、管人、管事的项目经理来充当Scrum Master,可以让这个改造过的Scrum有更好的成功。
而钱不管,人不管,事也不管的Scrum Master来推进上述的20项事情,难度可想而知。俗话说“凭什么听你的”

andyyang 发表于 21-7-2010 21:40:10

represent what's going with the development team to the overall business community.

not a strict business analysis role, more than what a business analyst can typical do.

woodheadz 发表于 21-7-2010 21:48:28

原帖由 andyyang 于 21-7-2010 20:32 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
To help myself and other ScrumMasters, I have started to write down general activities, which characterize the role of the ScrumMaster (see below).

The priority of ac ...

sliuhao 发表于 21-7-2010 22:33:41

Scott Ambler是个不错的人...

goldensun 发表于 22-7-2010 17:26:00

原帖由 andyyang 于 21-7-2010 19:06 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
中介给了个职位描述希望有credit card payment系统有一些经验,我以前对国内的银联有一些接触,但是对澳洲银行这方面的了解较少,虫子能不能介绍下,金融业算你的本行了

我知道其中一种方式是银行提供 XML Service,
向银行申请一些账号密码,就可以在你自己的应用程序中植入银行的XML Service, 通过HTTPS / XML 传递数据完成交易
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