标题: TPG 的CSG条款 [打印本页] 作者: NEWGAY 时间: 27-12-2010 15:56 标题: TPG 的CSG条款 Please carefully review the below Customer Service Guarantee Waiver.
You must select "I Agree" before you continue.
Customer Service Guarantee Waiver
You have been directed to this form because you wish to acquire a TPG Voice plan in respect of which TPG Internet Pty Ltd (TPG) proposes that you waive the rights and protections under the Telecommunications (Customer Service Guarantee) Standard 2000 (No. 2) (the "CSG"). If you do not wish to waive those rights, please select a TPG Voice plan which does not require a waiver of the CSG.
The Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) is a guarantee that is prescribed under the Telecommunications Act 1997 and gives consumers certain rights in connection with standard telephone services. These rights include:
1. The right to be provided with information about the CSG and the performance standards applicable under it;
2. The right to receive compensation if a standard telephone service is not connected within a specified timeframe;
3. The right to receive compensation if a fault or service difficulty exists on a standard telephone service and is not rectified within a specified timeframe;
4. The right to receive compensation if TPG misses an appointment with a customer with whom TPG has made an appointment in connection with the standard telephone service.
The specified timeframes and the amounts of compensation vary based on the customer location, the nature of the infrastructure available at the customer site and the length of time during which default has occurred. As an example of the range of compensation, compensation for an unrepaired fault ranges from $14.52 to $48.40 per day and compensation for a missed appointment ranges from 14.52 to $24.20. Full detail of the compensation is available on the ACMA website at www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD/pc=PC_2017.
TPG Voice plans where the CSG is waived are low priced. TPG believes that there is therefore a significant benefit available to you if you waive the CSG.
You should make your own assessment as to whether the non-CSG plans represent sufficient value for you to waive the rights given to you under the CSG.
By agreeing to this document you are waiving your rights and protections under the CSG and are not able to make a claim against TPG for compensation under the CSG in connection with the TPG Voice service that you have acquired.
Your acceptance of this proposed waiver of your rights & protections under the CSG will take effect in 7 days from your submitting this form unless, before the expiry of that 7 day period, you withdraw your waiver and communicate that withdrawal to TPG. If you do withdraw your waiver, TPG will not be able to supply the TPG Voice service to you.作者: NEWGAY 时间: 27-12-2010 15:58
真是矛盾啊,这个$59的unlimited+telphone 值得吗作者: stone66 时间: 27-12-2010 16:14
我也正想签这个计划呢,说说你的担心之处作者: fatfish_cc 时间: 27-12-2010 20:22