
标题: 译林拾遗:我随手乱记,您就随便看.......从译员的视角看社会 [打印本页]

作者: keepdancing    时间: 23-10-2010 00:58
标题: 译林拾遗:我随手乱记,您就随便看.......从译员的视角看社会
Officer:Based on the report from the health consultant, CenterLink requires you to work minimum 15 hours a week. 根据健康官员出的报告,CenterLink要求你每周至少工作15小时。
Client: 我都癌症了,怎么还叫我工作?I am with cancer. How mean you ask me to work!
Officer: We have to follow the conclusion of the health assessment report. If you have objections, you can talk to CenterLink, but you latest medical report already expired. 我们得看健康评估报告的结论。有不同意见的话,你可以找CenterLink去谈。不过你最近的这份医疗报告已过期了。
Client: 找工,找工!那老也找不着咋办?Job search, job search! What if I cannot find one despite my efforts?
Officer: Before you are employed, you are requested to come here and spend at least three hours for job search weekly and meet me fortnightly. Think it over, you find a job and you can earn much more than the benefits now you have and you do not have to come to us. 在您就业前,我们要求你每周都要来这里找工,至少要花三个小时时间,同时还要每隔两周来见我一次。好好想想,随便找个工你就能挣比现在得的福利多得多的钱,你也不需要总来见我们了。
Client:  没事儿,来这儿呆三小时,你们这儿还有空调,天热也不怕。Not a problem, I spend three hours a week here. Besides, you have air conditioner here for the summer heat.

[ 本帖最后由 keepdancing 于 28-12-2010 02:31 编辑 ]
作者: keepdancing    时间: 23-10-2010 01:04
Desk Officer: How is your health? 您身体怎样?
客户:我身体可好啦!坚持练功,什么病就没有了。My health is superb. I do my exercises everyday and no disease bothers me.
keepdancing: 插句话,练什么?
Desk Officer: What sort of job have u done in the past two years?过去两年来你做过什么工作?
客户:英语不好,正式工没做过。我做社区义工。I have never been formally employed in the past two years due to my limited English proficiency. I did some community volunteer jobs.
Desk Officer: Such as? 具体是什么义工?
客户:派发DA JI YUAN报纸。I distribute the Epoch Times.
Desk Officer: That should not be considered volunteer job. It is a paid job. 那个不能算义工,应当是有报酬的。
客户:整个DA JI YUAN报社都是义务的,包括编辑、印刷工,我们都是义务的。All staff of the Epoch Times are volunteers...even the editors and printing workers. We are all volunteers.
Desk Officer: What is the highest level of education you received? 你最高学历是什么?
客户:我大专毕业。毕业后在***机关做宣传工作。我工作能力可强了,那个什么,如果不是我不愿意,我早就上去了。I have a diploma from the junior college. After my graduation, I was in charge of public relations in ***. My strong working capacities were widely acknowledged. I should have been promoted, but I was not really keen on promotions.
Desk Officer: I would like you to continue your English study to improve your communication skills. Meanwhile, I will call you if I have potential employers who do not have much English requirement. Before you find a job, I would like to come and see me every fortnight. 我希望你坚持学你的英语课程,提高交流能力。同时,如果有对语言能力没太高要求的雇主,我会给你打电话。没找到工作前,你需要每两周来见我一次。
客户:那太好了。谢谢!That would be great. Thank you.

keepdancing 工作时间不聊天。
作者: keepdancing    时间: 23-10-2010 01:07
标题: Typical interview questions at ***
Q: Please talk a bit about your medical conditions that might affect your ability to work.
A: 我有关节炎,天一下下雨关节就痛。我还查出了甲状腺瘤,医生让我每半年查一次。还有就是现在年纪大了,颈椎也不好了,眼也花了,做不得细活儿。
I have arthritis and I have sore joints whenever it rains. I have also been diagnosed with thyroid tumor. The doctor told me to have a medical checkup every six months. Besides, since I am advanced in age, I have cervical syndrome and also presbyopia, so that I find it difficult to do jobs that are more demanding in eyesight.
Q: You mentioned arthritis, what sort of treatment did you have for that? 你是怎么治疗关节炎的?
A: 我也就是贴贴膏药。有时有点用。
I use adhesive medical plasters. Sometimes, plasters are effective.
Q: We'll try to help you to enhance your health so that you can be back in the work force as soon as possible. We have here the health consultant who can assess your health conditions and give your advice as how you should exercise daily to improve your physical conditions. We also have the psychologist who can provide help in case of need. Do you have any accommodation difficulty? You did not move more than three times last year,  did you?
Thanks for your help. I live with my friend. I do not have a accommodation problem.
Q: Do you feel depressed? Who do you turn to in case of difficulties?
Poor health conditions do affect my mood sometimes. I'd make phone calls to my family from time to time.
Q: We do not have much time today. I'll book you in for another appointment to see the health officer in two weeks' time. Please initial every page for the record of our meeting today.
Alright. Thank you.
作者: pinxinge    时间: 24-10-2010 13:58
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言
原帖由 keepdancing 于 23-10-2010 01:04 发表
Desk Officer: How is your health? 您身体怎样?
客户:我身体可好啦!坚持练功,什么病就没有了。My health is superb. I do my exercises everyday and no disease bothers me.
keepdancing: 插句话,练什么?

Looks like a joke.
作者: bujibuji    时间: 24-10-2010 22:20
作者: 被回收马甲1    时间: 24-10-2010 23:19

作者: keepdancing    时间: 3-11-2010 15:55
Q: You said you found a job? 您講找到了工作?
A: 是的,是臨時工性質的,時薪只有10塊。Right. I got a part time job now. They pay me ten dollars per hour.
Q: Are you aware of the fact that you are earning less than the minimum wage requirement, which is $14.9?你有沒意識到你掙的工資低于最低時薪要求?
A: 知道。不過,如果我要得多,人家會開了我的。Yes, I know. But if I ask for more, I will be fired.
Q: We can help you out in this case so that you earn more. Do you mind if I contact your employer reminding them of the minimum wage requirement? 这种情况我们可以帮你,让你挣更多。你介不介意我们打电话给你的雇主,提醒一下他们需要遵守最低时薪要求?
A: 谢谢你们的好意。不过,我担心如果你打了电话,他们马上就会辞退我。我好不容易有个工作。Thank you for your kindness. But I fear that I will get fired immediately after your phone call. I hope you understand that it is not easy for me to find this job.
Q: I should say that my phone call to them is a warning, not just advice that can be ignored. If they fire you because of my call, they will be in serious trouble. All right?得说一下,我打的电话是个给他们的警告。如果他们置之不理,他们会有麻烦的。怎么样?
A: 那就谢谢您了。Many thanks, then.
作者: keepdancing    时间: 28-11-2010 00:49

东道主: This is the old governor's house.这是旧总督府
贵客:噢,那这个总督一定是个清官。This governor must be a very "clean" man, I mean, free from corruption.
东道主: Why saying that?为啥?
贵客:这房子看着很简单嘛。中国的皇宫官邸什么的都要豪华的多。This house looks very simple. Palaces for emperors or residential buildings for senior officials in China often are much more luxurious.
东道主: The history of Australia is no comparison with that of China. This is already old enough to be a historical relic. OZ历史不能跟中国的比。这房子就够老的了,是历史古迹了。
贵客:那个人干活真慢,一扇窗子这么久也没擦完。That man over there is so slow. It will take forever for him to clean the window.
东道主: That is part of the restoration of the house. 这是总督府修复工作的一部分。
贵客: 可以吸烟吗?Smoking allowed here?
东道主: Please go to the park over there to smoke. 你可以到那边园子边上吸烟。
作者: jinlongtj    时间: 29-11-2010 00:48
thanks for your good job ,what else ?
作者: figaro    时间: 29-11-2010 01:39
作者: keepdancing    时间: 29-11-2010 20:49
WJ(某二外网友): 我觉得中文有些东西没办法译,比方说这个什么什么吃的大补。这个“补”,就难以表达。
keepdancing: 先把中文意思把握好了,处理起来就能得心应手。“大补”,要我看,无非是说这个东东多么有营养,那样就用nutritious好啦。再讲一个,可以用nourish这个词,比方it provides nourishment to human health.

WJ: “以神运气”里“气”怎么翻译?
keepdancing: “气”,如果是气功里的气,那就是一个独有的概念,应当就写“Qi”就可以了。
我误以为人家练气功呢!不过,没过几天,WJ同学找上门来了,把原文拿来给我看。这一看,原来是什么广电大学讲播音员怎么播音的。看了看上下文,是讲控制呼吸,播音时如何调节气息,于是我的回答改口了,这里应当把“气”译为"breath",用“breath control"。
作者: yearshappy    时间: 29-11-2010 21:07
原帖由 keepdancing 于 29-11-2010 20:49 发表
WJ(某二外网友): 我觉得中文有些东西没办法译,比方说这个什么什么吃的大补。这个“补”,就难以表达。
keepdancing: 先把中文意思把握好了,处理起来就能得心应手。“大补”,要我看,无非是说这个东东多么有营养 ...

如果问题是像‘气’怎么译,‘补’怎么说, 这样翻译的译文可能会词不达意
作者: keepdancing    时间: 24-12-2010 00:50
中介:You have been with us for quite long. We regret to say that, considering your age of over 75, we find it very difficult to find you a job. I think you should have the right type of benefits. Right now, you have the special aged benefits. If only you can talk to CenterLink to change to aged pension, then you won't have to come to us.
客户:我也希望这样,不过说是还需要再等三年才能改。I hope so, but I was told that I have to wait three more years before I can enjoy the pension.
中介:Three more years? Let's see... after the policy change, there is a ten-year requirement. Right, you got to wait three more years.
作者: keepdancing    时间: 7-1-2011 13:20
中介:Since you do not receive CenterLink benefits, Ms Mao, you are considered a volunteer in job search. Anyway, we can sign you up on the Employment Pathway Plan and you are entitled to services of the Stream I. Limited category. 毛女士,您没领CenterLink救济金,那么你就是一位自愿找工者,我们仍然可以把你列入EPP就业计划中去,你可以享受最低档,即第一档的受限服务。
客户:什么意思?What does that mean?
中介:Meaning you can come here and use the computer, printer, telephone and other facilities here for job search for free for up to three months. After that, if your circumstances change, say you receive CenterLink payments, your placement in the EPP plan will change accordingly. Normally, you see upward adjustment of the categories of service you receive and more assistance will be provided to you in job search. If nothing changes and you still need to use the facilities here, you can just tell us that. Otherwise, your name will be erased and you do not appear in our system. 就是说在未来三个月你可以来这里免费使用电脑、打印机、电话进行你的找工活动。之后,如果情况有变,假如说你开始从CenterLink领取救济,你所享受的EPP找工服务的档次将上调,让你享受更多的找工帮助。如果没啥变动,而你还需要使用这里的设备,你只需要告诉我们一下就可以了。不然,你的名字将抹去,我们电脑系统里也不再保存你的记录。
客户:签这么个合同,对我有什么限制不?没什么害处吧?I am not so sure ... if I sign up this EPP agreement, does it impose any restrictions on me? Anything bad for me?
中介:We are just instructed by the CenterLink to provide help to you. You lose nothing in signing this document and you only get good things out of it. If you are still not sure, you just walk away. You are not receiving CenterLink benefits and your are not required to look for work anyway. 我们是受CenterLink指示为您提供帮助。签这份文件你不会有任何损失,只会从中受益。如果你还吃不准,你可以走了,你还没领取CenterLink救济,他们也没要求你找工作。
客户:那好,我签字。Ok then, I will sign it.
作者: keepdancing    时间: 13-2-2011 00:59
标题: 你有白卡吗?
找工顾问:You said you are interested in a "Handyman" course at TAFE, we are glad to assist u in that regard. Could u tell me your long-term goal in job search?
找工顾问:It's great to hear that you have such a positive attitude. We certainly can help u. Please let me know how we can help.
找工顾问:We can help you register your business. But we are not in the position to pay for the car you want to buy. For tools, you can just go ahead and bring me the invoice later. We'll refund you for the tools needed for the business.
找工顾问:You are absolutely right. We'll call TAFE to see if they have such a course. By the way, do you have the white card for the job you plan to do? Here in Australia, all people are required to have the white card for working in such work site.
找工顾问:Don't worry. I'll explain it to you and we'll help you in applying for the white card. Now let me summarize what we need to do together in the next couple of weeks.
作者: keepdancing    时间: 18-2-2011 01:13
标题: 胜诉了,但对方老联系不上,拒不执行
1 被告老躲着我,总也找不着。保险公司讲,非得让政府部门给开个失踪证明才会理赔。我找了CTTT还有Fair Trading,都不给开。The respondent is playing hide-and-seek with me. The insurance company insisted that there should be a proof for his dissappearance from a government department before they look at my claim. I approached CTTT and Fair Trading but they all declined to provide such a certificate.

2 You won't get such a dissapearance certificate from a government department. What you got to do is to lodge a complaint against the respondent at Fair Trading. When they investigate your case and find it impossible to proceed due to the dissapearance of the respondent, they will come up with their report, specifying the reason why they cannot proceed. You just bring the report to the insurance company. And that would be the evidence of a missing person.

1 问题是他拿着我的入住证。能不能给他个时限,把这个东西还我?判决好几年了,反正建房合同已解除了,房子我另找别人建。这个东西比较急。The problem is he held my occupation certificate. Can the tribunal set a deadline for him to surrender the certificate to me? The order was made years ago. Given the termination of the house-building contract between us, I will hire another builder. But I do need the occupation certificate badly.
2 This request goes beyond my jurisdiction. You may talk to the respondent about it. Or you can talk to the council to sort it out. At this stage, do you want to withdraw your application or do you want to pursue it further? If Yes, do you have any new evidence? 这个请求超出了我的权限。你可以找被告好好谈谈。或者你找Council问问怎么办。现在,你是想撤诉呢还是继续告?如果继续告,你有没有新的证据需要提交?

1 没新的证据。上回裁决他该赔偿8万块给我,这都好长时间了,我想继续索赔,就要这些就可以,不指望着他会给利息什么的。I don't have new evidence. According to the previous order, the respondent should compensate me 80,000 dollars. But it seems to take forever for him to make the compensation to me. I am happy with the amount set out in the order. I never expect the respondent to pay me interest.
2 You'll receive a written notice about next hearing. Please bring with you the original copies of the evidence you provided to the tribunal. 你将收到下次开庭的书面通知。出庭时请携带你提交给法庭的证据材料的原件。
作者: tanshen    时间: 18-2-2011 10:12

作者: keepdancing    时间: 18-2-2011 12:24
作者: tanshen    时间: 18-2-2011 12:29

作者: tanshen    时间: 18-2-2011 12:33

怎么学英语都只是交流水平?英文的READING教材,从美国小学到大学的原版教材看过30多本,还是只是IELTS6.5的水平,LISTEN TO THIS 1,2,3, STEP BY STEP 1-4都听了一遍,还是听力只有6分(IELTS),大学英语六级74.5分过了。

作者: keepdancing    时间: 24-2-2011 23:14
C: 他抄起拖把就打我,用拖把的铁把儿打。我就这样用胳膊护着头,你看,这些就是打的印儿。他走了一会儿,又跑回来,看到我又发火了,没找到什么称手的东西就直接用手扇了我几耳光。He grabbed the mop and hit me with the iron handle of it. I raised my arms like this to protect my head. Look here, these are bruises from the beating. He left for a while and returned. He lost his temper again and slapped me in my face several times as he could not find any thing suitable for beating me.
P: Go easy. Tell me everything in a chronological order, do not skip. Now, from the very beginning. You name, age, home address? When and where did you meet? What did he say first? Where is the mop in the first place? Which hand did he use? Where did you stand at the time? Why didn't you run away when he beat you? 慢慢来,一步步讲,不要跳着讲。从头开始,你的姓名、年龄、家庭住址?他什么时候在哪儿见的你,开始说了什么,拖把原来在哪里,哪只手打人,你的位置在哪儿。打你,你长腿不会跑么?

C: 我不敢动。因为他总在说,不听话就滚回老家去!他总威胁不再担保我了,那样我就没签证了。成天挨打,我也不想再呆下去了,真想回去。I didn't dare to move, because he always told me "Go back to China if you do not listen to me!" He always threatened to withdraw his sponsorship for me.  If so, I lose my visa. But as I cannot take beating as a way of life, I would rather return to China.
P: Do you really want to go back to China? Listen up! You are not going anywhere. No body can force you do that. By the way, you got to stay here for the court hearing. If you want to travel abroad, you must tell me. 你真的想回国?好好听着!你哪儿也别去,没人能强迫你。另外,你得呆在这里等着开庭。如果你要海外旅行,你必须告诉我。

C: 我还有课本、书包在那里,上学得用呀。I left my textbooks and the school bag there. I need them for school.
P: Not a problem. That would be part of the AVO we are applying for you. Once we get the AVO, the police will accompany you to the place to fetch your stuff. We'll arrest him tonight. 别担心,这是我们为你申请的禁止令内容的一部分。一旦拿到禁止令,警方会派人陪你取你的东西。今晚就去逮捕他。

C: 啊!?这就逮捕他了?我可不想太得罪他。你们会关他几天?Oh, my God! You are gonna arrest him tonight? I really do not want to offend him so. How long will you arrest him?
P: Things may not go as you wish once you call the police. We'll hold him for four hours. 一旦报警,事情未必会象你期望的那样发展。我们会关他四小时。
作者: keepdancing    时间: 16-3-2011 14:30
Applicant: 当初对方给安这个阳棚时,我问过他是不是政府方面有什么手续。他讲市议会不会有啥意见的。就让给装了,结果市议会来信要罚款,还让拆除。我们要求交罚款然后保留这个棚,但这个是劣质工程,我回趟国再回来一看风把棚都要吹倒了。现在直接损失都两万五了。所以我要找安装的人赔偿损失。When I first installed the awning, I asked the installer whether there were application procedures with the council. He told me that they would not have a problem with it. So I told him to go ahead with the installation. But then I got a letter from the council demanding the removal of the awning and there was also a fine for it. We asked to pay the fine and keep the awning. But it is a shoddy good. After my holidays back to China, the awning almost came off due to the rain. I incurred direct cost of $25,000. I want a compensation from the installer.
Member of Tribunal: Problem is the installer's company is now deregistered. For sake of this case, you can ask the installer to re-register the previous company or you simply drop your claim. 问题在于安装公司已被注销。要继续打官司,你可以要求安装者重新注册原来的公司,要么你放弃你的诉求。

Applicant: 我知道他又注册了新公司名,还在干同样的活儿。他这不是搞欺诈么?难道我不能告他本人?As far as I know, the installer registered a new company for the same business. This is deception. I'd rather sue him.
Member of Tribunal: You can only lodge your claim against the party you sign your contract with. In this case, it is the company deregistered. You have to be aware of the difference between a natural person and corporate person. 你只能告你签合同的另一方。就本案而言,你只能告注销掉了的公司。你该明白自然人与公司法人的区别。

Applicant: 莫非我只能认倒霉?So, I can do nothing about it?
Member of Tribunal: You may seek advise from legal professionals if you want to sue the installer in person. For the time being, the case is adjourned. 如果你想告安装者本人,你可以寻求律师的专业意见。当下,本案暂停审理。
作者: nobig345    时间: 21-3-2011 18:39
not bad!
作者: 熊猫阿三    时间: 2-5-2011 16:23
作者: keepdancing    时间: 7-5-2011 01:23
Employment Consultant: Do u know why u r here? 知道你為什麼來這兒吧?
X: 不知道呀?你們都找我兩回了。No, I don't. U contacted me twice.
E.C.: You r required to join the employment pathway plan if u receive Centrelink payments. Do u receive Centrelink payments? 如果你領取Centrelink的救濟金,你就得參加找工計劃。你是不是在領救濟呢?
X: 我剛申請過,但人家說我還差半年,不給領。I submitted my application to Centrelink not long ago, but I was told that I was six months short of the time requirement, so I am not eligible for Centrelink payments as yet.
E.C.: In this case, your participation would be voluntary, meaning u may or may not come here for job search. People receiving Centrelink payments are often required either to look for jobs actively or to study English. U may wish to submit your application once again to Centrelink after six months. Meanwhile, u'd better improve your English by taking the 500-hour English course. 這種情況,你進行找工活動是自願行為,就是說你可以來這裡找工,也可以不來。領救濟的人通常會有要求必須積極找工作,或者去學英語。你可以等半年後再向Centrelink遞交申請,同時呢,你最好完成500小時的英語學習課程。
X: 我才不想領救濟呢!我想工作掙錢,你能不能給我提供工作機會?那個500小時課程教的都是啥呀,一點用都沒有。教的都是“你叫啥?”,“你多大啦?”這不去學我都會,應當教些有用的東西,專業的東西,工作能用得上的東西。我可不可以去讀TAFE課程?
I don't really want to apply for the Centrelink payments. I want to work to earn my living. Can u give me job opportunities? That 500-hour English course is useless. They teach just simple things like "What's your name?", "How old are u?", which I can understand without attending such classes. They should teach something more useful, more special, something that is needed in work. Can I go to the TAFE classes?
E.C.: You may feel free to use our office facilities here but we cannot provide u with job opportunities since u are yet to formally become our client. U'd better complete the 500-hours first before thinking about TAFE. You said that the course was too simple for u, but still you cannot communicate with me freely. U can go to TAFE to see if there is a suitable course for you or not. But I'd tell u that in the 500-hour class, you have classmates and teachers around you who can help you out with translation. But in a TAFE class, you won't have such luxury. U should improve you English first in the next six months so that next time u see me, we don't need an interpreter and we can go to the job search part. Otherwise, we still need to arrange English study for u by then.
X: 這多浪費時間!我來澳洲是來掙錢的。What a waste of time! I come to this country to make money.
E.C.: It's very rare for employers to have "Mandarin only" as one of the requirements for jobs. As to the special English training u mentioned, aside from the general English, there are those academic English classes, but you won't fit in there. 僱主要求招工條件是只講普通話的機會實在是太少了。至於你講的特殊英語培訓,除了普通英語教學以外,確實有學術英語課程,不過你上不了。
X: 算啦,算啦,不跟你講了。我給你們提個意見,我們過來找工作,不說給快點安排工作,非得學啥英語,浪費我的時間。
I don't want to continue the topic further. I'd have a complaint for you. We are here for job search. Instead of arranging a job for me asap, you always insist on English study. That's really a waste of my time.
E.C.: If your application to Centrelink is approved in six months, we will provide job search services to you. Right now, you are free to go. Good luck! 如果半年後Centrelink批了你的申請,我們將為你提供找工服務。現在,你可以走了。再見!

作者: 骷髅    时间: 7-5-2011 22:50
作者: keepdancing    时间: 10-7-2011 15:30
Manager: According to the records of the system, you are taking care of a child, right?系统记录显示你在照看一个孩子,对吧?
客户:是的,我照看哥哥家的小孩,一周两天。医生说他有先天性心脏病,还有自闭症。That's right. I look after my brother's kid, two days a week. The doctor said the kid had congenital heart disease and infantile autism.
Manager: In that case, you'd be better-off if you switch to the carer benefit instead of the New Start allowance. Otherwise, you'll have to report to us your job search activities fortnightly till you find a job.这样的话,你最好改申请护理病人的津贴,而不是找工津贴。不然,每两周你都得向我们汇报你的找工活动,直到你找到工作为止。
Do you mean I can apply? Or my brother can apply? Besides, do I get more from this carer benefit (or less compared with New Start)?
Manager: Both you and your brother can apply. If you brother works and do not have the time looking after the kid... But eventually CentreLink decides. I am not sure if you get more.
There is one thing I have to remind you. After the policy change on 1 July, you have to bear in mind all the time that if you cannot attend our appointment or you English class, you should call me beforehand with good reason, e.g. a medical certificate or sick leave advice from the doctor. Otherwise, your benefits will be suspended.
作者: freshfish    时间: 10-7-2011 17:14
作者: Greenhouse    时间: 11-7-2011 18:57
作者: keepdancing    时间: 26-7-2011 01:23
标题: 免费的助听器
医生 When did you last use hearing aid? Why u stopped using it? 多久前用过助听器?为什么不用了呢?
客户 四五年以前吧。我沐浴忘记取下来了,就坏掉了。Abt 4-5 yrs ago. I forgot about it when taking a shower and it was flooded.
医生 You should come to us earlier. Why you did not come to us? 你真该早点来看我们。干嘛不来找我们?
客户 我们不通英语,不知道你们这个机构。再说也没钱,在领救济。大夫,我想要个免费的。We have the language barrier. I am not aware of your existence. Besides, I don't have much money. I am a pensioner. Doctor, can I have a hearing aid for free?
医生 We'll come to that part later. Now let me have a close checkup of you ear. 我们一会儿谈这个。先让我查查你的耳朵。
You have lost you hearing considerably. I am afraid you have to wear the hearing aid all the time now. You cannot expect to have the hearing as before even if you wear it. 现在你听力下降得很厉害,恐怕你需要一直戴助听器了。戴了的话也不会跟原来听力那么好了。
客户 那就听你的。我在家看电视,邻居都会来抗议的。I'll follow your instructions. Right now, the neighbors would complain when I watch the TV.
医生 The government funded one works well in a quiet setting. If you want to use it in a noisy environment like the classroom, we have other options but you'll have to pay for it.  政府出钱的助听器在安静的环境中效果就不错,但如果你想在教室这样嘈杂的环境里使用,就需要用自费的助听器了,我们这里有,可以选购。
客户 那就自费的吧。Then I take the free one.
医生 I'll make a mound for your ear. The hearing aid is for you only. 我来给你做个耳模。这助听器是你专用的。
客户 那款自费的得多少钱?How much is the self-funded one?
医生 $3,500. Now let's wait a couple of minutes for the substance in your ear to set. I make you another appointment with me after 2 wks and another after one month. The first one for collection of the hearing aid and the second for me to see how it works on you. 3500刀,我们等两分钟,等你耳朵里的模子凝固。我再给你约两周后来见我的时间,还有再约一次一个月后来见我。头一个预约是让你来取助听器,下一个是看它的效果如何。
客户 还一个事儿,大夫,下回再约下翻译,以前的翻译翻得我听不懂,他们生在这里,好些话都翻不出来。今天这个挺好,帮我再约他好吧?谢谢!There is another thing, Doctor, please book interpreters for me for our future appointments. Thanks a lot!
作者: keepdancing    时间: 26-7-2011 01:37
作者: deadloser    时间: 31-7-2011 03:19


作者: nowaybutgo    时间: 31-7-2011 17:41
客户 那就自费的吧。Then I take the free one.

作者: keepdancing    时间: 6-8-2011 20:49
对了,如果哪位朋友有有听力障碍的老人,不妨带去看Australian Hearing这家机构,可以免费给配助听器。如果自己去配的话,助听器的确是非常贵的。老年人社会接触面有限,有时不知道这些信息,助听器如果不及时配上的话,有可能造成永久性失聪。
作者: keepdancing    时间: 22-8-2011 00:10
原帖由 deadloser 于 31-7-2011 02:19 发表





找工顾问:You said that they'd like you to begin your trial period tomorrow? Aside from this job opportunity, tell me about your own job search activities in the past two weeks. 你讲他们说明天开始让你去试工?除这个工作机会以外,请讲讲过去两周你自己找工的活动情况。
客户:是的,他们让明天开始试工。我一直在找工,但很难找到。最近一次是一家餐馆厨师招帮工,但我过去一看,他们那里工作的地方很小,都是男的,而且下班时间晚上11点,我都没法坐车回家了。找工的话,我都是照着华文报纸上的广告找电话过去。我做了个记录,给你。Yes, I begin the probational period tomorrow. I have been job searching all the time, but hardly any opportunity. Last time, a chef at a certain restaurant was recruiting a kitchen hand. I visited them only to find that their kitchen was really small and all co-workers were male. Besides, the work ends at 11:00 pm so that I cannot possibly go home by bus after work. For job search, I just dial the telephone numbers in the job ads in the local Chinese newspapers. Here is the record for job search activities.
找工顾问:Excellent. Did this company have some special requirement for work, like work uniform? 太好了。这家公司对你去工作有什么要求不?比如工作服什么的?
客户:是有着装要求的。要求白衬衣、黑裤子、黑皮鞋。Yes, they required white shirt, black trousers and black shoes.
找工顾问:Do you have all these things? 这些你都有吧?
客户:我有衬衣、皮鞋,裤子……想不起来放哪儿了,我还得回去找找。I have the shirt and shoes, but not the trousers.
找工顾问:We'd have you start working for them. We'll help you with these things. You may wish to go to K-mart and buy the trousers and send me the invoice for the money back. We pay for it. 我们想让你得到这份工作。这些东西我们可以帮你。你可以去Kmart超市去买裤子,把发票拿给我,我们付帐。
客户:这太不好意思了吧。这工作机会都是你们给的。我英语不行,没你们给介绍还真不好找到。Kmart在哪儿?It's so kind of u. I'd express my appreciation for this job opportunity. It's indeed hard for me to find a job without your help given the language barrier.
找工顾问:Kmart is within walking distance. If you really don't know its where-about. Give me a sec, I ask the manager... I'll go with you. You just find the right size for you. Kmart超市步行就能到。如果你还是不知道怎么走的话,等等,我跟经理说一声,我陪你去买。你去试衣。
客户:这更不好意思了,你们太好了。I am overwhelmed with your kindness. You are so nice.
作者: nowaybutgo    时间: 23-8-2011 15:46
原帖由 nowaybutgo 于 31-7-2011 16:41 发表
客户 那就自费的吧。Then I take the free one.


楼主,这句似乎翻译错了 ,

作者: mason00    时间: 23-8-2011 16:31
作者: keepdancing    时间: 23-8-2011 19:39
原帖由 nowaybutgo 于 23-8-2011 14:46 发表

楼主,这句似乎翻译错了 ,


作者: distantmusic    时间: 23-8-2011 22:40
作者: keepdancing    时间: 3-11-2011 12:50
作者: keepdancing    时间: 10-11-2011 23:13
Consultant: You have been with us for over 52 weeks but still you are not employed. In this case, we'll have another assessment of your case and see if we'd upgrade the stream of service for you in employment services.
Client: 我毕业后一直在找工作呀。没找到又不是我的错。I have been actively looking for jobs since my graduation. I don't think I am at fault for being an unemployed person.
Consultant: No. But there are new requirements in our regulations given the time you have been with us. You'll have to be involved a work experience phase - 360 hours of work for you to accumulate work experience.
Client: 但我有工作经验的,在中国的工作经验。But I have work experience, back in China.
Consultant: But you do not have local work experience.但你没有本地工作经验。
Client: 本地?我参加了传销,这个算不算本地工作经验呢?For local experience, I've joined pyramid selling. Does it count as local work experience?
Client: No. That is not considered local work experience. It has to be from an employer recognized by the CenterLink. To be more specific about the work experience activity, we will make arrangement for you to do a volunteer work for a certain not-for-profit organization.
Client: 那好吧。 OK, then.

作者: keepdancing    时间: 24-11-2011 00:35
作者: keepdancing    时间: 17-12-2011 13:49
A: This is CN Co., Ltd. We are contacted by your real estate agent to provide connection service for your new residence, i.e. water, electricity, gas, etc. For that, we'd first of all confirm some of your personal details. Please note this phone cal is recorded for coaching and quality control purposes.这里是“马上联通公司”。您的房屋中介公司通知我们为你服务,给你的新居提供联通服务,也就是接水、接电、接煤气等等。为此,我们需要先核实一下个人信息。为保障服务质量和培训新员工,这个电话有录音。
Client: 好的,好的。OK.
A: Please spell your first name, family name. Passport number? Contact details? E mail address? And your new address, where you want the connections. Thank u! 请告你姓名、护照号、联系电话、电子邮箱,还有新家地址。
Client: *****
A: For water supply, there is not much choice. There is only one supplier - South East Water. For electricity and gas, there are three suppliers, including True Energy, Australia Power & Gas, Simply Energy. Please advise your preference. 供水方面,只有东南水务这么一家供水公司,没得选。电和气方面,有三家可选,即True Energy, Australia Power & Gas, Simply Energy三家。请告你想用哪一家?
Client: 资费情况怎么样,请介绍介绍。Tell me a bit about their rates please.
A: For electricity by True Energy, there is a one-off connection fee of $21.95, monthly service fee of $29.11, standard rate of 24.75 cents/kw. $22 charge if you leave them prematurely, that is, less than 3 yrs. Electricity bills comes once every 3 months. You pay $5 each for additional bills. As a new customer, you have 3% discount off the standard rate and further 3% discount if you pay your bills in good time.  For gas supply by True Energy, the price is $1.8 per megajoules (MJ) for the first 2000 MJs, after that, it is $1.55 per MJ, and after 5000 MJs, it is 1.29 per MJ. For other companies, blablabla... When do you want the connections to commence?
True Eneryg 的电费情况是,一次性接通费21.95刀,月租费29.11,标准电价一度电24.75 分,不满三年合同期提前结束合同收取22刀。电费帐单每三月来一回,想额外打印电费单,每份另收5刀。作为新用户,你享受3%的优惠电价,按时付电费,另有3%优惠。煤气费,头2000兆焦收每兆焦1.8刀;2000-5000兆焦之间按每兆焦1.55刀收;用再多的话,按每兆焦1.29刀收。其他公司资费情况是(略)。你想哪天接通呢?
Client: 我就用True Energy吧。我想下周五接通。I want True Energy. Please connect for me on next Friday.
A: No worries. Please note that you need to place the main switch in the off position between 7 am and 7 pm this coming Friday and ensure that there is unobstructed access to the meters. 没问题。请注意,在下周五的早七时晚七时之间,新居的总电闸要放在关的位置。另外,电表水表煤气表什么的读表员应当能接触得到。
Client: 明白。不过,我发现那房里有水有电,是不是下周五之后才是我付钱?Got it. But I'd ask since I found water connection and electricity connection are current at the new house. Does it mean that usage will only be billed under my name after next Friday?
A: That is correct. 对。
Client: 那就很很地用!啊,这一句不要翻了。Thanks for the clarification.
A: Do you need landline connection? Internet connection? Do you want disconnection service for your current address? 还需不需要接电话?宽带?现址需不需要停用服务?
Client: 不用了,需要的话我们再打电话给你们,给我们留下电话。对了,有个问题,怎么给你们付费?No need for now. I'll call u up when in case of need later on. Please leave us you phone number. Hi, there is one important question, how shall we pay you?
A: You don't have to pay us. Service providers do. Dial 133466 for True Energy.  你不需要给我们付费。服务商向我们付费。True Energy 电话是133466,
Now I'll read out the terms and conditions in the contract with True Energy for you. At the end, when I ask "do you agree to the above terms and conditions?", please say "Yes, I do". 好了,我把跟True Energy公司的合同条款给您读一遍,之后,我会问你接受不接受这些条款,你回答“我同意”就可以了。
Client: 好。Good.
A:1300556325 is our number. You may call us and quote your reference No. *** if you need further assistance. That's it for today. Thank you!  我们电话是1300556325。需要更多服务请给我们打电话,并提及你的客户号****。今天就到这里。谢谢!
作者: RobinQ    时间: 31-12-2011 17:32
作者: keepdancing    时间: 12-2-2012 22:26
作者: alicezeng    时间: 13-2-2012 13:10
原帖由 keepdancing 于 23-10-2010 00:58 发表
Officer:Based on the report from the health consultant, CenterLink requires you to work minimum 15 hours a week. 根据健康官员出的报告,CenterLink要求你每周至少工作15小时。
Client: 我都癌症了,怎么还 ...

作者: tashimaoke    时间: 14-2-2012 00:35
作者: keepdancing    时间: 25-4-2012 14:49
原帖由 tashimaoke 于 13-2-2012 23:35 发表
作者: keepdancing    时间: 29-9-2012 13:35
DIAC: Dept of Immigration & Citizenship        /dai'æk/
MRT: Migration Review Tribunal
RRT: Refugee Review Tribunal
ASC: Asylum Seeker Centre

甲  How are you doing? Is there any news from DIAC for your asylum application? 您还好吧?移民部对您的庇护申请有没有回复?
乙  我还好。还没回音。I‘m good. No news from them so far.
甲  Do you receive financial support from any one or any organization other than the Red Cross? Please prepare bank statements for the past three month and bring to me for our next appointment. 除了红会的资助外,还有没有其他人或机构给您资助?请准备一下过去三个月的银行帐单,下次会面时带来。
乙  没有其他经济来源。要银行帐单做什么?I've got no other source of income. Bank statements, what for?
甲  We need to verify you financial status. Please remember that you need to report to us any deposit over 100 AUD. 我们需要核实你的资金状况。不要忘了,每一笔大于一百澳元的存款您都需要向我们申报一下。
乙  好的。I got it.
好佩服这位彭里斯的网友,她是永居签,拿了我出的NAATI翻译件去交管部门(RTA)换考新南威尔士本地驾照。RTA前台的人不接受,结果人家据理力争,说这是NAATI译员名录上的译员译的,法院认,你们为啥就不认。对方去请示了一下经理,结果就同意接受了。 祝她顺利通过路试。
作者: keepdancing    时间: 29-9-2012 22:18

丙  I regret to remind you that your RRT application was turned down yesterday. As the result, the Red Cross stops your payments upon the RRT decision. And the last payment to you recently is the last payment from the Red Cross. 很遗憾,您的庇护申请上诉被难民复审法庭给拒了。为此,难民复审法庭决定生效之日起,红会将不再对您进行资助。红会最近付给你的一笔钱也就是最后一笔了。
丁  我知道了。只是我现在又没工作,又没钱,又没朋友帮我,还有小孩要用钱,怎么办呢?I know. Problem is I am jobless, with no money and no friends to help me. I got kids to feed, what to do?
丙  Although the Red Cross cannot provide financial support to you, we can refer you to some agencies where you can find some support, e.g. the Asylum Seeker Center. I print out their contact number and address for you. You may wish to go talk to them. 虽然红会不能再资助你,我们可以介绍你去找一些可以帮你的机构,比方说“申请庇护者中心”。我把他们的联系电话和地址给你打印出来,你可以找他们谈谈。
丁  太感谢您了。Many thanks to you!
作者: keepdancing    时间: 30-9-2012 22:49

戊  How are you doing Mr Ng? DIAC has approved your asylum application. Congratulations! We are about to close your case because of it. We cannot provide financial assistance to you any more. 吴先生,您还好吧?移民部批准了你的庇护申请,祝贺你!为此,我们要把您的案子给结了。我们不能再对您进行资助了。
己  可是前段时间我做体检的费用你们还没给报回来呢。为了这个,你们要我提供这个提供那个,又是银行帐单,又要亲友证明,你们怎么说结案就结案呢?!But I am still expecting you to refund me for the physical check-up some time ago. I took a lot of trouble to prepare for my claim of the refund in line with your requirements, i.e. bank statements, proof letters from relatives and friends. How can you close my case so soon?

戊  We have to close a case once there is a definite conclusion from DIAC with regard an asylum application, be it Yes or No. 只要移民部对庇护申请有了明确结论,不管是批了还是否了,我们都必须结案。
己  合着我白准备了。有你们这么办事的么?准备了好久,你们就拖啦拖,拖到最后一结案,什么也不用干,是吧?So it was a total waste of time. Is this your usual way of work? I spent so long in preparing for claiming back the money. But you are such a drag. You don't have to do anything after all, do you?

戊  I am not sure what you are talking about. As I said, Red Cross cannot give you financial assistance once you are granted a protection visa, or not. Now that you have the protection visa, you can go to the Centrelink. 我不明白你在说什么。刚才讲过,一旦移民部给了你保护签证,红会就不能再给你资助。移民部拒绝给你保护签证,也是一样结果。现在你有了保护签证,你就可以去找福利署(CentreLink)了。
己  算了,算了,就这么着吧。我也不难为你了。再见!All right then,let it be... I don't want to make life hard for you. Bye!
作者: 滚滚雷声    时间: 2-10-2012 19:54
作者: keepdancing    时间: 3-10-2012 00:24
作者: mite    时间: 5-10-2012 18:56
客户 还一个事儿,大夫,下回再约下翻译,以前的翻译翻得我听不懂,他们生在这里,好些话都翻不出来。今天这个挺好,帮我再约他好吧?谢谢!There is another thing, Doctor, please book interpreters for me for our future appointments. Thanks a lot!


作者: keepdancing    时间: 5-10-2012 20:48
作者: mite    时间: 6-10-2012 14:42

我也是NAATI 证书是英文到中文
去考过中文到英文 刚到澳洲的时候 没有工作 就考试玩; 很可惜 差了4-5分 没有过; 我后来付费区看了批卷。 在一个字上 扣了好几份 “认证”; 我以前没有注意。 而且查了字典 选错了字 我选了ATTESTATION.
作者: wkmqla    时间: 11-10-2012 22:00

作者: wkmqla    时间: 11-10-2012 22:00

作者: mite    时间: 20-10-2012 13:18
LZ 继续啊 顶一下
作者: mite    时间: 20-10-2012 13:38

作者: keepdancing    时间: 28-10-2012 23:58
标题: 回复 #60 mite 的帖子
需要看场景来决定译文。有时中文虽然同样是一个词,但英语未必是同一个。authenticate, authentication 是指做(技术)鉴定,做一下检验,以确定什么东西的真伪,比方说这个签字是不是真的,还是模仿出来的字?这个印章是真的,还是私刻的萝卜章?你太太手上钻戒那么大个儿,是真钻还是水钻?
accredit, accreditation也有认证之意。比方说NAATI是澳洲唯一的翻译资质认证机构,具体说就是NAATI通过一套程序来审验申请人的翻译水平是否达到了相应的既定标准,有些情况可以是审核一下学历、工作经历,多数情况是要经过考试。
另外,certify, certification也有认证之意,对真实性的证明,对达到某一标准的证明。比如质量认证体系,就是用的certification。感觉后两者有些重合,比方说 an certified doctor,也可以说 an accredited doctor。
作者: OHMAN    时间: 5-11-2012 10:46
作者: keepdancing    时间: 5-11-2012 13:47
作者: keepdancing    时间: 11-11-2012 00:19
太平坤士(JP): 公证什么?原件呢?What to certify? Where is the original document?
Keepdancing: I don't have the original document. I am preparing two affidavits for clients of my translation service. 我没原件。我是为我笔译客户做两份证词。
JP: I cannot help you without the original document.没原件,我爱莫能助。
K: My client keeps the original documents. I am a translator. He wants me to testify to the court that I translated his *** certificates. I downloaded the affidavit forms from ###. 原件在我客户那里。我是译员。他想让我向法庭作证,证明我为他翻译了**证。这些表格是我从###下载来的。
JP: Wait a minute. Let me consult my friend. Oh, I'm sorry. Show me some ID please. 等一下,我问问我朋友。抱歉,给我看看你证件吧。
K: No worries. Here is my driver license. These translations were done years ago and I saw the original documents when the client visited me. That's why there is a note here - "Original Sighted". Now I seal them with my NAATI stamp and sign them in front of you. I figure that I'd use today's date, right?没关系。这是我驾照。这些翻译件是几年前做的了,当时客户找我时给我出示过原件。这就是为啥我这里写了“看到了原件”。现在我当你面在这些翻译件上加盖NAATI印章并签名。我觉着应当写上今天日期,是吧?
JP: Yes. And you also need to put you signature here, behind the "Deponent" as you are the deponent. Are you gonna take an oath or affirmation? 是的。你还得在证人这儿签字,因为你是证人。你是做宗教誓词呢,还是宣誓呢?
K: Affirmation.宣誓。
JP: Do you declare that your are a competent translator and you have translated the documents faithfully to the best of your knowledge and ability? 你是否愿宣誓你是位有资质的译员,并尽其所知、尽其所能,对文件进行了忠实翻译?
K: I do. 是的。
Deponent:【法】 宣誓证人, 证明人, 提供书面证词者
作者: keepdancing    时间: 13-11-2012 22:40
Case Worker: You have to understand that anyone who receives NEWSTART payments from Centrelink has to engage in some sort of activities, either work or study. Otherwise, you should not receive the payments. 您必须理解,任何从福利署领取寻工津贴者都必须参与某种活动,要么去工作,要么去上学。不然,你就不该领这项福利。
Client: 我班上的同学,他们都说啦,55岁以上就不需要找工了。都是条件一样的人,为啥他们不用工作,我就得去找工?而且,我是单身,据说单身有更好的政策。My classmates all told me that people over the age of 55 are not required to work. They have much the same conditions with me. Why I have to look for jobs whereas they are not required to work? Besides, I am single. I was told that there are even better policies for the singles.
Case Worker: They probably have met their requirements in one way or the other. People over the age of 55 are required to work 30 hours per fortnight, either voluntary work or paid work. 他们或许以其他方式满足了寻工的要求。对55岁以上的人的要求是每两周工作30小时,可以是义工,也可以是有薪金的工作。
Client: 做义工?我吃饱了撑得!反正他们讲55岁不用工作,为什么非让我去找工?我也不懂去找哪个单位讲理去。
Volunteer jobs? I am not that dumb. Anyway, I was told that there is no work requirement for people over 55. Why you insist that I need to work? I don't know which department I should go to for an explanation.
Case Worker: Well, we can talk about that when you turn 55. 等你到了55岁,我们再谈这个好不好?
Client: 我早就过这年龄了。我是**年月日生的。哎,对了,你们澳洲难道不讲虚岁么?I am well over 55 years old. I was born on D.O.B. Hang on a minute, you don't have the nominal age practice in Australia, do you?

(K. made a brief introduction to the traditional way of age calculation in China. Newborns start at one year old, and each passing of a Lunar New Year, rather than the birthday, adds one year to the person's age. In other words, the first year of life is counted as one instead of zero, so that a person is two years old in their second year, three years old in their third, and so on. Since age is incremented on the new year rather than on a birthday, people may be 1 or 2 years older in Asian reckoning than in the Western system. 虚岁是中华民族一种重要的民俗,它是以春节,即农历新年为分界点的,而周岁以本人的生日为分界点的。)

Case Worker: No, we don't.我们没这习俗。
Client: 那你们也太落后了。
作者: yearshappy    时间: 13-11-2012 23:05
原帖由 keepdancing 于 5-11-2012 13:47 发表
真的是非常有意思的。特别是打官司,你可以有不少奇遇,听到些平时接触不着的东西。那天碰上一个韩国译员,刚开始做这行。我说你案子早完了怎么不走?她说旁听旁听很有意思。也是法庭管理不严,没怎么认真清场,就让 ...

作者: yearshappy    时间: 13-11-2012 23:16
原帖由 keepdancing 于 28-10-2012 23:58 发表
另外,certify, certification也有认证之意,对真实性的证明,对达到某一标准的证明。比如质量认证体系,就是用的certification。感觉后两者有些重合,比方说 an certified doctor,也可以说 an accredited doctor。...

certified, accredited, qualified Keepdancing怎样理解最后一个呢?   
作者: wkmqla    时间: 5-12-2012 21:16
作者: wkmqla    时间: 5-12-2012 21:16
作者: wkmqla    时间: 5-12-2012 21:17
作者: wkmqla    时间: 5-12-2012 21:17
作者: zaijianyanlei    时间: 7-12-2012 12:33
作者: bankwest    时间: 7-12-2012 12:50

作者: keepdancing    时间: 23-12-2012 11:00
标题: 马上这就过节了,你们也不多发点儿银子?
作者: keepdancing    时间: 23-12-2012 11:05
标题: 我想请你去看演出
客户:过节了,我想请您去看这个SHEN YUN演出。
作者: guangyang    时间: 23-12-2012 12:18
原帖由 keepdancing 于 23-10-2010 00:58 发表 ...
Client: 我都癌症了,怎么还叫我工作?I am with cancer. How mean you ask me to work! ...

您此句翻译不完全:应为"我都癌症了,你还叫我工作不卑鄙吗"? --- How mean是"多么卑鄙/卑劣"的意思
作者: keepdancing    时间: 24-12-2012 13:21
作者: yearshappy    时间: 24-12-2012 15:19
原帖由 guangyang 于 23-12-2012 12:18 发表

您此句翻译不完全:应为"我都癌症了,你还叫我工作不卑鄙吗"? --- How mean是"多么卑鄙/卑劣"的意思

巧了,实际与同事聊过 mean
可以理解成 中文词典上的翻译的 ‘卑鄙/卑劣’
通常就是如果 A 方说了什么话(也可能是笑话),或者做了什么事 B 方不满意,B 都可以说 You are mean. That's not nice.
作者: yearshappy    时间: 24-12-2012 15:33
原帖由 keepdancing 于 24-12-2012 13:21 发表
最初做口译的 ...

作者: keepdancing    时间: 24-12-2012 19:33
标题: 回复 #78 yearshappy 的帖子
作者: chengyongice    时间: 25-12-2012 12:37
强帖mark, 慢慢看
作者: keepdancing    时间: 15-3-2013 12:29
标题: 一张借条
Magistrate: In the plaintiff's statement, page * and page ** are not in English. The court cannot accept them as valid evidence unless translated by an accredited translator. 原告陈述当中,第*页和第**页不是英文材料。如果没有有资质的笔译员提供书面译文,法庭不能接受其为有效的证据。
Barrister: Your Honour, may I request your kind permission to let the interpreter translate the documents orally so that we can speed up the process a little bit. 法官大人,请允许让口译译员口头翻译一下这些材料,这样我们可以让审理程序省点时间。
Magistrate: Interpreter, do you think you can do that on the spot?译员,你觉得可以马上译出来吗?
K: Your Honour, I happen to have the right accreditation with NAATI for translation skills at the professional level. These are not lengthy documents, Yes, I can translate them right away. The first one reads, "Receipt: On (date), I borrowed or lent (the defendant) the sum of *** dollars." 法官大人,我碰巧有NAATI专业笔译的资质认证。文件不长,我可以马上译出来。头一份材料内容为“借条:年月日,我从被告那里借了***澳元,也可能是年月日,我借给原告***澳元。“
Client: 拜托!这个是借条,不是Receipt! 借条写着“年月日,我借了某某多少钱”,你怎么译这么一套出来?
K: 我是译员,我自主决定怎么来译,IOU还是Loan Receipt。您这情况,我选择译为receipt自有道理。
Magistrate: Borrowed or lent?
K: Your Honour, I cannot be certain who is the borrower and who is the lender from the way the receipt is written. In English, lend and borrow are two different words, but in Chinese, the character "借" may denote either of them. 法官大人,根据这份收据的措辞,我无法肯定谁是出借人,谁是借用人。英语里面借出借入有两个不同单词,但中文的”借“字既可以指借出也可以是借入。
Client: 你这不是矫情么?!
作者: keepdancing    时间: 12-9-2013 15:07
Client: I feel much better since I become a Buddhist. Symptoms of anxiety has almost gone.
Consultant: It good to hear that. Since there is still a participation requirement for you from the Centrelink, I'd like you to do some volunteer activity. The benchmark is 15 hours minimum per week.
Client: I visit the Buddhist temple very frequently and we have group activities together. We read, study and recite the Buddhist scriptures together. Would you take it as a volunteer activity?
Consultant: No. That is like the Christians going to the church. You won't consider going to the church as a volunteer activity. A volunteer activity is a job you do for a certain non-profit organization or religious organization, where you work for the welfare of the community at large and you do not earn money from it.
Client: Can I as a question? What about staying home all the time and devoting all my time to chanting Buddhist scriptures? This is something I want to  do and it is also good for the society.
Consultant: You certainly have your right to choose with regard to the activities you want to do. However, if you want to continue to receive Centrelink payments, you'll have to fulfill the Centrelink requirements and engage in some sort of activity accepted by them. You can do some volunteer work, you can study a certain course or you can continue your job search.
Client: According to Buddhist teaching, one should do some good deeds but one should not expect any rewards from others. Now you are asking me to do volunteer activities in exchange for Centrelink payments. This obviously goes against my belief and goes against the Buddhist teaching.
Consultant: I will not discuss religious teachings with you. If you want to have the Newstart allowance, there is are some requirements from the government beforehand. If you want to chant the scriptures all the time, you certainly can do that if you choose to. But you'll have to quit the government payments.
作者: yearshappy    时间: 12-10-2013 17:52
keepdancing 发表于 15-3-2013 12:29
Magistrate: In the plaintiff's statement, page * and page ** are not in English. The court cannot ac ...

Cases like 借 got me so obssessed with languages.
作者: levine    时间: 13-10-2013 19:15
作者: anitalu    时间: 27-10-2013 15:08
作者: anitalu    时间: 4-1-2014 21:00
作者: beckyzf    时间: 4-12-2014 09:34

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