这个melbourne pass和24 hour pass一年好像只能买12次,其实比用IC卡单独计费还划算(那天应该一不做二不休多走几次toll way),因为是单一收费。作者: 妮南 时间: 16-4-2016 18:56
赶紧设置GPS, avoid toll Road
change settings--Route planning---Toll Roads avoid作者: ashanadsl 时间: 17-4-2016 14:28
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言作者: yeats_only 时间: 18-4-2016 11:31
谢谢大家~买了个24hour pass~其实应该买个melbourne pass玩一玩的~只好等下次GPS抽风的时候再玩了~
If we are unable to process a CityLink Pass, as it is past the cut-off time for your date of travel, the registered owner of the vehicle may receive a Toll Invoice calculated from the tolls they have incurred plus an additional Toll Administration Fee which can take up to 28 days to be issued.作者: 语之玫瑰 时间: 18-4-2016 13:12
NSW是可以事后网上支付的,但是要收挺高的手续费...后来就装etag了作者: ubuntuhk 时间: 18-4-2016 21:38