1. Can I ask and confirm again because this question is very important for me to make decision to purchase K3?
When you read PDF or other format book, as long as it's designed for 6" scree ...
如果是为6”屏幕优化过的PDF文件或其它格式的文件,完全不必担心伤眼睛,Kindle就是以阅读为中心而设计的,阅读体验非常接近纸质书,甚至更好,因为Kindle3比较轻便,而且还能自由放大字体(页面会自动调节)。 原帖由 coredump 于 20-9-2010 15:56 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
我承认我是奔着终身免费使用3G而去的,才50刀,浪费就浪费点吧,我经常在街上突然想差点资料,没有3G很痛苦地说,Kindle的3G上网体验虽然糟糕,但是应急用用还是可以的:$ :$ 原帖由 ubuntuhk 于 20-9-2010 16:03 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
我承认我是奔着终身免费使用3G而去的,才50刀,浪费就浪费点吧,我经常在街上突然想差点资料,没有3G很痛苦地说,Kindle的3G上网体验虽然糟糕,但是应急用用还是可以的:$ :$ 很好奇,在大街上会突然想查什么资料:yct_4 原帖由 coredump 于 20-9-2010 15:50 发表 http://www.freeoz.biz/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
这个还是看个人啦。 你可以拿个32开的书,和16开的杂志,放在一起比较一下,你更喜欢哪一种,或者无所谓。 喜欢16开的,就买DX版本,喜欢32开的就买Kindle 3.
我是觉得各有利弊, 6寸的小,便携,不过一些大尺寸的 ...
Thank you for your advice. I am nearly deciding to buy a NO 3G, No 套套Kindle 3 Wi-fi, actually USD$50 for lifetime 3G is a cheap deal, As ubuntuhk said "应急用用还是可以的".
But for me, K3 is only a reading device, not really a web-browse device. By the way, how many years warranty do you have? 原帖由 coredump 于 20-9-2010 16:11 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
有时候突然想买点什么,想查查对比价格,或者某个地方的地址之类的。 原帖由 WenZi07 于 20-9-2010 16:23 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
By the way, how many years warranty do you have? you can find everything from amazon's website:
Protect your Kindle for two full years -- Every Kindle comes with a one-year manufacturer's warranty. With the 2-Year Extended Warranty for Kindle, you will receive protection against accidental damage such as drops or spills for the entire two years. In the 2nd year, your coverage extends to protect against failures that occur during normal operation. This helps avoid the inconvenience and costs associated with a broken device. The warranty stays with the device even if it is gifted or sold to another party.
What is Covered
[*]Two years of coverage (limited to a single claim) for accidental drops or damage such as spills that affect the functionality of your covered device[*]One additional year of coverage (after the end of the manufacturer's warranty) for failures that occur during normal operation[*]Only available for U.S.-based customers
How it Works
[*]Purchase 2-Year Extended Warranty for your qualifying Kindle (you will receive an email and an information packet in the mail)[*]Contact Service Net customer service at (877) 441-3836 if your Kindle fails[*]For covered failures, receive a replacement Kindle and return your damaged device to Service Net
http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/anywhere/chrome/arrow-right._V192208264_.gif Learn more
原帖由 ubuntuhk 于 20-9-2010 16:27 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
估计kindle 3不支持google maps,哈哈;P
回复 #218 atelier 的帖子
回去试试;P ;P 原帖由 atelier 于 20-9-2010 17:00 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif估计kindle 3不支持google maps,哈哈;P
我看amazon上说有人用DX查google maps,然后说优点就在于地图可以一直显示在那里
回复 #220 四香油饼 的帖子
我回家试了一下,maps.google.com在kindle 3 上基本没法用:1.kindle的灰度好像很少,用于显示地图是在不足,地图胡成一团
回复 #221 ubuntuhk 的帖子
http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/ 你们就折腾吧,还是需要ipad啊。出门带2个,看书的时候用kindle,上网的时候用ipad,;P 原帖由 coredump 于 20-9-2010 21:42 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
基本没用,静态地图一般是提供给一些需要地图服务的网站用的,上街的时候,临时要搜地图的话,一般还是到google maps,给名字搜地址。 我觉得在Kindle上上网实在是太鸡肋了,除非谁能hack一下这个Kindle的Wifi,把免费的3G变成WIFI热点,然后用其它方式使用Kindle的3G流量就非常合算了,不过如果流行开来,amazon要不干了:yct_4 哈哈,估计现在已经订了3G kindle的童鞋们郁闷死了 ;P 我也被忽悠了,上周4订货,昨天下午DX到手,不过套子还没发货。
还没玩转,问两个问题,DX好像支持中文不太好,设置UTF-8的TXT中文发到 @free.kindle.com 邮箱里面转换回来的文件,还是不成,都是 “ 口口口”, pdf没有问题,.modi 和.azw都不成,谁有经验吗?
[ 本帖最后由 momo他爹 于 21-9-2010 10:05 编辑 ] 原帖由 momo他爹 于 21-9-2010 10:02 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
还没玩转,问两个问题,DX好像支持中文不太好,设置UTF-8的TXT中文发到 @free.kindle.com 邮箱里面转换回来的文件,还是不成,都是 “ 口口口”, pd ...
为什么我的还不到:'( :'( :'( 原帖由 momo他爹 于 21-9-2010 10:02 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
还没玩转,问两个问题,DX好像支持中文不太好,设置UTF-8的TXT中文发到 @free.kindle.com 邮箱里面转换回来的文件,还是不成,都是 “ 口口口”, pd ... DX还是2代的技术,默认不支持中文的,得自己安装字体。 有哪位知道,如果是9月9日下的单,什么时候才能收到Kindle 3啊?哥们收到皮套都一个多礼拜了,Kindle的状态还是not yet shipped。 原帖由 shellte 于 21-9-2010 12:56 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
有哪位知道,如果是9月9日下的单,什么时候才能收到Kindle 3啊?哥们收到皮套都一个多礼拜了,Kindle的状态还是not yet shipped。
我是2号下单,20号寄出,预计24号收。你按比例计算吧 原帖由 cello 于 21-9-2010 13:52 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
看来还是DX好啊,俺的已经在路上。 原帖由 四香油饼 于 21-9-2010 16:09 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
看来还是DX好啊,俺的已经在路上。 因为技术太旧了,没人要,你在帮amazon清库存,清完了,Kindle 3的DX就出来了;P
我就等着Kindle 3 DX出来再买一个,现在这个送给老爸。 哦耶,我的2台Kindle 3G已经shipped,估计24-27号就能收到鸟。 原帖由 coredump 于 21-9-2010 16:15 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
因为技术太旧了,没人要,你在帮amazon清库存,清完了,Kindle 3的DX就出来了;P
我就等着Kindle 3 DX出来再买一个,现在这个送给老爸。
你这个乌鸦嘴,当心饼叔蹂躏你,哈哈 原帖由 shellte 于 21-9-2010 13:26 发表 http://www.freeoz.biz/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
有哪位知道,如果是9月9日下的单,什么时候才能收到Kindle 3啊?哥们收到皮套都一个多礼拜了,Kindle的状态还是not yet shipped。
I just ordered two days ago, if you have not yet received K3, how long do I have to wait?! :'(
When you placed order, did you get "temporily sold out" notice? :victory:卖现货kindle3 wiifi,已经在来澳洲的路上了 ;P Also, has anyone bought Kindle 3 being charged credit card surcharge fee?
Or your credit card was charged exactly same as the price, no other fees on top of that? 大家再努把力,争取把Sony超了