What Do You Expect from Google Chrome OS?
What Do You Expect from Google Chrome OS?from Google Operating System by Alex Chitu100+ people liked thisI've asked some time ago the readers of this blog what they expect from Google Chrome OS,an open-source operating system built around Google Chrome, that willbe released later this year. Here are some of their answers:
Integration with Google Accounts
"Ibelieve Google accounts will be used to login to Chrome OS. Kindawhereever you go, you can use your Google account username/password tologin. I hope it will use local disk to store frequently accessed fileand sync it to Docs like Dropbox."
It should work offline
"Therewould have to be some kind of offline credential caching so you can logon even when you are not connected to the network."
Instant boot
"Thething I need with Google Chrome OS is instant bootup. I want somethingwhere I open up my laptop and the screen turns on and puts a webbrowser in my face."
It should be fast
"Ijust want to get rid of infinite waiting for load up. When I turn on mycomputer, half the times is just to open a web browser, a media playerand an instant messaging program. I don't want to have to wait AGES forall sorts of background programs and services to load up."
Built-in desktop search
"Ilike the desktop search element of Google Desktop: it's a good way toaccess my files, e-mails and web history quickly. That should beincluded in Chrome OS. And there should be an offline cache ofeverything, so that I can still see read web pages I've visited evenwhen offline."
In sync
"Syncing isimportant these days. Not just bookmarks, but passwords, and "userstates" so you can pick up on another machine almost where you leaveoff on one. I would be able to start working on a document on mydesktop machine and then switch to my laptop and hit the road,confident that when i open the document authoring app I'll be rightwhere I left off."
"GoogleChromeOS should save screen real estate. On smaller devices likenetbooks, you need to conserve as much screen real estate as possible."
Use applications without installing them
"Evenif storage memory is cheaper now than ever, mobile phones, netbooks,etc. will benefit of avoiding to install software specific for each useon the physical memory and maintaining it "in the cloud". Sites shouldhave the capability (and maybe a standard protocol) to communicate eachother with the browser as a medium (avoiding the download and followingupload of the object), user should have the capability to chose theservice that he wants to subscribe to (eventually choosing it from anonline appstore-like site), the OS should be able to recommend new andinteresting service to subscribe to the user based on informationcollected (with his permission) about his behaviour."
Run Windows applications
"Iwant to run Windows programs, as well as games. I want Chrome OS to beable to do everything a normal computer can do! That way I can getditch Windows and get Chrome OS for (hopefully) free!"
Don't forget the hardware!
"Driversupport for a wide range of mobile hardware -> platform hardwarecombination. I'm particularly interested in WiMax support on an ARMprocessor."
So people want a fast operating system that loadsinstantly, doesn't use too many resources, saves your data online soyou can continue your work from another computer and it keeps the datain sync, works offline, uses applications without installing them, runsWindows applications and it's compatible with many combinations ofhardware.
What do you expect from Google Chrome OS?
Feature: offlineIn order to work without internet
As a normal user
I want to use google chrome os when i cannot access internet
Scenario: write gmail offline
Given I compose an email offline
And I saved it
When I get online
Then the email should be sent out
Feature: fast
In order to run on weak platform
As a normal user
I want to use google chrome os on old computers
Scenario: turn on computer
Given I turn on the computer
And I wait for 5 seconds
When I look at the screen
Then it should be ready