12岁的学生,被冲上街道的汽车撞倒并卡在车下。Forest Rd。男孩已经死亡,好可怜:'(
怎么会这样冲上行人道:@ 看到新闻了,太悲伤了。{:9_604:} 本帖最后由 yuhang567 于 6-9-2019 14:16 编辑
为这个12岁的被撞男孩感到悲伤,对于他这是飞来横祸。那个司机罪该万死。简直就是谋杀!hurstville 这个suburb我以前找房子租住的时候去看过房。 学校发的邮件
Dear members of the Sydney Technical High School Community,
Today our school suffered the tragic loss of a Year 7 student, Ryan Wang, following a motor vehicle accident on Forest Road, Hurstville. The school has been in contact with Ryan's parents who have kindly given us permission to use his name in this communication. The school is working closely with Ryan's family. Our thoughts are with them at this very sad time.
Students and staff have been provided with counselling to support them and also have contact numbers so that they can access help over the weekend or later if needed.
Please be assured there is ongoing additional support in place at school for the boys. Please don't hesitate to contact your son's Year Adviser if you have any concerns regarding your child's wellbeing.
Kids Helpline can be accessed on 1800 55 1800 over the weekend if required.
Together as a community we will support each other through this tragedy. 一中东男人撞的华人孩子。 父母怎么接受的了啊{:9_604:} 这名司机无牌驾驶! 警察已经正式起诉他误杀,鲁莽驾驶 无牌驾驶!{:9_629:} 太不幸了{:9_604:} 垃圾中东人。 取消签证或公民权,遣返回中东。 肇事者家属已经道歉,并表示他们的家人和孩子受到了威胁,也担心孩子安全。那位司机是三个孩子的爸爸。 levine 发表于 7-9-2019 13:05
便宜了他 本帖最后由 kevin妈妈 于 9-9-2019 08:42 编辑
妮南 发表于 7-9-2019 17:45
多少家长听见这个新闻都哭了,他竟然无驾照、超速、闯红灯,在学校旁边上学期间,是限速40公里的。他作为一名父亲,完全不顾孩子的安全。而且撞人后,也不帮忙施救,只是站在汽车旁边吸烟。连警察都被他激怒了。 被撞死的孩子,是我一个朋友认识的,和她的孩子一起学钢琴,每周都见面。她周五带孩子去学钢琴,听到这个消息都哭了。{:9_604:} 当时妈妈带着弟弟走在前面,走在后面的哥哥突然被撞,妈妈和弟弟当时就在现场,怎么承受啊。 昨天住在南区的朋友,去出事地点献花,好多人都去那里献花悼念孩子。
{:9_604:} 垃圾中东牲口。 唉,飞来横祸 R.I.P