persistence 发表于 27-11-2018 20:08:24


本帖最后由 persistence 于 28-11-2018 22:57 编辑


      我在医院做清洁工作,这是政府的工作和比较稳定的工作[没有特殊的原因,如打架,偷窃或欺负妇女,太懒一般不会开除人]…我认为这是一份好工作,得到不错的工资和年假,因为医院7 * 24小时开放,当你周六工作时按1.5倍支付工资,周日工作按照1.75倍支付工资,而且时间比较灵活,你可以下午工作或者夜班工作,这是一个受人尊重的工作场所。

      医院是一个大的社区,所以有很多工作要做,如清洁,发放床单,给病人送餐服务,垃圾处理,设备维修和保养,病房人员或PSA(病人服务助理) 这两个工作只要都是推病人从一个地方到另一个地方,仓库工作,病理学(检查和分析血液,类似国内化验室),清洗消毒手术设备,…










       当你通过面试的时候,他们会检查你没有犯罪,检查你的健康状况,你去JP验血,可能需要注射5种或更多不同的疫苗,一些疫苗需要休息两周,然后你可以注射第二次疫苗,这需要时间, 背景调查,你需要“可以为孩子工作的证书 (wwcc)”, 所以做他们想要你做的事情,在这3个月期间,你不需要打许多电话,他们会不高兴你总是问他们,他们给你发送邮件,做他们让你做的事,如果你不知道的东西,你必须问他们。



Permanent job, 每周5天,长期工作。

Permanent part time, 长期工作,每周工作4天或更多。

Casual 临时工作,每周工作2到3天,可以继续。

       老实说最近很难得到一个永久的工作,因为医院的预算,但在圣诞节的时候(许多人度假)或其他繁忙时间(冬季6月,7月,8月,许多人可能生病),医院有开放Casual 或其他的工作,为什么你要做临时工作,如果临时的工作,你可以进入医院大门,你会得到经验,那么你很容易得到另一个医院的永久工作,但是很难在同一家医院找到固定工作,为什么?即使你已经在同一个岗位上工作了,如果医院再开一个固定的工作,你需要重新申请,他们不能直接给你这个固定的工作,你需要经历找工作的全过程。



How to find Public Government Hospital job

In hospital there are a lot of high technology job like doctor, nurse, midwife, but quite a lot job are labour job, plenty of Filipino and Indian people work labour job in hospital, no need special technology or skills,I find no many Chinese people work in hospital do labour job, I write the article to share my experience, try to encourage Chinese people to get public hospital job.

I worked in Hospital do clean job, it is a government job and security job, I think it is a good job. You get fair pay and have holiday payment, because hospital open 7 * 24 hours, so most of the job, when you work on Saturday 1.5 time pay or Sunday 1.75 time pay, you get high pay than normal, and it is more flexible, you can work afternoon or night shift, it is a respect place to work.

Hospital is a big community, so they have plenty of jobs to do, such as cleaner, linen, food service, waste handler, repair and maintenance, wards people or PSA(Patient Services Assistant) these two job are similar, push bed from one place to another, warehouse job, pathology(check and analysis blood), sterilization,...,

I think some of the reasons why do not have many Chinese people to work in hospital, first, it needs long time to wait, you need patient; second, you should have some flexible time, you need time to interview, do not think one time interview you can get the job, so you need multiple interviews, I had 6 times interviews; third, it need high standard entrance level, such as English, personal status(PR, international student visa), need relative experience, need spend money to get some documentation...

How can I get the job?
First, find job online website), website), try both of them.
no need agency any more. This is the website to find job, you can input keywords, such as clean, then you can find jobs at the moment.
Second, you will prepare resume, and input all the information online.
Third, wait they arrange you an interview, when interview, prepare carefully, if you have a good interview, then the door is open for you.
Third, you will be patient, because the hospital job need a long time to process, need different departments to approve, so need patient, even they need you urgent, they can not let you work next week, just patient wait. Normally take 3 months go through the process.

Why so long?
When you pass the interview, they will check no criminal and check your health status, you go to JP to test blood, injection maybe 5 or more different vaccination, some vaccination need break two weeks then you can get second time vaccination, this need time. Check your referee, you will need get work with children check(wwcc) certificate, so do what they want you to do in this 3 months period, you do not need to call them many times, they will not be happy you always ask them, they send you email you follow, do the things they let you do, if something you do not know, you must ask them.

I had 6 different roles interview, then I got this job, so you need write different CV to adapte different job application. Such as cleaner job, sterilization, wards people(push patient and transfer patient to different department) or food servers (delivery food to patient). Do not think one interview can get a good job, need interview many times.

Job type
Permanent work 5 day a week and long term job.
Permanent part time, work 4 day or more per week, it is a log term job.
Casual job, work 2 or 3 days a week, can go on.
Honestly these day it is more difficult to get a permanent job, because of the hospital budget, but in Christmas time or other busy time , they have open casual job, why you should do casual job, if casual job you can enter the gate, you get experience then you are easy to get another hospital permanent job, but it is hard to get the same hospital permanent job, why?even you already work the same position, if the hospital open another permanent job, you need apply again, they can not offer you the job directly, you need go through all the process.

Some important keywords
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
OHS(WHS) Occupation Healthy Safety (Working Health Safety)
Infection control
when interview, they ask many questions related with this keywords.

春浅 发表于 30-11-2018 23:15:08


妮南 发表于 1-12-2018 10:36:48


妮南 发表于 1-12-2018 16:21:20

本帖最后由 妮南 于 1-12-2018 15:28 编辑



kevin妈妈 发表于 1-12-2018 19:42:34

春浅 发表于 30-11-2018 23:15


persistence 发表于 1-12-2018 22:16:32

妮南 发表于 1-12-2018 10:36

这个不全对,好像理论对,实际不对,因为医院预算不够,你省下一些税,比如一年省下3000税,但是2000要上交医院,做为医院预算,买设备或改善医院条件的钱,只能省下1000元的税。这个叫 Smart salary, 你可以加入。

persistence 发表于 1-12-2018 22:17:25

妮南 发表于 1-12-2018 10:36

这个不全对,好像理论对,实际不对,因为医院预算不够,你省下一些税,比如一年省下3000税,但是2000要上交医院,做为医院预算,买设备或改善医院条件的钱,只能省下1000元的税。这个叫 Smart salary, 你可以加入。

persistence 发表于 1-12-2018 22:17:57

本帖最后由 persistence 于 1-12-2018 22:19 编辑


妮南 发表于 2-12-2018 01:28:15

本帖最后由 妮南 于 2-12-2018 00:51 编辑

persistence 发表于 1-12-2018 21:16
这个不全对,好像理论对,实际不对,因为医院预算不够,你省下一些税,比如一年省下3000税,但是2000要上 ...

我指的是salary packaging,医院职工每年$9000收入免税,非盈利养老机构员工每年$16000免税。私立医院或养老院就没有这个优惠。刚开始有的同事不知道就没有去申请salary packaging 。

妮南 发表于 2-12-2018 01:49:38

比如maxxia salary package
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查看完整版本: 如何得到政府医院工作