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手机可以说已成为了你的一部分,而手机壳就像衣服一样,绝不能千篇一律。同样,你的手机预付费套餐也应该量身打造。Vodafone MyMix,让你定制适合自己生活方式的手机套餐。 Your phone is basically an extension of you. So it's only fitting yourcase is anything but standard. Same goes for your prepaid plan. Customise yourplan to suit your life with Vodafone MyMix.
冷静、淡定、从容自若的你 You're cool, calm and collected Source: ar.aliexpress.com 说实话吧,你喜欢左边那个红豆棒冰手机壳,对不对? Admit it, you want the red bean one on the left.
不喝上几杯咖啡就撑不下去的你: You need this many Grandes to get you going: Source:in.pinterest.com 你在星巴克买咖啡时用的假名字是Jane或John。 And your fake Starbucks name is Jane or John.
觉得自己与众不同的你 You think you're a little bit different Source:china-direct-buy.com 当米老鼠遇上夹脚凉拖,就可爱地慢慢走吧 Mickey mixed with aflip flop. Sure… makes total sense. *Walks away slowly* 凡事喜欢简简单单的你 You appreciate the simple things Source:craziestgadgets.com 培根+鸡蛋= 生活的真谛 Bacon + Eggs = Meaning of life
可能有点精分的你 You may have split personality disorder
但你肯定有一辆酷翻的车。 But you definitely have a really, really cool car.
完完全全是个吃货的你 You're a bit of a foodie #午餐#日本料理 #便当#好吃得晕倒 #美食博主 #食色性也 #饮食男女 #美食秀秀#边吃边拍 #口水 #口水口水 #口水口水口水 #lunch #japanese #bentobox #foodcoma #foodblogger #foodgasm #foodporn #instafood #eatstgram #nom #nomnom #nomnomnom
有点玩世不恭的你 You don’t take things too seriously 懂了,顺风耳的真谛,就是有只大耳朵。 Get it. It’s like areal ear. But bigger.
应该住在宫殿里的你 You should be living in a mansion Source:tvc-mail.com 太遗憾了,你在宫殿里的室友是个穿着浴袍到处晃的怪蜀黍。 Too bad you have to share it with an old guy who wears a bathrobe everywhere.
永远守时(谁也别想拖后腿)的你 You're always on schedule (and ain't nobody gunna slow you down) Source:wheretoget.it “想让我印象深刻?好吧,给你两分钟时间,现在……开始!” “You have 2 minutes to impress me… Go!”
身为派对灵魂的你 You're the life of the party Source:live-av.info 干杯吧! Cheers.
和周杰伦志趣相投的你 You and Drake have a lot in common Source: nekarjewels.com 看星星一颗两颗三颗…… Hotline bling.
你的手机透露了你的个性。用Vodafone MyMix设计适合你的预付费套餐计划。选择你的网络流量、国内标准通话分钟数、致电指定国家的标准国际长途分钟数和使用期限——因为只有你知道自己真正需要什么样的套餐计划。了解详情,请登入www.vodafone.com.au/mymix. Your phone says a lot about you. Design a prepaidplan that suits you to a tee with Vodafone MyMix. Choose your data, standard calls in Oz and standard international calls to selected countries and expiry period – because only you know what you really want from your Prepaid. To find out more go to www.vodafone.com.au/mymix.
条款与条件:不可用于商业或转售目的。可通过vodafone.com.au上的My Vodafone 或Express Recharge设置所选服务的数量和使用期限。最终充值费用根据所选服务得出。选定服务并进行充值后,直到下次充值才能改变服务选择。 Terms & Conditions: Not for commercial or resale purposes. Amount of inclusions and expiry set via MyVodafone or Express Recharge on vodafone.com.au. Final recharge price based on choice. Once your inclusions are chosen and recharge is purchased, no further changes can be made until next recharge.