
标题: 集思广益来种菜 ~*~ 梅朵家的菜园子 ~*~ 大肚子暂停更新 [打印本页]

作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 09:51
标题: 集思广益来种菜 ~*~ 梅朵家的菜园子 ~*~ 大肚子暂停更新



播种时节早知道:      谢谢 ggtjll !

四季类 ============================================
发豆芽 I                       谢谢 yearshappy !  
发豆芽 II                       谢谢 yearshappy !  
发豆芽 III                     谢谢 yeats_only !  

秋冬季节 ============================================
蚕豆                                 谢谢 Greenhouse!
西葫芦                              谢谢 yearshappy !
荷兰豆(豌豆,雪豆)II   谢谢 yearshappy !
豆角(Purple king, Borlotti, Stingless blue lake)    谢谢 yearshappy !
西洋菜                             谢谢 泡沫 !  
菜花,西兰花                  谢谢 Greenhouse!  
乌塌菜                             谢谢 dqj34 和 sunnyclh1211
土豆I  土豆II                     谢谢 Greenhouse!  
radish 和北京快菜            谢谢 nebulae!  

春季 ============================================
木耳菜& 空心菜
佛手瓜                         谢谢 yearshappy !
西红柿 I  西红柿 II      谢谢 Greenhouse!
西红柿 III
Beetroot                      谢谢 Greenhouse!
花生                             谢谢 yearshappy !
青椒                             谢谢 Greenhouse!
姜 I                              谢谢 Greenhouse!
姜 II                             谢谢 Winnie_Chen!
人参菜                         谢谢binnie
芦笋 I                          谢谢 Greenhouse!
芦笋  II                         谢谢 Greenhouse!
芦笋  III
短豆角(blue lake)    谢谢 Greenhouse!
秋葵                             谢谢 ozfarmer!
Lemon cucumber

夏季 ============================================
红薯 sweetpotato         谢谢 yearshappy !

梅朵种碗莲 =========================================


资料I -- 用植物材料自制杀虫剂的方法介绍
资料II  -- Natural Pesticides --  Get rid of those nasties, naturally
资料III -- Homemade Natural Insect Killer
资料IV -- Essential information about controlling garden pests organically
资料V  --  A-Z of Garden Pests
【DIY自製天然驅蟲除菌剂】                                        谢谢 绮丽儿 !
图片解说 -- 菜园的 益虫 害虫 以及防范方法    谢谢 yearshappy !  经典之作     


连作/轮作 I
连作/轮作 II                            谢谢 yearshappy ! :good
蔬菜的间作、套种 I                谢谢 Greenhouse! :good  
蔬菜的间作、套种 II

澳洲后院                                 谢谢 Greenhouse! :good  
ebay store - the seed collection
Kmart, BigW, Bunnings, Reject shop, Crazy Clarks,华人和越南人的菜店或超市等等都有种子卖;Reject shop和Crazy Clarks的种子相对要便宜些。


[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 5-9-2012 19:03 编辑 ]
作者: MillerYang    时间: 29-6-2011 09:53

作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 09:59
作者: 么么公主    时间: 29-6-2011 10:00


作者: MillerYang    时间: 29-6-2011 10:09
标题: 回复 #4 么么公主 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 10:13

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 14:14 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 10:14
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 10:36

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 14:32 编辑 ]
作者: 么么公主    时间: 29-6-2011 10:49
原帖由 MillerYang 于 29-6-2011 10:09 发表

作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 10:54
原帖由 么么公主 于 29-6-2011 10:49 发表


作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 10:59



[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 4-8-2011 12:31 编辑 ]
作者: yearshappy    时间: 29-6-2011 11:02
原帖由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 10:36 发表
香菜品种有大叶和小叶型。小叶耐寒性强,香味浓,适宜布村现在种植。发芽适温也是15~20ºC,香菜的播种是有些讲究的,香菜的种子是一粒双生的,要事先掰开成两半,然后水泡一个晚上,再播 ...

香菜我是一包籽分批散在花盆里, 之后移栽到地上 ,移种后缓了好一阵, 这才绿油油些
作者: MillerYang    时间: 29-6-2011 11:03
标题: 回复 #10 格桑梅朵 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 11:07
标题: 回复 #13 MillerYang 的帖子
作者: MillerYang    时间: 29-6-2011 11:16
标题: 回复 #14 格桑梅朵 的帖子


作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 11:24
播前将种子用水打湿放入纱布包中(可以用丝袜代替纱布 ),在5℃左右(家用冰箱的冷藏室即可)的低温条件下放置2天后取出。一般10~15天出苗。按布村现在的气候,出苗后需要一个半月左右长出4~6片真叶,油麦菜有3-5片真叶时即可定植,定植后根据各种条件不同,约30~50天即可收获。

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 14:15 编辑 ]
作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 11:43
原帖由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 09:51 发表
我老家是在中国的南方农村,小时候下了学就跟着妈妈忙活菜地,喂猪喂鸡什么的,那时候最期盼的就是走出大山看看外面的世界,上了大学,去了上海,心想终于不用看天吃饭了,不想没在上海呆几年,就屁颠屁颠的跑到澳洲 ...

作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 11:46
原帖由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 10:14 发表

前几天刚买的种子,是在澳洲后院买的。 //
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 11:47
标题: 回复 #17 Greenhouse 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 11:51
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 12:12


[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 14:16 编辑 ]
作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 12:29
标题: 蚕豆
豆科类植物都喜欢微碱性土壤。 由于自身的根瘤菌可以产生并供应氮肥,所以种植豆科植物可以改善土壤质量。
播种前两周,翻地松土时,建议每平米撒一把Lime(bunnings就有卖的),或者你不想提前做准备,也可以在种植时撒Dolomite二把/平米。目的是增加土壤中的钙和镁(豆类比较喜欢)。这方法适于所有的豆科植物。 种植时,还可以再撒一两把Blood&Bones, 粪类肥料是不需要的。(注意,千万不能将Lime和其他肥料一起使用,不然那些肥就白上了)。
种子发芽后长到30公分左右时,如果家里有wood ash, 建议在根部撒一些。也可以卖一些potassium来上。
作者: 北极光    时间: 29-6-2011 12:30
怪不得这么有经验,原来还是妈妈教的。 支持楼主。过来学习来了。
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 13:43
标题: 蒜苗/蒜苔/大蒜

dqj34的宝贵经验:我发现有两种蒜,白色皮的比较容易发出芽来,皮比较软。有颜色的(紫皮蒜)的皮比较厚,长根后不容易发芽,我试过了,泡出根来以后,用手轻轻帮忙撕开一点种下去会比不帮忙的快一些,但不帮忙人家自己也会出来的,不过晚一点。别着急,肯定没问题。 ---








[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 4-8-2011 12:33 编辑 ]
作者: yearshappy    时间: 29-6-2011 13:51

当我去找 zucchini 的时候,我家旁边的店大多是买的像黄瓜形状的,
所以当看到 zucchini (Lebanese),这种我熟知的 西葫芦 籽,马上就买下来了。

全澳大利亚,这个品种是 All year around


[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 29-6-2011 14:21 编辑 ]
作者: 羡慕嫉妒恨    时间: 29-6-2011 13:53
mark 一下
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 14:05
标题: 回复 #25 yearshappy 的帖子
作者: Jack_Chow    时间: 29-6-2011 14:09
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 14:17
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 14:18
标题: 回复 #28 Jack_Chow 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 14:19
标题: 回复 #29 sunnyclh1211 的帖子
作者: Ozlet    时间: 29-6-2011 14:23
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 14:26
标题: 回复 #32 Ozlet 的帖子
作者: MillerYang    时间: 29-6-2011 14:29
标题: 回复 #32 Ozlet 的帖子
作者: Ozlet    时间: 29-6-2011 14:35
原帖由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 14:26 发表

但如果菜地收拾好的话, 应该没问题。
作者: Ozlet    时间: 29-6-2011 14:38
原帖由 MillerYang 于 29-6-2011 14:29 发表

作者: yearshappy    时间: 29-6-2011 14:38
原帖由 Ozlet 于 29-6-2011 14:23 发表

今年辟出几个菜园,种菜种花  ,天保佑夏天时别旱别涝
作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 14:57
原帖由 Ozlet 于 29-6-2011 14:23 发表

菜地可以很美的。 看看这个
作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 14:59
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 14:59

大葱种子发芽始温为2~5℃,种子发芽适温是 15~25℃,1~2周发芽。大葱叶片生长最适温度为15~25℃,在10~20℃时葱白生长旺盛,有利于叶鞘积累养分。超过 25℃,则生长迟缓,形成的叶和假茎品质都较差。大葱可忍受-20℃的低温。




[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 26-8-2011 15:45 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 15:01
标题: 回复 #39 Greenhouse 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 15:03
作者: yearshappy    时间: 29-6-2011 15:04
原帖由 Greenhouse 于 29-6-2011 14:59 发表

我几乎每天都要走一次, 周边的草已经出踏迹了,正捉摸是填石子还是石板呢
作者: 么么公主    时间: 29-6-2011 15:07

作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 15:09
原帖由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 15:01 发表

作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 15:16
再来一个,有的同学看ABC Gardening,应该也能看出这是哪里。

作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 15:19
标题: 回复 #46 Greenhouse 的帖子
作者: Greenhouse    时间: 29-6-2011 15:41
原帖由 yearshappy 于 29-6-2011 15:04 发表

我几乎每天都要走一次, 周边的草已经出踏迹了,正捉摸是填石子还是石板呢

我家草坪也是这样的。后来我一气之下,用weedkiller把菜地边上的草给消灭了。我打算弄mulch. 建议你不要用石子。个人感觉,有时候土掉到石子上,日积月累,就土不是土,泥不是泥,还有石子在里面。 但是石板应该没有问题,可以清理。
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 15:46





[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 13-7-2011 10:22 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 15:53
标题: 回复 #48 Greenhouse 的帖子
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 15:57
标题: 回复 #31 格桑梅朵 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 16:02
标题: 回复 #51 sunnyclh1211 的帖子
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 16:05
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 16:06
作者: 么么公主    时间: 29-6-2011 16:08
原帖由 sunnyclh1211 于 29-6-2011 16:05 发表


作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 16:10
标题: 回复 #54 sunnyclh1211 的帖子
从最简单的种起-- 大葱和大蒜

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 16:11 编辑 ]
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 16:12
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 16:13
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 16:14
标题: 回复 #57 sunnyclh1211 的帖子

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 29-6-2011 16:18 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 29-6-2011 16:16
标题: 回复 #58 sunnyclh1211 的帖子
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 29-6-2011 16:22
晚上就回去种葱,希望这次不要再死掉。 三周前种的蒜,我想现在应该挖出来了,就不浪费水了。
作者: 么么公主    时间: 29-6-2011 17:58
原帖由 sunnyclh1211 于 29-6-2011 16:22 发表
晚上就回去种葱,希望这次不要再死掉。 三周前种的蒜,我想现在应该挖出来了,就不浪费水了。


作者: Ozlet    时间: 30-6-2011 07:48
原帖由 Greenhouse 于 29-6-2011 14:59 发表

作者: Ozlet    时间: 30-6-2011 08:01
原帖由 yearshappy 于 29-6-2011 15:04 发表

我几乎每天都要走一次, 周边的草已经出踏迹了,正捉摸是填石子还是石板呢

剛搬來時我的草地也有些枯,後來我灑了些專門餵草的肥料。 現在草長的佷好的。
作者: HONEYWANG    时间: 30-6-2011 08:16
作者: binnie    时间: 30-6-2011 08:51
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 09:07
原帖由 HONEYWANG 于 30-6-2011 08:16 发表

18楼,Greenhouse 提供了一个网址,那里可以找到很多亚洲蔬菜的种子

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 09:09 编辑 ]
作者: 么么公主    时间: 30-6-2011 09:10
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 09:12
原帖由 么么公主 于 29-6-2011 17:58 发表



作者: Dreamhouse    时间: 30-6-2011 09:13


作者: 么么公主    时间: 30-6-2011 09:34

作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 30-6-2011 10:00
标题: 回复 #69 格桑梅朵 的帖子
作者: MillerYang    时间: 30-6-2011 10:07
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:15



  1. 家畜粪尿的成分分析
  2. 家畜粪尿的特性
  3. 家畜粪尿的积存方法
  4. 家畜粪尿的使用方法

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 10-8-2011 11:51 编辑 ]
作者: 么么公主    时间: 30-6-2011 10:17
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:18
Composting...Did you know?
Approximately half of our domestic rubbish consists of kitchen and garden waste.
The breakdown of this organic waste makes excellent compost, a natural fertiliser for our gardens.
Composting has been used in crop production for over 4000 years!
Composting reduces the amount of organic waste currently ending up in landfill and helps extend the life of the landfill.
Using compost on your garden will help to improve your garden by avoiding the use of chemical fertilisers.
If you compost you are helping improve the quality and structure of the soil.
Composting will also save you money and most importantly help the environment as well!!

Composting Problems
Problem:   Foul Odours  
Cause :    Heap is too wet  
Solution : Add dry leaves.  
                              Turn the heap with a fork to improve drainage.  
                              Add 250g of garden lime and cover a loose heap during rain or keep the lid on your compost bin.  

Problem:   Slow Decay
Cause :    Not enough nutrients
                              Not enough air
                              Not enough water
                              Too cold in winter
Solution: Add 250g of blood and bone or another nitrogen-based fertiliser.
                              Turn the heap regularly with a fork to aerate it.
                              Moisten the heap with water or use tea, teabags or coffee grounds.
                              Cover the heap with insulation material (such as hessian or carpet).

Problem:   Maggots  
Cause :    Meat, seafood, fats or faeces in the compost
Solution : Remove the cause and cover the maggots with lime.  
                              Add soil to the top of the heap and turn the heap the next day.

Feeding a Compost  
Many household wastes can be added to your compost including:
- vegetable and food scraps
- fallen leaves in layers
- tea leaves, teabags and coffee grounds
- vacuum cleaner dust
- grass cuttings and dead flowers
- egg shells and stale bread
- old newspaper and cardboard (wet)
- grass cuttings and garden waste
- sawdust and wood shavings
What should I NOT put in my compost?
- Meat (including bones) and dairy products (these tend to attract vermin)
- Diseased plants
- Metals, plastic and glass
- Fat, oil or salt
- Magazines
- Large branches and weeds with bulbs
What do I do with my compost?
Compost is ready to use when it has a crumbly appearance and smells like earth and the material has all decomposed. The compost can be used as mulch on garden beds and sprinkled around potted plants. The compost is a natural and nutrient-rich fertiliser that beats any chemical fertiliser.

The best news is that using compost reduces the rubbish going into your refuse bin and saves space in the landfill. Your garden and the environment will thank you!

How to Start Composting   
First things first...composting is simple.

Although composting can be done in open heaps, it may be better to use a bin or enclosure. This will keep pests and vermin away from your compost and keep the compost together, tidy and sheltered from the weather.

You can buy a commercially made compost bin from hardware stores or garden nurseries. Many compost bins are black or dark green and this helps absorb and trap heat from the sun, which speeds up the decomposition process.

Home-made composts are also a good option. Use bricks, blocks or timber to construct a compost enclosure. An old rubbish bin also makes an excellent DIY compost. Place it upside down on the soil. Cut the bottom out of the bin and place the lid over this hole. Access the compost by lifting off the bin simple as that!!!

What a Compost Needs  
To make sure your compost is working at its best, it needs a proper mix of the following ingredients:
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen (air)
- Water
The organic waste in the compost is broken down by microbes (bacteria) as well as by the action of larger creatures, like worms, ants and other soil insects. The key to keeping a good compost is to provide a healthy environment and nutrition for the rapid decomposers, the compost bacteria.

Composts work best if there is more carbon than nitrogen in the pile (between 25:1 to 30:1).

Ingredients with higher carbon content include:
- dry, straw-type material  
- leaves
- sawdust and wood chips   
- paper and cardboard

Ingredients with high nitrogen content include:
- grass clippings   
- dead weeds, flowers, plants
- manure   
- fruit and veggie scraps

Carbon provides cellulose needed by the bacteria to change into sugars and heat. Nitrogen provides the most concentrated protein allowing the compost bacteria to survive.

The essential requirements for a happy and healthy compost are nutrients, air and water.

In addition, layering of different compost material will make a well-balanced compost. Start with a layer of branches and twigs, then add a layer of garden clippings, leaves or dead flowers and then add layers of other compost material.

The simplest way to keeping a compost healthy is to remember A-D-A-M!

Air: regularly turning your compost with a fork, allowing air to enter.
Diversity: adding a range of different organic materials to your compost.
Aliveness: encouraging worms and organisms from the soil to enter and live in your compost and assist in the breakdown of material.
Moisture: occasionally adding some water to your compost to ensure it is kept damp.

How Composting Works  
Composting is the natural breakdown of organic material into a loose and ‘earth-like' substance. A compost bin (or similar) confines the organic material and helps control conditions so that breakdown is accelerated and optimised.

Earthworms and other micro-organisms/bugs in the soil can help the composting process by assisting in the breakdown process.




[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 10-8-2011 11:48 编辑 ]
作者: 么么公主    时间: 30-6-2011 10:23

作者: evergreen    时间: 30-6-2011 10:33
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:39
原帖由 evergreen 于 30-6-2011 10:33 发表

作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:49


防虫篇 资料I

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 10:53 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:52
防虫篇 资料II

Natural Pesticides --  Get rid of those nasties, naturally

Natural Pesticides that deter the bad bugs but don't harm the good bugs. This will be one of your challenges when you start your Organic Veggie Patch. Keeping the vegetable garden pests and diseases away is not as hard as you may think.

If you have a small garden these are very easy to manage but you're going to enjoy your organic vegetable gardening sooo much that your garden will get bigger and bigger...

Other methods apart from natural pesticides to deter the pests include: Companion Planting, introducing good bugs like lady bugs, covering up young plants (with an empty soft drink bottle with top and bottom removed) or covering vulnerable plants with netting.
Each plant is different so keep an eye on your veggie patch

I have some simple natural pesticides here for you to help with these common problems.

White Oil - sticks to bugs and suffocates them so it's a great spray to have on hand.
To make your own White Oil:
- 1 cup of vegetable or white mineral oil
- 1.5 cups of water
- 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid

Neem Oil - Insects do not like this one. You can buy products already pre-mixed or you can buy the oil and use for many things. I'm using my neem oil for the garden, to help my dog and horse who both have bad itches and as a nit repellent for my daughter's hair. Versatile product this one and well worth checking out.
This site on Rhubarb Pests shows there are many options for protecting your veggies from pests and diseases.

- nasty little green bugs that LOVE roses as well as some vegies. Warm soapy water or White Oil will get rid of these. Lady bugs love to eat them so look after them if you see them in your garden.

Mealy Bugs - White hairy little things, found on back of the leaves - these little guys will suck the life out of your plant. These are usually found on houseplants. If you find you have these then isolate the plant (not near the veggie patch though!!). Wash down the plant with a mix of 1 part alcohol, 1 part water and some dishwashing liquid. You may need to do this again a few days later.
Snails - Make a beer trap. Put a small amount of beer in the bottom of a container and dig into the soil. The snail will go in, get drunk, drown and .... Let's just say he'll go to a better place! If this doesn't work for you - visit the garden in the morning and simply pick them up (great job for the kids!)
Caterpillars - The hungry little caterpillar! will eat the leaves on your plants - pretty easy to know when they're about. Others will live inside your fruit. Pick them off if you see them and give them to the chickens for a treat. Use a garlic spray if you need to spray. If you see the moths about then catch them in a butterfly net or use netting over your plants. If you notice plants that get attacked by caterpillars often (like my Pak Choy at the moment) try to plant them away from your other plants so you can isolate the problem, then if you have to spray, you aren't spraying your whole garden. Get the kids involved with helping get rid of these guys.

And there's more... If you see your plants suffering then have a look to see if you can see any bugs on the plant or flying around. Don't forget to look under the leaves. You can do a search for the particular plant ie "tomatoes" "pests" this will give you more thorough information on the specific pests that are likely to attack your veggies.

If plants are looking yellow, it may not be pests, it could be a soil problem, too much or too little water or a disease. A good garden center could also help - take a plant sample into the store in a plastic bag.

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 10:53 编辑 ]
作者: MillerYang    时间: 30-6-2011 10:55
作者: evergreen    时间: 30-6-2011 10:55
标题: 回复 #79 格桑梅朵 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:55
防虫篇 资料III

Homemade Natural Insect Killer

By Faith McGee, eHow Contributor
updated: December 30, 2010

Homemade natural insect killer can give you the peace of mind that you are not spraying hard-to-pronounce chemicals around your garden and home. It is especially critical to use non-toxic insect killer if you have pets and children playing in the yard. Natural insect killers work by drying out the waxy surface on bugs. Timing is also an essential element when using natural insect killers. You should choose a time in the morning when there is no threat of rain to wash off the natural pesticide to ensure that it comes in contact with bugs.

Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need:
Vegetable oil
Dishwashing soap
Spray bottle

1 Give your ornamental plants a good spraying the day before applying pesticide to remove excess pests.

2 Mix in a bucket 1 gallon of water, 2 tbsp. of vegetable cooking oil, and 2 tbsp. of a de-greasing dishwashing liquid.

3 Pour the mixture into a water bottle and save the rest in a sealable container.

4 Dry off any wet leaves of the plant with a towel. Spray the mixture, so that it covers the crown of the plant down to 3 inches from the ground.

5 Lift the leaves of the plant and spray underneath.

6 Repeat the natural insect killer application every week.

Tips & Warnings
Remove mulch away from the plant to prevent bugs from hiding or living in the hospitable environment right underneath the plant.
Avoid spraying any insect repellent near seedlings, because they are very sensitive to chemicals while they are first establishing roots.
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 10:59
防虫篇 资料 IV

Essential information about controlling garden pests organically

Before we get to a specific A-Z list of pests, here is a summary of what exactly organic garden pest control mixtures consists of and how they work:

Smell: Garlic, tobacco, rhubarb, fish and other strong smelling substances that are used to repel pests.

Gases and odor molecules: Many plants give off natural odors or have volatile oils which some bugs find unpleasant. Often these odors or oils are a warning to bugs that the plant contains its own built in insecticide. Concoctions made from these plants will deter pests.

Heat or fumes: Chilies, kerosene, methylated spirits, salt etc, will burn, harm or kill pests.

Oil: Mineral oil, vegetable oils and proprietary oils, such as those made with cottonseed oil, will suffocate soft-bodied pests.

Soap: Natural vegetable based soaps or detergents are added to sprays in small amounts to make them stick to plants. Many insects dislike and are harmed by soap also.

Never use spray on plants during hot sunny weather as it may cause the leaves to burn. Natural soap is tolerated by plants better than detergent (which may have other ingredients such as surfactants, enzymes and softeners added). A small dash of detergent is okay to give a spray some 'stickiness.'

Decide what you need to do and do no more. For example, do you want to kill the wretched caterpillars that are making a mess of your cabbages? Right, get the biggies by hand and/or make up a strong killer mix and stop them in their munchy tracks!

From then on you should be able to keep an eye out and use only a mixture that deters or repels the butterflies or moths from landing to lay eggs.
Always remember you want a garden teeming with life with the many insects and creatures keeping each other in check without you rocking the boat too much.
Yes you want wonderful vegetables, flowers and trees to eat and enjoy; so practice diversity and don't aim for perfection and neatness. Even when using natural sprays, do as little harm as possible and don't try to outgun nature.

Here are the best non-toxic organic garden pest control solutions
Garlic fire spray is the stuff of legend. There are many recipes, but they consist of some or all of the following: garlic, chilli peppers, soap, vegetable oil, kerosene and water. Don't leave home without a concoction of this. Depending on its strength it will slay dragons and ants (must have dragons if we mention legends)!
The brew I use at the moment is very effective and goes like this:

- 2-3 garlic bulbs (about 6-10 cloves per bulb)
- 6 large or 12 smaller hot chilli peppers (any variety will do, or if unavailable try 1-2 tablespoon hot chilli powder)
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 3 squirts of liquid detergent (approximately 1 dessertspoonful)
- 7 cups water. (Use about 2-3 cups in the blender, and top up with the rest later)

Put the whole lot into a blender and vitamize well, then strain through muslin, a coffee filter or similar. Pour what you need into a spray bottle for use and keep the rest in jars with lids on in a cupboard or on a shelf somewhere, well labeled.

Experiment with it if necessary and check for results or any damage to young plants. If it fixes the problem and your plants are happy, you've got the perfect mix, but if there's still a few biggie pests, albeit struggling, then lower the water dilution rate or change the ingredient quantities slightly.

Lovely garlicky, pongy stuff, but the smell dissipates quickly once it's been sprayed around. This garlic fire mixture needs to be re-sprayed frequently, such as after rain and dew. It's best to spray every few days until there's no sign of pests, then about every week to 10 days for any eggs or larvae that may have hatched out.

Uses for this natural garden pest control are unlimited. Because it has oil and dishwashing liquid in it, it sticks to plants as well as suffocating pests such as scale and mealy bug. It will kill ants, aphids, caterpillars, grubs, bugs and just about anything small. SO BE VERY SELECTIVE — MIND THE LADYBUGS, LACEWINGS, BEES

Spraying this mixture around the edge of your garden will deter pets. Rabbits, gophers, woodchucks and other garden gate crashers will also be discouraged.

Here's another version, if you don't have a blender (really!). Put a whole garlic bulb through a garlic press and let it sit in a glass jar with several ounces of mineral or salad oil. Mix a few spoonfuls with dishwashing liquid, hot pepper sauce and water in a spray bottle.

You can make a pure smothering oily mixture. Blend together ½ cup of liquid or grated pure soap in 1 cup of vegetable oil. Any cheap salad oil from supermarket is fine. Use a blender or beat by hand and it will become a thick white consistency. To use, mix 1 tablespoon with 1 litre of warm water and spray every bit of plant where you find the pests you're after.

Fish Fertiliser is another useful jack-of-all trades deterrent for unwanteds, such as mites, caterpillars and even nematodes. It seems some gardeners, orchardists and farmers noticed that when they sprayed their plants with fish fertiliser, the pests held their noses, packed up and left, spreading the word as they did so.
Exactly why it works is not yet clear but there are a couple of possibilities:
Firstly, because fish fertiliser is oily, this smothers nematodes and mites.
Secondly butterflies and moths find their host plants by their acute sense of smell. So they are not going to hang around breeding caterpillars when the smell of cauliflowers or apples is masked by fish!
Be considerate of your neighbours though, as they might not like the fishy aroma that lingers around for a day or so.
Here are some more organic garden pest control alternatives...

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 11:02 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 11:05
原帖由 MillerYang 于 30-6-2011 10:55 发表

作者: MillerYang    时间: 30-6-2011 11:10
标题: 回复 #86 格桑梅朵 的帖子
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 11:11
标题: 回复 #87 MillerYang 的帖子
作者: MillerYang    时间: 30-6-2011 11:16
标题: 回复 #88 格桑梅朵 的帖子

作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 11:18
原帖由 MillerYang 于 30-6-2011 11:16 发表


作者: MillerYang    时间: 30-6-2011 11:22
标题: 回复 #90 格桑梅朵 的帖子

作者: Greenhouse    时间: 30-6-2011 11:22
原帖由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 10:15 发表

鸡粪含磷钾突出.适合花芽分化时期,当然也不是说其他时期使用就没效果,而是来比较三者的突出区别.牛粪属于冷性肥料,一般不会出现烧根的情况. ...

作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 11:26
标题: 回复 #91 MillerYang 的帖子
作者: sunnyclh1211    时间: 30-6-2011 12:17
标题: 回复 #92 Greenhouse 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 sunnyclh1211 于 30-6-2011 12:20 编辑 ]
作者: xofish    时间: 30-6-2011 12:48
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 13:18
防虫篇 资料V
- 气味驱赶法,一些植物天然的气味或者等分泌出一些挥发性的物质能让某些害虫畏而远之,比如大蒜,烟草等等
- 发热法灭虫,辣椒水,酒精类,盐水等喷到害虫身上,会使害虫自身发热受伤致死。
- 油法灭虫 ,矿物油,植物油会使一些软体类害虫窒息死亡。
- 皂法灭虫, 洗涤剂或其他皂类产品的稀释液也可以使一些害虫粘住无法动弹等死。


A-Z of Garden Pests

Ants: Studying ants is a lesson in survival. If ants encounter a substance that kills them or forms a barrier, they set to work and pile up enough of each other, dead or alive, to make a bridge to cross.
There are over 14,000 ant species worldwide. Some are useful as biological control in farming, many have painful bites and some eat crops. Controlling ants in the garden is the focus here, so whether you have brown coastal ants, bull ants or tiny black ants, most of them continually scout around searching for food and if you see one, it's probably left a scent trail and in a flash the rest of the team will be on their way.
In your vegetable garden ants 'farm' aphids, even moving aphids to put them on better plants. The ants collect the sweet honeydew that aphids secrete after sucking plant sap. Mealy bugs and scale are other soft-bodied insects that secrete honeydew which ants collect. The ants make tunnels and nests in your soil and undermine roots and really roughshod it over everything in your garden if they get out of hand.
You have to be crafty to totally get rid of ants. Some instant ant ammunition...
Borax can be used as a natural insecticide, although must be kept away from children, pets and protect yourself too. Watch your eyes, nose, use gloves and wash hands afterwards. Borax mixed with peanut butter or something sweet, such as honey, means the ants eat it and take it back to their nest to share with other ants, hopefully poisoning all in the nest.
Diatomaceous earth sprinkled on ants' trails kills ants by dehydration when they're back in their nest.
Garlic fire spray will kill ants on contact... but there's plenty more on their way!
There are lots of organic garden pest control deterrent for ants, but keep applying and changing them because they are determined little blighters indeed. When ants are under attack, some ants will gather a few eggs and move to another location, so often all you achieve is for them to move their nest somewhere else, in which case unless they become a pest again, leave them in peace.
Some more ant strategies...
Dab some jam, honey or sugar water (and borax if you wish) on the base of aphid infested plants. That will hold the ants back whilst you set some ladybugs on the aphids. You can spray the aphids and ants, but the ants will have a store of eggs underground and will soon move back to start farming again.
Cucumber peels on ant routes will send them away for a while.
If you find the ants' nest, make them disappear by sprinkling in or near their entrance one or more of these: black pepper, cayenne pepper, cinnamon or chilli powder. Likewise salt sends them into a frenzy.
Boiling water can then be poured on as many ants as you can reach (as long as it's safe and away from plants). Boiling water can of course be poured down an ant nest to kill the queen — if you are lucky enough to find an easy to reach nest, but usually they are very deep and constructed to stop rain and flooded water going in.

Aphids: Rhubarb leaves are semi-poisonous to us, and a tea brewed from rhubarb leaves poisons smaller critters, such as aphids, mites, white fly, caterpillars etc. Pour boiling water over crushed rhubarb leaves then leave to soak for several days. Strain, add a good squirt of detergent and dilute enough so that it looks like weak tea and spray over pest infested plants. Repeat every 10 days or so.
Also try the garlic/chilli sprays above.

Caterpillars: To discourage moths and grubs on corn, fruit, brassicas (includes broccoli, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, collard greens, pak choi and kohlrabi) simply spray with a molasses blend. Mix one tablespoon of molasses with a litre of hot water. Then add a teaspoon of liquid detergent and put in a spray bottle. Spray the leaves, top and bottom, about once a week.

An alternative to the molasses spray is a blend of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. Add a teaspoon of liquid detergent and put in a spray bottle. Spray the leaves, top and bottom to kill off grubs and bugs.
Also see Garlic fire spray at the top and Rhubarb spray under Aphids.

Earwigs: Eeeewahh... If earwigs are eating your plants, crumple some newspaper in old flower pots and leave them in the garden. The earwigs will hide in the paper once they're done eating. In the morning, shake the paper out where they can have a new home or into a bucket of hot water if earwigs aren't your cup of tea.

Fleas: There are whole websites devoted to killing fleas in the home, so here we'll just deal with fleas in the garden.
To deter fleas outside use diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it on your shoes and socks as you step into the garden. This way those fleabags won't hitch a ride back inside with you. DE consists of vast amounts of microscopic fossilized, broken down diatoms. It looks like flour and is harmless to animals and humans. It kills small insects and bugs by cutting into their surface, thus causing dehydration. It's often used in grain silos so is available in farmers' stores as well as some health outlets.
It's ok for you and pets to ingest diatomaceous earth as it kills parasites, but it is a very fine powder so avoid breathing it in.
Pennyroyal (sometimes called stinking roger) grown near the door and in the garden gets rid of fleas. There are pennyroyal pet soaps and washes that are sold to protect pets from fleas.

Gophers: Here's a few tricks to try to deter gophers:
* Encourage birds of prey by putting water bird baths in garden and keeping foliage around the garden edge down so the birds can spot any such rodents.
* Lay mesh around your garden edge at least 45cm (18") deep. Some gardeners even lay it on the bottom of a garden bed.
* Have some pets, such as a dog or even a cat, and make sure they are out and about during dawn and dusk at the same time as gophers get active. Gophers and other burrowing creatures will avoid trespassing where there are family pets in sight.
* Spraying with Garlic fire works but depending on garden size it may be too big a task and too expensive to make enough and keep using it.
* If you already have a few gopher holes, put the hose down them and flood their tunnels.

Mealy bugs: Treat these soft pale pink, white or gray sucking insects the same way as scale. Indoor plants are susceptible to mealy bugs because of the sheltered environment, so in your garden mealy bugs love glass houses and plants growing near or under weather protection.
Mealy bugs multiply rapidly and will soon sap the life of a plant, causing distortion and stunted growth first. They are easy to squish with fingers or dab with a cotton bud dipped in methylated spirits. They have a slight waxy coating so anything that burns this off, such as meths, causes death by dehydration. Smothering with oil is also effective.

Mice: If they get into your home from the garden, smarten up your housekeeping to the point of being fanatical. Don't leave food out, put stored food in containers and empty the crumb tray of your toaster.
Deter mice with peppermint or eucalyptus oil – soak cloths or cottonwool and put where mice come in or have been. They tend to go around edges and under appliances, so concentrate your efforts there and if you have to lay traps, bait them with peanut butter, cheese, stiff porridge or bread.

Mildew, mould and fungus: Plants that are susceptible to mildew, such as peas, pumpkin, zucchini and cucumber can benefit from a milk spray. Use full-cream milk and spray every few days on the leaves until the mildew is under control.
If the small white patches of mildew are just starting, you should be able to catch it early and stop further spreading by using a diluted milk solution of equal parts water and milk.
If the situation is out of control, either remove the affected leaves or the whole plant and destroy it.
" Damping off" is caused by fungi such as Phtophtora and Pythium. Seedlings, like lettuce, suddenly collapse with the rot. Soggy conditions, overcrowding or too much peat in the mix can be the cause. Try letting the soil dry out on the surface in-between waterings, and even sprinkling a layer of sand on the surface.
Sand and a dry surface will also control "Fungus gnats." They are tiny little black midget type flies that crawl and fly around the surface of the soil. They lay their eggs and the larvae will damage seedling by eating their roots.
Chamomile tea is a fungicide. Prepare a cup of chamomile tea and allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Once cool it can be sprayed on the affected leaves, top and bottom.
Cinnamon powder sprinkled around plants and soil also controls fungus.
If you can make or buy good quality Compost tea, this is extremely beneficial. Compost tea balances the microbes and bacteria in the soil, thus fighting the disease organisms and providing active healthy organisms and fertiliser to strengthen plants and make them resistant to problems.

Moles: See Voles and Gophers. Moles eat insects and worms; they don't harm plants except by their earthworks.

Opossums: Opossum deterrents are many, with only anecdotal evidence that some work. Reliable tests do give credit to camphor to repel opossums. Mix natural camphor flakes or oil to a paste with something like Vaseline and rub around tree trunks, or put camphor in stocking leg or net bag and hang from a branch.
If opossums just love your garden and fruit and veggies, it may be worth your while to fence them out. Use floppy but strong chicken netting just under 90cm (3ft) high supported on lengths of fencing wire that are curved outward at the top so those cheeky possums just get swung around when then try to climb up. Bury the netting 20cm (8") in the ground.
For fruit trees put a smooth, wide metal collar around the trunk to stop them climbing up.
Keeping chickens nearby may also deter opossums.

Scale: It can be a shock to peer at a plant and realise that it's covered in black, brown or green scale. More of a shock will be when in a short while your plant starts turning up its toes in a stunted sort of way, so tackle scale as soon as you find it. Scale gathers on leaves and stems, sucking the life out of plants.
A black fungus called sooty mould grows on the sweet honeydew secretions from scale. This does the plants no good and looks awful. Ants also love scale honeydew and will aggressively farm scale to obtain as much as they can.
The odd scale can be scraped off with your nail, blunt knife or toothbrush. Always check a week or so later for any new ones.
Garlic fire spray also works, because it kills the crawling nymphs as well as smothering the waxy coated adults which permanently attach themselves to the plant.
Also mix 1/4 teaspoon of oil, 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 tablespoon mild liquid soap in two gallons of water. Spray or wipe on plants once a week for 3 weeks or until gone.

Slugs: Do a night patrol as for snails. The best time is dusk especially when it's damp or raining. Don't use your hand to pick them up — it's horrendous trying to get that sticky stuff off. Scoop them up with an old spoon, dump them in a bucket and scrape them out somewhere where they won't be a pest.
If there's nowhere else for them but kapow... give them a quick stamp with your shoe, or salt sprinkled on snails and slugs will kill them instantly. Go out in the evening with a flashlight and protect your plants!
Sprinkle crushed egg shells around vulnerable plants. Slugs and snails will avoid crossing the sharp shells and it will enrich your soil with calcium. Children like to help here, they love crushing eggshells. Keep them in a jar until you have enough to use.
Another dislike of snails is sand, which they do not like to cross. Put a band of fine sand about 1cm (1/4") high around the garden edge or base of plants.
Sprays like Garlic fire don't work with slugs and snails — they are mollusks, not insects

Snails: As for slugs mostly. Also put beer in a shallow pan in the garden to trap snails and slugs overnight. Vinegar in a shallow pan will do the same thing.
Orange or grapefruit halves hollowed and turned upside down placed around the garden will also attract snails and slugs. Go out in the morning to remove or deliver the coup de grace on those hiding under the peel.

Spider mites: There are unknown millions of mite species, many similar to thrips. In the garden the two-spotted mite is commonly called red spider mite because in the cold weather it changes from pale green with two red spots to orange/red, looking like a miniature red spider.
Like thrips, spider mites suck the chlorophyll from the leaves of plants. Spider mites leave white translucent spots of damage and no dark droppings. In heavier infestations a silky web is obvious, which is secreted by the mites to protect themselves from enemies and poisons. These webs can cover a whole plant.
Natural predatory mites are the best control, so having compost and mulch to encourage beneficial mites will keep the right balance. Spiders, parasitic wasps, lady bugs and lacewings also feed on red spider mites.
Use a soap spray to eradicate these critters. Spray plants weekly until mites are gone, then monthly to stop them from returning. Also see other sprays under Caterpillars.

Thrips: There is no singular word for thrips — such as a thrip. And look at one of their names Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis! So these horribly named beasties come by the gangload.
Microscopic greenhouse thrips rasp away on the surface cells of leaves and suck out their chlorophyll contents. The hollowed, air-filled cells then take on a silvery, tissue paper look. This later turns brownish and crinkly and there are dark spots of thrips droppings seen.
Some thrips also spread viruses, such as the tomato spotted wilt virus. Not nice.
Keep weeds down if troubled with thrips, as thrips overwinter in nearby ground foliage waiting for their favourite plants the next season.
Garlic fire spray trips thrips up and there are a number of predatory bugs native to different countries. Lacewing larvae are a good biological control also. See Beneficial Garden insects and creatures.

Voles: (Also see Gophers) Unlike Moles, Voles only eat roots and bark rather than insects and worms. Electronic gadgets were popular once for organic garden pest control, but apparently have little success on Voles, so you might have to resort to mouse traps if you're desperate. Bait traps with bread or stiff porridge, then lay the traps on the vole trails, cover each trap with a box with a hole (to stop birds and possibly other animals, and kids) and keep checking and moving and replacing until you win!

Whitefly: Windy conditions keep whitefly away temporarily, and also a strongish hose down will move them on. Detergent or oil coats their wings and stops them flying, so mix up approximately 1-2 teaspoons detergent to 1 litre (15oz) water, or half a cup of cheap salad oil to 1 litre water, with a dash of detergent. Spray all over infected plants, including underside of leaves if possible.
Whitefly are attracted to yellow. Get some sticky stuff, such as vaseline, castor oil, natural gum resin, or vegetable wax. Tie bright yellow plastic bag bits coated with sticky stuff to stakes, or smear a yellow plastic bucket, or paint a nearby board the brightest yellow you can buy.
If necessary shake the whitefly off the plants then watch as they land on the yellow traps and get stuck.

See how simple organic garden pest control is?

You're the owner of those veggies doggone it, not those garden pests. So mix up a batch of whatever you need now and may the luck be with you.
Even with natural ingredients, don't get sprays in your eyes, or even touch your eyes with your hands after mixing up concoctions. Label sprays well and keep out of reach of children.
Always remember your community spirit towards those that co-share your garden and surrounds. Sometimes you may have to learn to live with a little wastage for you and the planet to stay healthy.

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 13:20 编辑 ]
作者: liyuefu    时间: 30-6-2011 13:31
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 13:43

1 Give your plants a good spraying the day before applying pesticide to remove excess pests.
2 Mix in a bucket 1 gallon of water, 2 tbsp. of vegetable cooking oil, and 2 tbsp. of a de-greasing dishwashing liquid.
3 Pour the mixture into a water bottle and save the rest in a sealable container.
4 Dry off any wet leaves of the plant with a towel. Spray the mixture, so that it covers the crown of the plant down to 3 inches from the ground.
5 Lift the leaves of the plant and spray underneath.
6 Repeat the natural insect killer application every week.



[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 13:51 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 14:13

轮作:萝卜 ----->   茄子
      胡瓜-----> 葱-----> 扁豆
      茄子-----> 萝卜-----> 菠菜
      甘蓝-----> 甜菜-----> 莴苣-----> 萝卜

[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 16-8-2011 12:29 编辑 ]
作者: 格桑梅朵    时间: 30-6-2011 14:29





[ 本帖最后由 格桑梅朵 于 30-6-2011 14:30 编辑 ]

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