标题: 如果下次听到有人骂中国猪 请第一时间掏出手机 [打印本页]
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 19-3-2016 07:08
标题: 如果下次听到有人骂中国猪 请第一时间掏出手机
3月1日,微博叫@pp不休 的这位女孩坐英国维珍航空,从伦敦飞往上海。 飞机上发生的事件我们都已经知道了。
“我登机后开始寻找自己的座位,飞机上很空,当我找到座位坐好并开始弯腰寻找耳机的时候,一名50岁左右,身材肥胖的白人男子走向我,然后咬牙切齿的用手指着我的脸并恶狠狠地骂道:“You f*cking Chinese pig! Get the f*ck out of here!”
这样的场景如此的熟悉.. 英国是一个反对种族歧视的国家,写微博的时候看英国各种新闻网站,经常都会看到类似的事件报道… 每次都在英国上下引发了轩然大波…
2015年10月13日 – 伦敦公交车
那一天,一个视频在youtube上流传开来。 一名36岁的女子在公交上对一群穆斯林女性大声辱骂。
[size=14.6667px]【女子在伦敦公交车上骂其他乘客是”ISIS 婊子”被拍下】
[size=14.6667px]歧视者最后被告上了法庭,2015年11月13日,在这次事件发生的一个月后。 法院当庭宣判,判处她4个月的刑期,缓期18个月执行,赔偿被歧视者500英镑,的精神损失费,还要做60周的义务劳动。
2015年10月15日 — 伦敦公交车
[size=14.6667px]“你给我滚回土耳其。 ”
[size=14.6667px]他下车时抢走老人的助行器扔下车,然后大摇大摆的走了。 在整个过程中,车上没有人出手帮助那个老人。
[size=14.6667px]庆幸的是有人录下了视频传到了 YouTube上,他全过程言辞之强烈,让全英国人震怒。 一时间视频被观看了数百万次。 整件事情也开始被英国媒体报道,引起了各界人士的关注。
[size=14.6667px]整件事情发生不到1个月后的11月5日,这名男子以hate crime 被判处4个月的监禁。
2016年1月5号 – 英国火车
2016年3月 — 英国街头
[size=14.6667px]在英国,类似的种族歧视事件并不少见.. 但是类似上面的这些言辞恶劣事件,因为被拍下了现场画面,视频在社交媒体上传播、发酵。 让歧视者无从抵赖…
[size=14.6667px]让我们第一时间掏出手机…… 记录下这一切。
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 19-3-2016 07:08
作者: chubbycat 时间: 19-3-2016 08:06
@dcxg 发表评论于 2016-03-18 12:54:38
作者: chubbycat 时间: 19-3-2016 08:52
@dcxg 发表评论
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 19-3-2016 08:53
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 19-3-2016 08:53
作者: cwb1000 时间: 19-3-2016 10:36
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 19-3-2016 10:56
作者: sssddw 时间: 19-3-2016 11:23
作者: ayuanx 时间: 19-3-2016 15:58
本帖最后由 ayuanx 于 19-3-2016 15:12 编辑
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 19-3-2016 17:38
作者: ayuanx 时间: 19-3-2016 17:47
作者: wschun 时间: 19-3-2016 18:14
作者: chubbycat 时间: 19-3-2016 23:08
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Catherine Jones Uncle Freddy • 11 hours ago
She wasn't looking for her headphones she was trying to change seats before the flight took off and he told her not to (not a problem in my book as I moved seats shortly after). After an initial exchange they started arguing and it was more of a "did you hear what he said/she said to me" and she was swearing at him too". The airline staff told him that he would be removed from the plane if he continued to make trouble and did try to move him to another cabin but the other cabin was full. They told him that he need to calm down and leave her alone - he was acting aggressively but as soon as the plane took off he slept right through the the flight and never even left his seat which was at least 10 rows behind her. He also said he did have an illness but it wasn't a mental one. I was unable to hear a short exchange they had but she was equally aggressive at and swearing at him and they also told her to calm down because she was being disruptive - they both were. While he was out of order her account doesn't match up - she wasn't looking for her head phones as she was originally sitting at the other end of the cabin and that is not how the exchange started. To be fair when they spoke at one point I couldn't hear what they were saying and but I think the Virgin staff handled it well considering that thy didn't see any of it happen and but they were great for the rest of the flight. He did come across quite agressively in his manner but never looked as if he was going to be violent. It's just his voice was quite deep and he was a large man. And she gave back by yelling and shouting down the cabin. It was his fault arguing over nothing and while I can't confirm he wasn't racist (because I didn't hear everything) the way see is portraying it is comepletely different to how it actually happened - although I have only read this article and not her account so...
Catherine Jones Lois • 6 hours ago
I am not saying he wasn't being rude - he was and he started the argument and it was totally unnecessary , not am I claiming to have heard their whole argument. I am just pointing out that the account that I read on this article contradicts to some extent what I witnessed. And yes they were both told that if they continued to argue that they would be taken off the plane because they were both being loud and swearing while the plane got ready for takeoff
Tim Birch mr.wiener • 3 hours ago
For me this incident has highlighted several quite disturbing, and possibly global, social trends; the fact that in the plane (although sparsely occupied) only 2 onlookers offered support to deescalate, or balance the situation; the level of virulence and incitement whipped up and in hand the amount of media interest garnered by such an account of an incident of such minor magnitude.
An absolutely objective account is impossible to realise, which is why I have decided to post my account of the incident; although it will be different to everybody else’s, and will probably be different to what I actually observed (as is the nature of human memory); I was a close up witness and feel the need to contribute my version of events to help give anybody who is interested in the event a better picture and to also allow them to think about the evidence and subjectivity of such accounts and what conclusions they themselves should be willing to make based on these.
Before take-off. The lady moved back a few rows, just as an announcement was made that for take-off people should stick to their allocated seats. She was told to move back by the man and after a brief exchange was sworn at in an aggressive but quite covert way; he moved close towards her threateningly. No airline staff were nearby to witness. The lady reacted fairly; apparent shock and anger. The man then essentially baited her to repeat what he had said (‘oh really, what did I say then?’), whilst she was angered, and he allowed himself to appear composed, if not clearly amused. At this point the staff arrived, the lady was caught angrily swearing and urged to move away. This unfair interpretation by the authorities could have only increased the women’s distress and she tried to explain the situation but again in doing so ended up swearing quite loudly. There were young children around and this was the immediate situation that the airline crew had to deal with. At about the time the crew arrived to the scene the two passengers also stepped in and attempted to explain what had happened, in defence of the lady, aware of the misdirection by the man. The man then threatened one of the passengers, although this did not stop him from attempting to intervene, and as I understand he apologised to him (but not the lady) afterwards for his regretful behaviour.
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 20-3-2016 05:24
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 20-3-2016 05:24
作者: cwb1000 时间: 20-3-2016 09:51
看看黑人吧,就是要吵到他们看到我们避而远之。不需要他们尊重我们,很简单,因为我们也不会尊重他们。只需要他们leave us alone就行了,反正华人本来都是活在自己的圈子里。
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 20-3-2016 10:25
作者: chubbycat 时间: 23-3-2016 00:57
周星星 发表评论
作者: chubbycat 时间: 23-3-2016 00:57
@dcxg 发表评论于 2016-03-21 21:01:06
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 23-3-2016 06:50
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 23-3-2016 06:50
作者: Serin 时间: 23-3-2016 08:56
作者: jerrymayi 时间: 23-3-2016 13:22
作者: 周星星1832 时间: 23-3-2016 13:54
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